— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №69653
I just wanted to work - the boss came and ruined everything.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №69652
Alexander Ivanovich Kaznacheev, actual secret adviser, senator and honorary guardian of the Moscow Treasury Council, said:

When I was the governor of Odessa, I had the habit of walking around the city in the morning, and sometimes I went to the closest, most remote areas. One day, walking through one of the countless streets, I noticed on the long fence painted figures, sharply thrown into the eyes and thus violating the general prudence required by the charter of the city's charity. I called the police officer and ordered that the inappropriate painting of the unknown man be washed. But the stubborn marshal of the fence did not shrink. A few days later, walking through the same sidewalk, I saw again on the same fence a new work, and as to laugh, in wider and wider dimensions. This time I looked closer into the painting and, to my surprise, I noticed that in the contours of some figures was seen the perfect correctness and hardness of the artist’s usual hand, though far from strong. The embarrassing shalun aroused my curiosity, and I was interested in seeing him personally. After instructing the police officer to be careful about the offender, I ordered him to find his address and let me know. The next day, the address was delivered, with which I went in search of the mysterious artist. It was a 12-year-old boy. When my boy appeared, he was confused and bitter, and in order to encourage and place him near me, I praised his abilities and ordered to bring me all his drawings. The boy was pleased, took advantage of the invitation and a few days later came to me with his notebooks. When I looked at the drawings, they were so impeccable that I finally established myself in the assumption of the discovery of a remarkable artistic talent. Without wasting time, I took the boy with me, sent the drawings to St. Petersburg, and a month or two later sent him there, where he was accepted to the Academy of Arts as a student.

This was the future professor of painting, the best Russian mariner Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №69651
They brought the girl to school. For the money they married.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №69650
I just looked at my bookmarks in the browser.
pages by type "perfect hips for 4 weeks" peacefully coexist with "cake with almond", "double chocolate cake" and so on.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №69649
Curiosity Killed the Cat.
When to land on Mars or later?
1: Actually it was a proverb such, in translation "Curiosity and the cat lost", but your version I like ;-)

[ + 37 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №69648
In the past month, I had to contact the Russian Post twice. Once awaited a package from Moscow, the second - a banderol from Peter. I live in the far north. After reading these terrible stories about the Russian Post on your internet, I was prepared to expect the worst.
I found the notification about the shipment from Moscow 2 weeks after placing an order in the online store. I went to the post office waiting for a long line. There was only one person in the department. I turned to the empty window with the question where I can get the package, to which the young and smiling operator replied: "Let me give you it". Polite and jokingly, my package was handed over to me and in 5 minutes I left the office in a very elevated mood. I wrote it all down to the fact that I came in the day when everyone was working, I myself was walking the last days of vacation at that moment.
Banderol from Peter went about a week. I followed her after work. Yes, now it was the turn. 3 people on 2 windows. I got a banderol in 10 minutes, again I was polite and smiling served, and that given the fact that I came without notice, just on their tracker site saw that the banderol came. The message, by the way, I discovered the same day, returning from the mail.
The question is: what did I do wrong?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №69647
It is written on your forehead:
I am the perfect wife, but I will not.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №69646
X: Noot is a thing
Y: I want myself. My dad said he would buy in 2 courses. In the second class, I can buy myself.
X: from where?
My mother is cursed.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №69645
from RU Trevel. About the airports.

xxx: The time for the opening of the gate has come, the gate is not opened, everything is shorter as usual. 90% of passengers are in line.
Everyone has built up and stands waiting for them to be launched to certain places that no one else can occupy.

Yyy: We had so much fun at DME when our flight was postponed. We approached the random gate in three and after 5 minutes there was a man 30 behind us) Then we went to the next.)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №69644
XXX: Well, so I am studying anatomy) Latin on Friday
How often do you speak Latin?
XXX: You ask as a doctor about constipation...)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №69643
I have an idea. On New Year's shows to school-age children show scenes in which, for example, Spider-Man, Batman, Hulk, Iron-Man and others are bored by blue. Olympic system, then the final. It solves many disputes. At the end, Ivan Tsarevich fuck the winner with a sword. Because you are here.

[ + 48 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №69642
"Don't go away, passports are taken at least for a week, or even for two, before the wedding and given back during the ceremony. School of Heroes.

A married man.”

You’re not a fool either, uncle. No one, except the police, has the right to withdraw the passport in general, neither the rental nor the ZAGS. The passports are taken directly before the ceremony, solely to put the stamps while the solemn part is going.

A twice married man. and :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №69641
CHC: (working as a teacher): Get a certificate from the police, a certificate from a psychiatric hospital and a certificate from a narcological clinic - this is the PRICE for teaching children today.
ZZZ: When I think of my teachers, I regret that no one was obliged to receive such certificates before!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №69640
I have some apathy.
xxx: I am playing games
xxx: set up
XXX: I don’t play
I feel like a smoker who, by habit, pulls out a cigarette, lies in his mouth, but does not burn.
I have heard of this disease.
YYY: It could end badly.
You can stop playing.
YYY: This is
I heard even girls can get married.

[ + 37 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №69639
My husband went to work after the wedding.

HGH: Congratulations to you! Advice for Love!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? to
Wow, I say it is all.
HH: What happened?
WOW: It happened that this idiot only in the door of the Zagsa remembered that he rented a suit, and left his passport in bail!
Fuck... Fuck...
WOW: That’s what I said before I fuck him with my bouquet.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №69638
Potency, from a physical point of view, is just a struggle of gravity and pressure.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №69637
We sit with a girl in the kitchen. for the background is playing our radio"... delay the salary... we sit we think it would last until the end of the week... we thought it was counted, it is very little... we are upset... and here the radio burned "aaaaaa..we live to die tomorrow!"

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №69636
Listen, and go to the Military and Space Academy. A. F by Mozart :D
I'll be in one city :R
A military space academy? Hm...
YYY: The cosmopolitan?? to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №69635
Decided in which century to read the novel of Irvin Wales "On the Needle / Trainspotting".
I bought a book from a boxer at a trade fair for 80r.
I chose a day, freed myself from affairs, bought all kinds of Germanic, sat down to read.
This is, fucking a notebook! The Block!! All pages are empty! A stylish cover...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №69634
I never thought that if an emergency car approaches the entrance with a scratch, and an entire brigade of sanitary technicians carry out the entrance with their eyes opened, throwing tools on the road, it is even worse than a fire truck.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna