— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18794
I’ll come back, oh... don’t write yet, Mom pop-up windows reads


Wicked (22:36:52 1/08/2009)
Yes, I got the herring, but the grass and the water are with you!

Wicked (22:37:06 1/08/2009)
I’ve also got white, I have to try it.

Wicked (22:37:17 1/08/2009)
They say you end up beastly.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18793
About the Cat Sphinx:
I came to Kate yesterday, well, I say, show me a cat. I turned and talked to Leah. and Dasha. Then he turned: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I didn’t think I could scream so hard. Really was scared. I thought the cat: furry, small, sick. And there is such a stress... So they still say to me: Don’t scream, he’s scared! As if I am not afraid...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №18792
I want to tell you three very important words: I love you very much!
It is four words.
In other words, I hate mathematics.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18791
He wrote on the wall: “Russia for the Russians!” Then he recalled that he was a Tatar himself and wrote: "And the Tatars!" :)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №18790
It is necessary to add a section of basic quotes! Or you go on vacation - and now sit and look for where a grandfather on the green six came from...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18789
Serving in military unions.
The chief caught a drunk student on the stairs.
Their dialogue :
Q: Are you a student?
C: Not at all!
H is civil?
C: I am sure!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18788
Ya: Kumma is three years older than me, i.e. she is 36. She bought herself a saraphanchik such, bright, salad, up to the knees, with a wide belt. He sat down after washing.
Do you think she didn’t wear it? and st. with her figure.
Ya: We go to "Idea Style" her shirt to choose. Two under-drunk male creatures of middle age go side by side.
One to another: I can even see her trousers!
What is NDA? Thanks, or I was worried that I forgot to wear them.
Conclusion: Don’t try to upset an adult woman, she will do it for you. Well, when you’re 30, you already know yourself well.
Well when you’re 30 – you’re still not forgetting to wear trousers.

[ + -2 - ] Comment quote №18787
A cultural shock in our time is when you have sex with a twenty-year-old virgin.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №18786
It was during my student time in Tomsk. We and 2 boys rented an apartment and friends came to us constantly for beer and water.
Then came a friend, Sergey. They drank well, well, and it was time for him to go to the community, because it was closed at 12 a.m.
I ordered a taxi. 15 minutes later they came out of the entrance, a six-man stood next to him in the darkness. We approached the car, opened the back door, placed Serega and told the driver the address where to take a drunk friend. The car has gone, we are home, sleep out in front of the universe. The next day we came to the universe and Serega came, very badly looked at us and issued the phrase - "well you and swallows!!". We can’t understand anything and he told us.
He is in that car and he got hot, he tried to open the window and could not find the pen, communicated in the dark - there. Here he turned back and saw two police shirts. He moved forward and saw two men (a driver and next to him) with pursuits. Quickly trembling, he carefully asked them, “Uncles, where are you taking me?” Those, filled with laughter, answered: "Well where they said - there and we will go - to the South (South Square in Tomsk) to the general square No. 8". A few minutes passed, the mints rotted like horses,
Serena is not laughing. They came to the shelter, went out the driver, opened the door, said to Serege, not ceasing to roar: "Go out, come home." Serega carefully went out, saw his family and asked, "And how much do I owe you?" The mentions laughed even more and left. This is such an interesting student city Tomsk. and :)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №18785
On the agenda of the State Duma:
1st Banned Skype at the request of mobile operators.
2nd Prohibit cellular communications at the request of telephone companies.
Three Prohibit phone calls on mail request.
4 is ...

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18784
I called the elevator with a double click.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18783
Neurozx sadly remembered the times when by the melody of the call, one could recognize the model of the satellite.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18782
to this:
The eye travels. From it two good guys of the kind of the country jump out and... dumbly drag through the dirt their pipe.

Epta, 640 kg, two of us, pulling...
They did not translate into Russians toli richari, toli p...boli.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18781
I stand in the line, I look at the cashier... on the baggage: Fiona Love... And I think... Shrek?O O O O


[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №18780
O great internet, let me eat!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №18779
I heard on TV: angers me like the binoculars angered Kutuzov!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №18778
It was a long time ago, but was very pleased with the inscription "Who lost the mask" with a red mask (as it turned out later) on a concrete wall... And next to the inscription was a arrow, pointing to the wall-pulled mask in a somewhat "spotted" state, which was peacefully lying on the asphalt and waiting for its owner...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18777
Max is
You saw the flies exploding.
Max is
? to
No is
and what?
Max is
I just hit the food in the microwave heated up and there accidentally flew the flies....I so dumb fly flying and then on the mouth
Max is
Listen to work.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18776
by Roldo:
The game of chess,
by E2-E4.
H1 to N1.
I give up.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №18775
XX: Okay, we will walk along the shore, go down to the beach and swim there. I will swim quietly to you, cling to you, start kissing your lips, neck, chest. I can feel your torso. I will take you to the end and take you to the shore. What will you do then? and :P

Aspirin Aspirinich: Then I will drag you into the dressing room and rape you in the most perverse way.

XX: And I will scream and people will intercede for me. This is so. and :P

Aspirin Aspirinich: When I say that you are an employee of GIBDD, people will start to applaud me and morally encourage me, and whoever has been deprived of the rights, they will help you to get to the dressing room :-D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna