— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107014
xxx: A generation of grandmothers has already grown up, calling for a scandal in the help desk, and you are all joking about clinics and JECs...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107013
by bayaderka:
What are you planning to do in summer 2015? Will you continue to travel to Europe, move to Crimea, or your parents will also be a good option?

and ismolnik:
I think to ride the elevator,
Going out on random floors.
Watching the dawn, the dawn,
The smell of flowers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107012
Strong, like a teflon bowl family. Artem and Vika. Artem knew everything about the BDSM. I practiced mostly on Saturdays. On Friday, immediately after work, he began preparing at some drinking establishment and on Saturday he female domination.

Who was not Artem - and the nosorog was chlenoryl, and the shrimp of Zadripisthen, and the coveted covet, who dropped the last money. Judging by the sound of kitchen utensils flying around the walls, Artem recognized all the "shades of gray". Humiliation, pain and humiliation.

by week_by_week

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №107011
and Gregory:
The guy opened the course of anal sex, lesson of 100 backs
And you know, Poppy!
It turns out that there are over-the-counter girls who want to try the anal, but are embarrassed with their boyfriends.
Or something else.
and Igor:
Was it possible?! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №107010
XXX: The moth is a constant value. A large, sinking moth last year cost 1500-2000 kilograms, but this is imperceptible, because it is purchased in portions of grams of 20-30. "Food dirty" 500-700, "pure" 700-1000. If this year was significantly more expensive, then I allow a large by 3000 per kilogram.
YYY: Do you trade heroin?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107009
XXX is:
Fuck, and the cat is standing.

Here he suddenly broke through to test us for strength, and he decided instead of a pot to go down to his bed. Right in sight. I decided to try myself as an alpha. The couch was rolling around the center of the room, and he, as usual, first looked for the wall to rise (we did not understand this preparation at first), and then, for balance, pulled out his tail, pulled out his front leg, and the second grabbed himself for the head. Probably, he wanted to show a Facebook spam, but became more like a long-haul captain with a binoculars. And here, in such an unstable position, balancing and weakening, I dropped a three-stage rocket.

At first, of course, we wavered from such greed, and then roasted for half a day over Captain Shitikov.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107008
With you the new edition of the show "These funny bands". Today in front of you is the 16099, complaining about how she is not allowed to eat healthy food normally and comment on her favorite low-fat cheeses. She herselfly does not condemn other people's preferences, and in general - a cute thin angel, whose wings hid only for a short time.

But we all know who usually lies in the details. Completing the complaint with the following passage:

Per, comrades eaters of food junk, should you look into your plate? And I’ll go and eat a fattened cheese with a little bit of milk."

What should have been expected, the post was quite predictably ended with Darth Vader. And do such people really don’t understand the reasons for their negative attitude toward them?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107007
The son was pleased. Talk about the younger brothers.
“These bullies are trying to pick up the code for my phone. Everything has already passed - addresses, birthdays, car number, weight of the dog... They will never get that code.
Why is?
When I was bought a phone, I accidentally wrote a 21 digit on a paper, remembered it, and the paper was broken and thrown out into the toilet.
What if you forget?
How can I forget the code for my first touch phone?! to
Let us admit. Why 21 numbers?
There was no more room!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107006
The secret of the smell of hydrogen sulfur in the southeast of Moscow has become known! The giant railway warned us of its arrival as much as it could!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107005
xxx: today I learned about the existence of a female community that was administered by a user with a nick tokar
xxh: and in the title the principled scheme of the token machine
My life will no longer be the same.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107004
It is not evil (
A week without normal sleep, and here is the chance to recover the missed.
After I went to bed with my wife, I began to slowly stick and engage in sex, as they were very tired, they immediately fell asleep.
and!! After an hour and a half I wake up, something glittered in my head, I thought that I did not finish the first "flight" and with the words "Give me a chance to finish" safely finished the second "flight"))).
In the morning with the words of my wife-"When you said "Let me finish", I thought "Blin, how did it make me fall asleep during the "flight" and did not get up";.
The wild rust was provided for half an hour.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107003
Do not say:

We have the same story in the sale of auto parts. Sometimes you want to leave the car mechanic right behind the shelf, who does not know that the shells in the planetary transmission are not external and internal, but solar and coronal, but you have to force yourself.
I work as a doctor. How bad people who can't tell which part of the intestines they are hurt, and throw their fingers into the stomach.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107002
here here :
Orgasms from kisses are gone. Admit who looked?
I will not say the look. But there was one little known Austrian artist. So there are rumors about mass orgasms during his performances, both in the female part of the listeners and in the male.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107001
I was with my acquaintances at the wedding. The name of the bridegroom is Bartholomew. At some point, a friend of the bridegroom stands up, raises a drink and gives out: "I want to drink for the young!" I do not offer the bridegroom, he still has the first wedding... mm... Bartholomew’s night!"
The bride was bleak.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107000
here here :

I found the "book of complaints on the Internet"... First I thought it was a humorous resource. What are only quotes from a couple of reviews: "the fact of cheating on the face with the attraction of not entirely summer", "cut the socks on which they are sitting and spoil the prestige of the country", "in a piece of scourge felt", "Avam everything will be done!", "from the email I asked a poril to set up", "no need to be done in a human way", "how so I don’t understand and he’s going to do nothing to get rid of someone asking for a web to understand".
But then it turned out that it was not a humorous resource. and :(

This is a classic :)

" The The dog checked my hole in the wall and let through it poisonous gases.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106999
XHH: Writing an essay on sociology, left a draft on the table
xxx: Generally speaking, the cat has just eaten "freedom" and moves to "personality". No, that you, the pets are very cute and don’t think about anything, they said.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106998
(Articles in category "Photo, Video ")

Q: Have you ever photographed insects in flight?
U: Only "night butterflies")

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106997
If you were death, how many people would survive?

Everyone would live forever. I do not like to work.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106996
Dear experts!
A million dollar question. I have not answered myself for a year.
Imagine the situation:
I buy a plot of land in a city or a village and build a church there. Ordinary Orthodox Church, where everything is arranged, looks and happens in the same way as in other Orthodox churches. But! This church is outside the jurisdiction of the RPC. I’m not going to stop the RPG...what will happen? Can this church be considered a "pirate"? Do prayers come to God in such a church? Is this deception and deception of believers?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №106995
ha ha! ha ha!
Envy the losers!! to
We bought a small strawberries instead of a tree tree, it’s cuddly and smells and beautiful.
So that’s why I... I don’t have to endure it at all :-P

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna