— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116993
Why is your cat not like your owners?
He is receptionist.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116992
News: We patrol a trio with California police in the face of officer Jacobs.

Officer Jacob and officer Nescafe

Oh God, what a joke.

xxxh: this is I still about "Jacobs - three in one" joke stunned )))

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №116991
= = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Under my balcony a aunt walks in a giant hollow chicken shirt and shirt. The Russian beauty, Karl.
I remind you, Sevastopol City, August, on board +32. I understand that it was cold after yesterday’s storm, but not so much.
= = = is = is = is = is = is
Quiet, only quiet, this is not an open-door day at Huthor, but just a promotion of some approaching fur fair. (Hutor Petnicki - our city psychiatric hospital)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116990
In my eyes, on August 2 at the crossroads, the Mazda and Honda clashed :) the aircrafts (from both cars) hit each other's hands, hugged each other and departed on different sides :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116989
Sometimes it seems that the Russian government is playing a heroic strategy of the type of Civilization.

The people rebelled? Increase the influence of the church. Leave the zombies.

Does the population not grow? Prohibition of foreign condoms.

Captured a piece of foreign territory? Start propaganda about fascists!

Has the world begun to get upset? We prepare for isolation, limit the import of food. Let us say that these are counter-sanctions.

There is one problem. The strategies are not people, but units.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116988
I’m sitting with my iPad in the innet, suddenly accidentally calling Siri voice assistant (s), and she’s waiting for my command. Well I say to her "close"
S: It’s not very beautiful.
I’m sorry, but please close.
S: Don’t worry, it’s okay.
But it never stopped, the infection.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116987
xxx: Yesterday, I finally got a monopod with AliExpress.
yyy: Hipster Vasily made a great selfie with a new one-legged.
YYY: And I put it in a fast-track.
Zzzz: Ughu, and I immediately got 2000 morals! Hurra my comrades!! to
XXX: You are in the shit.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116986
My husband has fulfilled his childhood dream today.
Finally, he pushed his finger into the working fan.
As a result, the cut to the bone, the blood sheds, and he is pleased,
He said, “I have dreamed all my life.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116985
Are you sitting on the Fedora?
Yuri: No, before there was a sweetener, then it became lazy and I moved to kubunta
One day, I decided to pick up a toy. I searched and collected the libraries for two weeks. Twice I went to FF. I played the toy for two days.
Tim: Has this experience been useful?
Yuri is yes. I changed the distribution.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116984
* Conversation on the photo of the questioning enot

Maya: He will ask for anything.

by Vladimir:
I am a trained cat. Today, this cattle was so upset that it shouted like a tarzan with a complaining mouth.
Reason 1: He has to eat. At the same time, half of the day he ignores me stupidly in the morning - like I feed his bad food (and my mom bought some experimental bags). And as normal goes, I can also demand them. I don’t care, I don’t care about the kitchen.
Reason 2: Eat and drink. Moreover, this cattle does not drink from the bowl, but you give him the fine water, the running water. At the same time, he just doesn’t want to drink from the crane, he doesn’t want to – he needs a pot. That is, sit and hold a hand or a phone.
I have nothing more to do than make a cat fancy in the morning. I told him that. So what do you think? He took the sleeping parents hostage and said that if I don’t drink him, he’ll wake them up.
Well, I poured him into a bowl of water, brought this majesty to the bowl and tried to show him what to drink here. So this animal, in sacred horror, rested on its limbs, as if I had gathered in this small bowl to melt it.
But as soon as I let him go, he changed his attitude toward water and his parents. Water is naphid. Parents are protectors. Especially the sofa.
You are speaking of a miserable man.

by Maya:
It is great)))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №116983
The boys in the Duma speak unwritten, so that the foolishness of everyone can be seen. ~ Peter I
It just became interesting, if we apply this to our state Duma, will their speeches be very different from the “master of the oratory art” of Klitschko?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116982
Even if Peskov has a clock worth a few million, there is nothing surprising about it. It is pleasant when people start to count the money of managers. How do people imagine a situation in which rich capitalists will be ruled by poor officials? It’s like believing in the election or in Santa Claus.

*** by
A good attempt, dear patriot. But not.

In this slim theory does not fit the bad Obama with clocks for 400 backs.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116981
Or the machine of time was invented, but everyone in a row was not allowed to use it, and in the 20-21 centuries in general quarantine, and for attempts to drive there translucidated, this is the same time of mass disturbance, the infection will be brought from there. Or traveling in time requires low costs, and simply by "go for tea" no one ran out to spend an annual salary on electricity.

*** by
You are all so inventive. They are cute in their naivety.

Third World War, and it is the last.
It was quiet, calm and without any inventions.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116980
Talk about the grandmother in the bus.
My daughter is so crazy in the buses that they stop smiling, and they are not happy at all that they caught the girl. She doesn’t ask them about anything... and why, she says, you have such a red mask, because you are old and terrible, you want to be more beautiful? And it’s with such a compassionate face... She’s really worried about grandmother...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №116979
My little niece saw a cat give birth. Then he tells:"The big chicken lay down and the small chicks escaped from it, escaped"...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116978
From the smartphone:
The screen is bright, but it was not possible to check in the sun - Peter...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116977
I was 7 years old then. Dad took me to fishing... Can you imagine how I was dressed for fishing in the 90s? Tulip from grandfather, valleys 16 sizes larger, trousers, bamboo triangle under the mouse... In general, like a washing machine. We go to the river and collect worms. Stop in the empty, let’s forge a bunch. We forge-forge, here because of the bump appears Ledi... Soppy to the ground, fingers yellow, procured, a coat on the bosom chest, smells at once all the body fluids, a romantic of a large road with experience, raises on us the sorrowful eyes of the basset-hound and issues: "what, look for food too?". Since then, even the grave hole has been excavated in a clean...

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116976
Obviously is:

I don’t really understand the meaning of the penalty for the belt. Yes, man is taking risks. He is also possibly a smoker, an extreme climber, does not exercise in the morning and eats a lot of fat and fried. They only pay a penalty for the belt. Other violations are stopped because they are dangerous to others. And here? In the event of an accident, a glass can be broken off on the forehead and someone can cut in pieces?
— — — —
It is not just about your safety. At a severe impact, (not necessarily a frontal), being unchecked, you will not hold the steering wheel in your hands and your feet on the pedals, and your car will turn into an uncontrollable projectile weighing a ton that can fly into other cars, into pedestrians on the sidewalk or take off a cliff / bridge / imprint in the wall, wiping off the chances of your passengers to survive. And if attached, there is still a chance that you can turn or slow down. Is it really so hard to "sharp"?

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116975
Why is it that no one is going to write here, what has finally happened!!!Comrades, all goes according to plan!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116974
Everyone talks about the weather in Peter, but nothing bad is heard about the weather in Helsinki.

In 1993, I glued the bandages in several layers on the wiped pad of old shoes and walked two seasons. And here the depths of hell suddenly... the iPhone is expensive, and you don’t want to work... shoot yourself at the bottom of the nose.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna