— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101813
“We read and write poems not because it’s cute. We read and write poems because we are members of the human race and filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, technology are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance and love are what allow us to live.”
by Robin Williams R.I.P.

[ + 28 - ] [10 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101812
xxx: Unfortunately, the spirit of the CPSU in our country is sometimes not extinct.

YYY: It is said that in Soviet times it was called “the survivors of Tsarism.” How he was named during the tsarism is unknown.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №101811
No, I am still amused by these all kinds of politically obsessed people, because they are ready to fight forever with each other, but as soon as a man who is deeply engaged in politics appears on the horizon and who simply wants to live well, eat good food, no matter where it is produced, want to enjoy any art that he likes, and not just what the Party has allowed/forbidden, etc., so once irreconcilable enemies are ready to stand up friendly and go friendly to lynch the poor.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №101810
by VP.Fuck, what was their name?
by VP.A dumb pig in a car was riding with bargains somehow
by VP.Oh the pound!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101809
Lenovo is the middle between lazy and dumb.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101808
Where a fool understands, a wise man will think a hundred times.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №101807
Mat, as a tool to combat phone spammers.
The call.
This is the EBT24. Make a contribution to us.
Thanks, I don’t want to.
In a month.
This is the EBT24. Take a loan.
Thanks, it is not necessary.
In a month.
This is a bank. We now have higher rates.
and no.
In a month.
This is a bank...
- You went to %;* and B;%*%)!
No calls for six months.
As a friend from the bank told me now, if you answer polently, they will definitely call you back in a while.
If you send, it is marked: the customer is nervous, do not call.
Fuck the politeness.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №101806
The mouse lazyly climbs into the mouse, with the usual movement pulls off the springs and discovers instead of Italian cheese – Russian.
Fuck, we have arrived.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101805
Lucrecia: Yeah, what do you and I know about revenge, Gaze?
Lucrecia: Here is my sister, yes, she knows something.
Lucrecia: She broke up with a guy, very, very badly broke up
Lucrecia: he left her and completely ignored about two months, that is, first she pretended herself that something happened to him, then suffered from suspicions, then she was finally told that he is now friends with another, in general, goat, I shield
Lucrecia: Well, she didn't have enough, she updated her closet, lost fifteen kilos and started shaving her legs.
Lucrecia: she also graduated from aviation and arranged to work in the same defense CB where he worked, because there was a postponement from the call.
Lucrecia: and here is literally that year's breakdown, finally
Lucrecia: She was promoted and she became the immediate boss of her ex
Lucrecia: Oh yes, she told me that the first thing she called him to herself and said that since he once dreamed so much about anal sex, now he will have them.
Lucrecia: whenever he will delay the workflow
Lucrecia: and you say, put the fish under the battery...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101804
XXX: There are so many things to do, I don’t know what to do
XXX: That’s why I don’t do anything
WOW: A great plan!
And when the deadline ends, pretend to be dead.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101803
xxx: I read the article here and it is said that some scientists there have come to the conclusion that onanism leads to loss of vision...What do you think?
YYY: I say I don’t see the logic in that!
Do you see it? 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 They seem to know something.)
by Scully (

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101802
xxx: Do not underestimate the foolish united by common interests: politics, religion, or children.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №101801
In the woods there was a right-handed tail.
He was beaten away by the Homosexual.
But the forces exhausted, the right-hand fell.
It was easy for them to get homeowner.
I quickly finished and knocked my ass.
He said, “Hello, now you’re in Europe.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101800
The boy opened the door. On his left foot he had a white socks, on his right - black. "Jean is depressed, he has no details", his friends explained.
c) the Iranian

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101799
Another shocking news on Lente.Ru: "Cannabis has forced scientists to change their view of material for supercondensators."
What a false cannabis, even to the scientists got.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №101798
xxx: all the stuff from a beautiful wife - saved terabytes on winchester

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101797
I accidentally found a site with bright colors.
Now for the second hour I can’t drive the thought away from me: to paint my dog under the dog of Baskerville.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101796
XXX: Fuck, with these news about the fighting...
Today I dream that I am walking in the forest, and here the enemy is running against me. Toli with a rifle, Toli with a machine gun, but the main thing is that there is a stick wrapped. His bullets seem to have ended. And I have nothing at all. I look around – neither stone nor rod. The enemy is near! Well, I think I should try to turn away from the stick and take it off my legs! In general, he runs, I turn from the stick and beat him in the neck with an open palm in front of him so that he falls! Then you understood, yeah?
Sorry, I didn’t want to hit you!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №101795
You don’t need to oppress fat people younger than you. Tolstoy will be offended and will hide the insult. Then he will go to the karate section, where he will be taught how to break bricks. He will lose weight and go to the army in the DSHB, where he will be taught to be afraid. It will happen to Dembele. And then he will meet you... You will still be like that – a cowboy, able to intimidate only preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, and he will become a cock with a height of 190 and a weight of 100 kg. Remembering the insult...
It is best to be fat and have a happy childhood.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №101794
Commentary on News:

Exhausted by the two-day waiting of the crossing to get to Crimea, the Russians dealt with a car that tried to travel by ferry outside the line on the part of Kubani. Even the parliamentary bars did not help - the crowd suddenly realized themselves as citizens who have rights. Drivers, who stood in line, turned over the parliamentary car and did not allow him to pass. What is interesting, o.o. The head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov stood on the side of the people.

Deputy Ponomarev: My car on the Kerch crossing was not turned over"
I turned it myself, realizing the people’s dissatisfaction! )))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna