— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 110 - ] Comment quote №7625
You are finite fools, who spend time on a shit comp and at the same time also be proud, I read some other nonsense from the base about the admins, that they belong to their number. Your life is not interesting, you are doing the same thing... no experience, no prospects... Look around idiots.

This is a website for admin and programmers. And they write all kinds of funny things here, usually about the youths. Thus e. of Daoons like you. But you don’t understand it, because it’s not your IQ. Therefore, you should read fishki or In the shadow of a hat.

Plus, I forgive you...

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7624
This is the Nikon D700. There is Wi-Fi and a 640x480 display. The first commentators did not begin to discuss the characteristics, but began to think about how to put the line there.

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №7623
ADM: Now you just have to marry my brain!!! to

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №7622
Bite the secretary. He said that in the full moon she would be a Sisadmin.
I was really scared)

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №7621
Transilvania is at work in a dilemma. How to name a child if the paternity is Ajasovna (Ajasovich)?

Stenly name the child Hu

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №7620
The HeavenLion:
> It turns out, (properly tower) racked up in Houston.
>Interestingly, when it falls, the odmines don’t ring and scream "Houston, we’re in trouble!and "

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №7619
Horoscope for July 7-13:
The Lion. The week is favorable for developing the talents laid in you from birth. So that the inspiration does not leave you, be more in the fresh air, breathe the scents of autumn and enjoy the beauty of the dimming nature. and etc. O_O

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №7618
> Sometimes I feel like I’m a Druid =(
< in the meaning?
> They also talked to trees

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №7617
My friend is a fan of fighting for the rights of pedestrians, hates when drivers violate the rules, always quarrels with them, etc. We walk with him once on the sidewalk, behind the audio signal - it is clear that the driver decided to cut in order not to stand in the traffic jams. A friend goes to the lawn without saying a word and misses the car. I ask him why, I said, you are so quiet today. He, innocently smiling: "There are meters through thirty turns and steps"

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №7616
Aniutka: Well, the brother is a mystery for intelligents. They gave me 18 cents in a box and told me to buy the batteries. What there?
Tagged: vibrator
Sashok: The Vibrator
Xaoo98: The Vibrator
Andrew: a rocket from Mars in a titanium armor
Tagged: vibrator
Aniutka: idiots stupid... so I knew you had one in your backyard (( PS - Andrew Rispective ;)

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №7615
Livinforever: My mother has a hatch from the Reichswehr...
And I fucking strive every time this infection echoingly asks if I closed the session...

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7614
XHHH: Give up, here earnings through the inets offered a type of social question. They send you a questionnaire, you fill out and send, and you are transferred money. A little, but not dirty.
YYY: What is the seat?
xxx: I started to fill out the registration, and there is a need for the address and code of access and whether I am not going to buy the car and at what time I work and if there is a dog )))
YYY: is it filled?
I have filled...
YYY: You are a horse))
I sent your coordinates.)
YYY: Scuco...

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №7613
Prehistory: Mongolia in the top 10 in the field of mineral resources.
The U.S. expressed concern about the situation within Mongolia and expressed interest in the country to follow a democratic path.

Deja vu however.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №7612
<calypso> Toreador inflicting the last (fatal) blow to the bull
<SVHome> The Matador
<SVHome> Picknick
<asusik> the moderator

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №7611
on one of the websites;
The Services:

1st The Aerography
and beautiful:
from 8000 rubles

by Fuck:
from 5 rubles

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №7610
Awakened from a hard muzzle, found on his cell phone 5 missed from David Blane.... o_0 The gesture began when 10 minutes later Chuck called.
Norris is...
P.s I will no longer be named by drunk friends in the phone book))))

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №7609
The doctor said I had bronchitis.
YYY: A day ago, I was told that I was a dude.
YYY: I don’t even know which is better :(

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №7608
Time for vacation: This morning in a dream I tried to turn off the cry of my 2-month-old son with the help of SQL query.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №7607
History of Yesterday:
I come home at 4 o’clock in the morning, quietly broke up, lay down in bed. here minutes after 15 wakes up daddy, goes to the kitchen takes the phone and calls me...
Aristotle: The
Stranger: I think I’ll kiss him :)
I take a phone:
Dad:"You are going to go home?"
I:"no rest, I am here with my friends still rest, I will be in the morning".
I throw the phone :)
I hear from the kitchen, I quote:"Gall, doesn’t he ohuel?I’m going to fuck him up tomorrow, fuck him up tomorrow, fuck him up tomorrow!!", and enters my room, turns on the light,"Oh! are home...and I thought you...(there’s a long pause sec 5)In general, don’t listen to Dad, he’s in a state of affection...good night",and he’s gone.
It is called...
Aristotle: The...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №7606
Valad (13:39:53 2/07/2008)
Do you drink purchased water?? to

REFIS (13:40:12 2/07/2008)
No, I don’t drink from the crane 😉

Valad (13:40:31 2/07/2008)
Eaten by Fucks

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna