— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142234
- "Hormonal therapy" Genially
Harmony is everywhere. Simply around
The word harmonist has a new meaning.
This is a doctor :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142233
The two-megawatt wind generator requires 260 tons of steel, which takes 170 tons of coke and 300 tons of iron ore. All of them are mined, produced and transported by machinery based on fuel chemical energy. Until the moment of transition to a non-repairable state, the wind generator will simply not produce enough energy to compensate for the energy spent on its production. It is'
sss: #fizika_besserdechnaya_suka
CHC: So is it. Constructive proposal: What if we were slaves?by 7?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142232
xxx: find the real meat in the board))
WOW: I know people like that – they will find meat in the breadth, and then they will cry: Oh rats, Oh bats.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142231
Once in my childhood I was almost obsessed with the devil, because at the age of eight I suddenly began to like horror films, and in the church I was capricious, I was crying.

My grandmother, who led me to the same church, was simply discouraged - to say, this is what the life-giving cross does, in the child some kind of wickedness sits, and nobody knows! Urgent injections of holy water, prayer and a cross on the pulse, the avos will bring the attack!

In short, there were a lot of conversations with parents, different theories that were put forward, where they did not follow up with education, and recipes from the RPC. To me the questioning row never reached, and over time everyone has more or less accepted this my oddity, and no one has ever learned that in fact, in the unhealthy passion for horror movies was partially to blame the grandmother herself.

The fact is that I stayed with her every Saturday, and on Sunday we went to work from morning. When I fell asleep at eleven in the evening, I slept exactly an hour before my grandmother went to bed. Her wild snoring woke me up like a stroke of pollen on my head, and I was embarrassed to crush her and ask not to snore. Since the apartment was one-room, and there was nowhere to get away from this sound, in the end, I quietly turned on the TV, where the horrors just started, and until the morning asked a movie marathon, shaking under the blanket. Grandma was up at six, and I had time to turn it off and pretend to be asleep. Then, at seven o'clock, I was "wake up", fed breakfast and dragged to the church, where there was a monotonous drum of popes, under which I slept very well. I was not allowed to sleep, I was capricious.

Maybe I should have given this explanation to my parents when I was a child, but who would have asked me?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142230
I served in the Israeli army. We are full of religious bearded guys.
The day before the war in Iraq, everyone was forced to shave. Well, like the anti-gas, they were waiting for an Iranian attack.
it was some type of writer.. you go and half of the people on the base you can't recognize in the backdrop.. and I only managed to serve on this base for a week at the time.. I didn't always recognize everyone with the beards.. thank God I wasn't the only debboeb who went and asked everyone "and you were the type who". Well, or called the cell phone, looked at the sides who took the phone and grabbed what accidentally hit :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №142229
I saw someday a voting guy, let me think, I will drive myself a penny, I will save a person time, we will go, we will talk, I will miss on the lighting of the passengers going suddenly my passenger rises out of the window and as a whirlwind:

So, move faster than the bad menta.

I just fell into a stupor, the ppsnickers were also squeezed, turned around, saw who was screaming and then the rust began, this guy turned out to be their former colleague, I also squeezed, but since then I have not taken companions.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142228
About the times, about the morals.
Kids on the Street: "Who is the Last Anal Traffic!"
And fled...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №142227
xxx: I am so poor that as long as I am accumulating money for the right thing, it is removed from production.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142226
<ry> Sometimes it seems to me that the parents bought the monoblock then to continue to call the monitor a computer, but to be right.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №142225
Once again I am convinced of the old saying: a gun, a horse and a wife, I will not give to anyone.
222: The woman can give herself
The horse too.
444: Here is the gun and it will be useful

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142224
I agreed with my grandmother's neighbor that I would come and cut her grass on the lawn next to the house. has arrived. My grandmother took my electric hair and cuts. It does not (

By the way, my grandmother didn’t give her hair for two days until she broke it.

Grandmothers are like that.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №142223
Of stability in the country, as a rule, it says in what currency, and the banks of which states the ruling elite keeps its capital, and about the education system - in which universities the children of the same elite study.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №142222
It is good to be a man. They live somewhat easier.

Here, out, winter on your nose, and you are already walking, looking with anxiety at the prices in the shoe shops, touching a shirt coat, and not even looking into the fur salon: you understand that the post-last-year half-shirt of a painted rabbit is still very even nothing. And on the exhausted shell, pockets can be squeezed. This is the type of designer discovery. Cakes in the ass. Very stylish and youthful. Where to get money? All normal babies, out, put on new boots, and you sit, cry and envy. The pocket on the ass.

And the men? I changed my summer tyres for winter tyres, and that’s all. You can continue to drink beer.

She has been treating her broken heart for years. All the girlfriends will tell about the underdog, then will be gathering forces for six months to throw his toothbrush out of the house - his hand does not rise. Then all his gifts in a bag will be gathered, and on anthrax will be stuck. The letter will be written kilometers away and will not be sent. Finally, remove his number from the phone book. But it is only in a few years.

And the men? The grandmother dropped - went swollen, bought a prostitute, avenged, and forgot. A woman and a prostitute. You can continue to drink beer.

A woman does not fit in a dress - it is a disaster! It is immediately and kefir diets, and to the gym running, and to the endocrinologist: and suddenly with hormones something? It cannot be launched! It is in six months as a chicken pound for ten, and you have already eaten summer shrimp for the next year, and you will not enter them! A panic panic!

And the man will go, buy his pants two sizes larger, break a new hole in the belt, and you can continue to drink beer.

If a woman plans to have sex, she will be preparing for it for two weeks. She runs to hair removal, to the solarium, to buy beautiful underwear, new perfumes, dresses, shoes, eyebrows, to paint her hair, to make a lay-out, and even to rehearse before the mirror unforced crystal laughter.

If a man is planning sex, the only thing he will do is come to him. He will drink beer.

When a woman is asked, “Oh, clay jeans! Where did you buy?” - it should name a decent store, and the date of purchase, not exceeding six months.

When a man is asked, “Where did you get the jeans?” - he can calmly answer, "Yes, I'm not fucking, he's already eight years old," and will continue to drink beer!!! to

Of course, men are all sorts. There is also a subtle mental organization, and sex is trepidant, and in the wardrobe they, instead of their favorite stretched sweater - hang three smokings and a very fashionable Hugo Boss coat, and instead of beer they drink cognac. Very rarely. And on a date come with flowers, and your new dress will notice, but only they are all long and happily married, and what about them to say then?

I’m not talking about men now. How hard it is to be a woman.

I was in the store today. I wore a blue coat. The draper was good, and the valuable was six-digit. I thought and went home to drink a beer. After all, I differ from a man only in the shape of a chromosome.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №142221
Russia is a country where patriots with dual and triple citizenship, whose children were at home for the last time at least 10 years ago, declare the fifth column and agents of the State Department of those who have lived all their lives in the suburban province of Russia, openly express dissatisfaction with the size of wages and pensions of the overwhelming majority of citizens!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142220
He had bronchitis. Prescribed bronchicum and terpincode. One is made up of 90% ethanol and the other is made up of codeine. was sick? Spread and spread! Life is beautiful!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142219
xxx: shit, need a detail one to the old player, no one sells anymore. Can I print it on a 3D printer?
HH: Although... too hemorrhoid. It is easier to remove aluminum.
WOW (monotonous, not breaking away from the comp): of iron.
WOW (not changing the tone): the pebbles will then be picked up with a magnet.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142218
x: the boss had a good sense of humour =) he now writes Enter on the papers with a pencil, if everything is right and you can send and Esc, if there is a crack or rejection =)
x: let’s go through it all the office =) and when I saw that he marked out the name of the client and another, which was not changed and below signed Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V respectively, I realized that he wasn’t as pidaras as everyone thought!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142217
DrZombi: When will hackers be able to enter the Red Square on Victory Day and walk in the hands of laptops? and :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142216
On the weekend, there was a small debris in my apartment. The visible consequences were eliminated by the arrival of the mother. But not about them. Some people now know there is no hot water. And I just couldn’t refuse dear guests to accept the soul. And here, in fact, one of the guests decided to wash the cowards, good, with them were clean.
Washing is washing. And safely forgot them on the tube in the bathroom.
Well, I waited until the cowards were more or less dry, and hid them away from sin, namely in my bag. Even in the bag pre-wrapped and flashed on the bag, of course.
I went into my room yesterday... and I see: the cowards carefully hanged on my chair... I watched... the Fathers of the Holy Fathers, and they are still wiped out!!! to
My grandmother, however, was burning... the attack of nervous laughter in me continued for half an hour.
She didn’t say anything to me!! Probably so that I’t find out that she’s climbing on other people’s bags... And so, I put a silent reproach...
Now I think as if she didn’t drop her mother...
The poor grandmother. Heaven, I invented myself unknowingly what...
I am poor 😉

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142215
A friend went to the Lower. lives in the community.from morning sms:

"That is the milk. My neighbor is gone and I live alone. I forgot to close the door for the night... the cell phone was not touched... the player was left... and the pelletry was sprinkled... the pelletry was...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna