— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142093
Here you sit in front of the computer on the internet and think: what is this good website making money? No gram of advertising, no hints at all - a clean sheet and naked information. But one day, I don’t know why, I forgot to update Adblock in my browser. I’ve never expected to see so much ‘naked information’ on my favorite sites even in expectation!!! to

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142092
It was dark and people could not see where to go. Then the brave Danko decided to show everyone an example, broke his chest, pulled out his burning heart and went.

“Oh!” the people thought. They broke each other’s breasts and broke each other’s hearts, so that each could go where it pleases.

This is how this proud tribe disappeared.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142091
I bought a set of wires at FixPrice. I used a couple and cleaned it.
My mom found them today. I made a sofa with them.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142090
The New Time Proverb:
Why do you think so much about my education and your rights? Think about your education and my rights.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142089
If everyone followed the protocol and common sense, the number of catastrophe films, terrorists and other horrors would be reduced by 99.9%.
yyy: * wakes up in the hospital, sharply breaks out the catheters from the veins*
* dying because they were quite important medicines*

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142088
The deceitful person sorts things before washing.
I knew one girl who was soaking her white underwear with her socks and washing her children’s clothes with her male.
I don’t pretend to be condemned, but in my universe ALL things come out of the machine in ONE state: clean. Child and male. Socks and a towel. Are you different? Should your socks remain dirty even after washing?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142087
Let’s combine the discussion of washing socks and the branch about mushrooms!

During his student years, one of his comrades in a common laundry washed his socks. and forgotten. On all of this, strange mushrooms grew - thin, in the hair, leg and round little hat thickening. Comrade was reminded of washing with the phrase "the enzymes have grown in you". There was then fashion on powders with bioadditives-enzymes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142086
Experience shows that documentation is written for users and read by competitors.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142085
OracleLover> How to make a child obey you without resorting to violence?
The usual set - bribery, blackmail, fraud, threats.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142084
We didn’t get into your policy until you used it on our internet.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142083
Those who get up late are better off sleeping.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142082
The Winter. The morning. Construction of a gas pipeline. It is bright, but there are also reflectors and lights. Against the uneven structure of workers and masters in new orange helmets stands the chief engineer of the office, in a white helmet on the fur armor.

Behind it a small, twelve-ton pipeline with an expanded arrow. The hose of the pipeline is half-lowed and slightly swirled by the wind.

Snoring from the permeability and the constant oath of the voice, the main, habitually screams the pipe and whisper of the wind. He is lecturing on industrial safety. A light frost at minus twenty-four. One degree is missing. Those who flew out of the main word freeze and fall on the still clear morning snow.

In the cabin of the pipeline carrier is a poorly awakened machinery driver. There is warm. He is asleep and does not notice that he is a little "missing", gradually grinding his hook.

- Today, my dear ones, on the track General of the State Gortechnadzor. And if one of you, a fox, is noticed by them without a helmet, then his comrades will bury in this trunk without any excavator, using a keil and a toothbrush. And the one who thinks that a helmet on the track is not necessary, let him say immediately, in order not to torture comrades, I will explain everything to him popularly with the help of the hands, - the chief shows the structure, hidden in a fur gloves, - and I will show very intelligently on examples...

at this time. Hunted by another wind blow of the pipeline. Carefully ticks the head on the white helmet. in the back. Gak is small, but heavy. The main falls.

The people are staring at the main circus with examples of industrial safety.

- Approximately in this way, - the slightly contured chief rises up and removes the helmet, in order to scratch the broken spot, - and there would be no helmet...

He spreads his hands to the sides and lowers his head, showing with all his appearance the hopelessness of being when without a helmet. He cannot negotiate. The fucking jack. Submitting to the next momentum of the wind beats the main right in the forehead. and easy. This time, the principal doesn’t even fall, but just rolls.

“Without a helmet,” he concludes his lecture, “it would have been much more painful. And some who now have me, regardless of the helmet, jump to an accident at work.

And under the friendly rust of the people who are diverging on the cars climbs into the cabin of the pipeline maker. A sleeping driver.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142081
Did you sleep with my wife?
A minute, I’ll look at it now. Yes I slept.
I am dissatisfied.
A minute (the notebook is listed). I too...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142080
I have a pop Merkel.
YYY: is it tired?
XXX is fucking
XXX is frozen
XXX: The Telephone

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142079
This is a diary in images, Pushkin's visual commentary on himself, a special record of thoughts and feelings, a sort of report on people and events.

And in fact, Alexander Sergeevich simply thoughtlessly painted on the fields, when he did not want to listen to the needy "thin" knowers of creativity, who told him what the author of a work wanted to say, and what the pictures on the fields mean.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142078
Fuck, why are you so fucking like people who are completely unfamiliar with you wash their socks? Wash yours as you want. Get away from the strangers.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142077
I go to the market.
In the fruit department I see the price "FENEKY VYALENY". On the machine: why in the fruit department and not in the meat?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142076
That’s why jeans with twisted hips and straight knees are fashionable, and if you wipe out or break through your ass – go home and change your clothes?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142075
About the socks. One day I didn’t regret the money and bought 100 pairs of identical black socks.
I thought they would finally stop playing mahjong "find a pair".
After two or three washes:
Grey, black, brown, dark red and even green.
Everything is painted before it is sold.
And in length also - part of the village, part stretched.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142074
Interesting stories of grandmothers.

In Zakarpatya (Ukraine) there is a village in which very many twins are born. It is believed that the water there is healing (selenium contains, and he, like, contributes to twins).

And here the girls from the tourist group actively collect water from a healing source, and the local grandmother tells them:
This is not a matter of water, girl. The main thing is that the man is wicked.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna