— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116973
The father, looking from the street to the lifted and beautifully glazed balcony, made a compliment:
Now your apartment is the No. 1 object for thieves.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №116972
There is no crime that is not committed by a democratically elected government on behalf of the people.

[ + 48 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116971
Here is what I will tell you:

First a little prehistory. If you don’t know, I live in Russia.
1) Four years ago, I decided to start saving money and put 10 thousand rubles a month on the book. I came, all arranged, took the bookbook, and at the exit found that I did not give the money. Ten thousand in my pocket. They were lying. He returned and gave the money. No thanks or thanks.
2) Three years ago decided to buy an apartment, filed the documents on the mortgage, approved under 1,499%. Everything in the documents was correct, the notary checked. I went to the bank and talked to the girl who gave me these documents (naturally she was wrong, well with whom it does not happen) everything corrected, did as it should be 14.99%. The apartment was not taken naturally. She apologized, but did not even say thank you.
3) In the past year, I went to the store to buy a smartphone - they issued and did not take the money again (at the time it was worth 15 thousand. and rub) The next day I remembered that I didn’t pay and went back to pay. If they remembered me, and that I bought something from them... they didn’t thank me.
4) Last week went to the gas station to pour gasoline for the last 200 rubles. Instead of 200 rubles, I got 200 liters of gasoline. By the time I approached the car, there were already 35 liters. He pulled out the gun. He went to the box office and informed the cashier of his mistake. I explained that I had no money, the cashier was silent, and the administrator demanded to give it immediately, and also threatened to put it on the blacklist. It was a pity that the woman made a mistake. S/P then gave her an unfortunate thousand. I took her back with a stone face as if I owe her something.

I know there are a lot of letters. But here is the main question... am I bad? In your opinion, I had to break from a penny to a penny all these people just n@#bath?
It just boils, you can squeeze...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116970
Now the first question at Peskov’s press conference: “What time?”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116969
Other violations are stopped because they are dangerous to others. And here? In the event of an accident, a glass can be broken off on the forehead and someone can cut in pieces?
Well, the type in case of a strong but non-fatal blow, the fastened can hold control, and the fastened will lose immediately by hitting the steering wheel and the car will fly to add new victims.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116968
This is:

xxx: Rabz, how gently and correctly to explain to a colleague that I hate him, the dumb dumb dumb?

"I feel such a personal resentment to the victim that I cannot eat..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116967
The most outraged women with a beard at Eurovision were men with breasts.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №116966
We have one employee who is remarkable by the fact that she is not annoyed at all with her idiotic colleagues, her idiotic bosses, or their idiotic tasks. He sits so quietly and does his job.
We once asked her about the secret of her tranquility. The answer struck everyone. She does wombilding in all such situations.
xxx: Everyone is angry, and she sits quietly and the vaginal muscles are pumping. Now we look at her table with reverence, because underneath it there is tireless work. And judging by the fact that the office became twice quieter and quieter, half of the employees were also interested in wombilding.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116965
>> Because what a woman wants, God sincerely wants!
“I don’t know where you read it, because I’ve heard a different story about how God threw a man and a woman under his ass (thank you, by the way!) from heaven after she wanted something there.

Maybe he’s been looking for a reason for a long time.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116964
XXX: Guys, please tell the title of the film (the description is this: There was an atomic war, but no one understood that it was and the man 6 had time to hide in the basement to the old man, he fed them there with beans, and he fed his own supplies with food, then he was burned roughly speaking and took food, and it ended with the fact that one grandmother survived and saw that everything was in ruins)

YYY: Irony of fate or with light steam

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116963
On the TV about protected rosettes:
"The child will not even be able to penetrate dangerous places with a clutch."
and Dad:
"A stupid child..."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116962
Only you will understand me! I don't know where it came from, but I had the habit of breaking the width before entering the cabin.
Recon105: KMM... So far by
Catman: You can guess! Here today - I go to the bathroom, well, in the evening, as usual, I stretch out on the go and get. I open the door of the cabin, and there is a guy sitting... And I am like that with a member in my hand...Stupor! Pause... And you know what thought was in my head?
Recon105: Music from the blue oysters?
Catman: The brother! )))))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116961
My six-year-old daughter was very surprised to learn that man came from a monkey because she thought monkeys came from humans.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116960
Onishchenko believes that the ban on the state procurement of foreign condoms in Russian hospitals could help us solve the demographic problem.
Yyy: I already see the headlines)))
yyy: "It is a sensation! The client of the women’s consultation flew from the ultrasound device!"
The future is here, the biorobots will capture the world :)

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №116959
That the original was only "meat" man
It is...

According to the legend, in 3-7 years in the flesh person completely renewed all cells.
This means that when you wake up every morning, you are no longer a little bit of yourself.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116958
Lexus has developed a flying skateboard.

Scuco, we have arrived in 2015!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116957
green: I understood what the hoops at the beginning of the phrase say "E"
green: they want to open quotes to write a string in them, but they forget to switch the layout

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116956
Meeting in the metro with a beautiful girl.
xxx: Girl, in the moscovite turmoil you look so calm and peaceful, can you find out your secret behind a cup of coffee?
Yyy: Do you listen to the Leningrad group?
Xxx :? They have one mat, there is nothing to listen to.
YYY: Then we have nothing to talk to you about.
She came out with a stone face, and he went to the shower.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116955
here here :
Onishchenko: Refusal of foreign condoms disciplines Russians
– – – – –
It is a pity that he and his parents did not use condoms.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №116954
A glamorous brunette comes to the IT department.
We don’t have mail!
WOW: Natalia, we have a server failure, the mail does not work at the entire company, we are working on this.
The whole company??? Everyone is aware?
WOW: I guess it is.
HH: You don’t know for sure! Send a message to everyone by mail!
WOW:.... (what is the point)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna