— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142053
I read the story about lice and remembered a funny case on a similar topic. Soon I dropped it as a comment, and it was immediately responded by several people who offered me to rework this story and send it to the main, let someone else laugh. I fulfill your wishes, read for health.
One day a friend calls me and complains, he is said to have been rewarded in a business trip by some shabold with whiskers, as a result of which he has been itching for three days, without removing his hands from the pockets of his pants. He doesn’t really want to go to the skin dishwasher, because he is, although small, but the boss, and let no god see him there someone of his subordinates. He says:
- You have a classmate there working, talk to him, maybe he will take me home?
I called my classmate, mycologist. A classmate, a very kind man, says funnyly:
No problem, come here now.
We come. In the courtyard summer, a weekend, the doctor and his brother sit on the veranda of the house, playing cards under a cognac with a lemon. Presents a friend:
“Here is he who has suffered from love, help him, Comrade Hippocrates.
It is, he says, very easy.
He took the patient into the summer shower, looked, went out, laughed:
Not shit, it’s shit at all. You can, of course, prescribe you ointment or shampoo from parasites, but then you will have to first run through the pharmacies until you find it, then spend it, then a few days to apply it all, and also shave it all naked there. And then you will scratch for another month until it grows. We will do differently. The method is proven, although if I applied it in my department, I could easily be expelled from work. So decide yourself.
A friend agrees, he is petty, only to stop itching soon in an intimate place. Then the doctor takes the scissors and a large plastic bag (on which, as I for some reason remembered, was depicted a seductive female pop in jeans), cuts out of this pack some parody on the cowards, only with a small hole in front. He gives these improvised cowards to the sufferer and says:
- Go to the shower, take a day, put this structure first on the naked body, on it from above the cowards, dress up and come. The most important thing is not to forget to push the pitch into this hole, or the drug is toxic, irritation on the head is guaranteed.
Then he cuts off a piece from the roll of the lipstick, cuts it out with a circle and gives it to a friend.
Why is this yet?
“And that,” he says, “to you to stick a point. You only have to endure for half an hour, not shoot.
My brother and I sit down. Of course we have fun, not on our own cocks crawl these cute six-legged crabs.
The friend went, did everything as the doctor said, returns. The doctor stands up, takes a bottle of the most usual dichlophos, amusedly pulls his trial person in front of his pants and squeaks him a couple of times straight into his pants. Then open it and repeat the same procedure on the back side. A friend in the face of misunderstanding and even somewhere distrust, but is patient, once it has come. Everyone, except him, is happy and excited.
"All," says the doctor, "now take half an hour, and while you sit down with us, we will drink a drink and we will have time to break over.
I watched my clock anxiously for half an hour.
Half an hour has passed, what can I do next?
The squirrel stands up and solemnly says:
“And now the most important part of our treatment is just beginning, and everything needs to be done exactly as I’m going to show you.
He stands up, places his legs wider on his shoulders, while also bending them in his knees, and throws the body back as far as possible so as not to fall. Standing in such a completely ridiculous posture, he clamps himself with both palms along the area of the forehead, and without even leading his eyebrows, in full seriousness gives out:
- You get exactly as I showed, and without changing your posture, you knock yourself on the eggs exactly thirty times, neither more nor less. Most importantly, don’t get rid of the account.
The friend, already completely without understanding anything, obediently takes the given posture, and almost turning back, begins to knock in good faith, as shown to him, while also counting out loud. The doctor looks at him with a serious look and sometimes makes remarks, such as "the shoulder should be back steeper", or "the shoulder should be slimmer, with a stretch off", and such nonsense. We, the spectators, naturally rush, holding onto the stomach.
From all this description of me, somebody might think that my friend is just a half-fool. In fact, he graduated from the prestigious (and one of the most difficult) capital universities with a red diploma. I don't know, maybe this unexpected trouble affected him so much, drowned for a while. Or maybe just the person deliberately turned off his brains and decided for himself: the doctor knows what he says, and my business is stupid to obey.
When he finally honoured all thirty times, the doctor announced:
Congratulations, the treatment is over. Now hold the towel and immediately run into the shower to wash the dichlofos. Therapeutic trousers in the garbage bowl, eggs and ass wash properly with soap. For now, we’re going to get into the cards.
When a friend got out of his soul and joined us, he couldn’t believe that everything turned out to be so incredibly simple and ended so quickly. Is he now a normal person again and he doesn’t have to keep his hands in his pockets all the time, and then scratching his mouth? After a little bit of feeling, he finally asked:
I can’t catch it, but why should I knock? Why this position and why exactly thirty times? Oh I guessed! Let these dead creatures fall into cowards.
In fact, you would have washed well in the shower. Don’t get offended, you just want to crack.

By the way, the method proved effective, a friend later said that the ugly insects disappeared immediately and forever.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №142052
We have no time to read Pushkin - we are proud of them!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142051
A friend told me, by his words. A friend in the mixing office for the sake of the prefix on the monitor (in the packaging) - I was given a girl internship, in a load. I put it in my pocket and forgot it. That is the preface.

This is what happened. My wife takes me on a business trip.

Where are the tickets?

In the pocket.

is exactly?

It touches my pocket and changes in my face.

Is it a condom? Why is he with you?

I think of the rubber and I also change my face. Feeling the sweat rolling on my back, I shake my hand out of my pocket... a bag of tea. It was in another jacket.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142050
One of the big problems of electronic gadgets in general and e-books as a replacement for textbooks in particular is their reliability.
Paper textbook from the party will fall, what will happen to him? In the worst case, a couple of pages will break, but they can be glued.
And the electronic book? Luckily - will survive, not lucky - buy a new one.
How long does an electronic book last?

Okay, we remember that children love to get angry, fight backpacks and so on. Will the electronics withstand it? Were you kids in your childhood?

You need to buy protected equipment. and durable. Which, accordingly, is more expensive. Sometimes several times. Will her battery fall out?

The horror of our electronic age is that the most reliable medium of information is still paper.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142049
I have a new selfie! Such a shrimp! to shrink! And on the stone asphalt - byrprlbyerdrpyirpr!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142048
XXX: How did you get to the right place? He is 70 years old and will not be saved :(
Come with three roses short. Give him two, and on the third tell him that you are changing for a barrel!and ;)

[ + 20 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142047
Time has passed and we no longer wish Chubais a terrible death. But I would very much like to send him 150 million vouchers to the proctologist’s workplace.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142046
Vasily gave me a large bunch of bananas with the words “Learn!” I didn’t understand what, bananas help learn, and the session has not yet begun.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142045
In the Primorsky region, a minor threw a bottle with a combustion mixture into a sewerage facility. As a result, engineering communications and asphalt on the adjacent pavement were damaged.

Probably, the parents will take the money, and would rather take the work duty. They would send the Channeling Herostrat together with the sanitary technicians to repair the sewage they robbed. The child wanted likes and impressions, so let them get them in full. I would feel deeper and remember stronger.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142044
Archaeologists have discovered in the center of Mexico ruins of the temple of the god Ketzalkoatl and the remains of an ancient stadium for the ritual game of the ball, next to which they found fragments of bodies of sacrificed players.

A good ritual to revive for our collection.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142043
News: "The Map of the World will be a reference for students"
The phrase "take note" played with new colors

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142042
Lena is not scary at all, she just has another ethanol of beauty.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142041
XXX: I was recognized by the wilds as a shaman))
and mmm?
xxx: in the comments, the chrisant girl tried to throw the sprint of her words and eventually threw the sprint, refuting them. As a result, "It turned out" that I was a super cool hacker - got into someone else's comment and changed the link))

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142040
The clever man wanted to get without a line to the therapist, but those sitting near the office were experienced patients, so he got without a line to the traumatologist.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142039
Preparation for the work trip:

There is no roof, everything is on the street. So we pray that there is no rain, or the equipment will be wet.
Better take the icon with you.
The Miracle Nicholas?
Software: No matter what, if only bigger. It will rain and the equipment will be covered.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142038
Yesterday I sat at work, my wife and daughter (4 years) at home. The daughter calls from her wife’s phone and cries.
I: What has happened?
My daughter was scared
I: Where is my mom?
The daughter is lying on the bed.

I have panic, bricks and shit.

It turned out that the daughter slept badly, her mother sat down to calm her down. She fell asleep next to the bed. The girl then woke up in a bad mood.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142037
Did you miss me?
-I deleted you in vk, steam, skype, phone number, viber, вотсап, telegram, tweet, subscribed to tweet, instagram, group in vk. Do you think I missed it?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142036
by Zoi. Go out, Sherry and cat.
We remember, we love. and sadness.

[ + 27 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142035
Being a fisherman is much cheaper than being a hunter. Because when you drink and fuck with other people's grandmothers for three days, and then buy fish for scratch, it's just money, and when you buy a cock or a deer, it's quite another money.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142034
Honestly with Picaboo
Earth on the power pipeline, earth on the power pipeline.
Earth on the eighth pipeline.
And we are sad on the cable, and we are sad on the cable.
We pull them miles with one bulk.
The cabinets are different, but the cabinets are different.
The length of the magazine is the same.
And, I hear without doubt, and, I hear without doubt,
As a result, we will get p.

We don’t dream of a brigadier.
T-shirt with a back.
We dream of grass, grass and house.
Green and green grass.

We go to the station,
to insulate isolation,
Technical supervision will sign the protocol.
Preparing the task,
Long term calculation
It will support the workforce of all.
In the smoke of Matthew,
The pipeline behind the station -
The turbine turbine rotates the wail.
And we worship the homeland.
And we worship the homeland.
They are waiting for us at home, and the sons are Altai.

And we don’t dream of a row of casting,
Not the station, the community, the ABC.
We dream of grass, grass and house.
Green and green grass.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna