— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №7545
The Information Protection Exam.

Prep: What do you know about the media carriers?? to
Student: The pigeon!
Rate of interest: %%%%%!!!!! to
Student by Post!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №7544
He: Are you going?
See also: UGU
She painted and made her hair.
It is mm
He fixed the farm and stretched the left socks.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №7543
Zram: What did you find in it? Sissek does not, in appearance, even speaks as if by slogans, about what can be talked about with her at all, not a pony...
I: Shit, what did you eat today? Per the pelmeni who clung to the pot because the water boiled out? I ate a delicious soup, and now she is baking my chicken in the oven, and in the evening I am waiting for a good night.
Zram: Can I come to you for dinner? and [
I am *wall*

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №7542
Hi to everyone.
Are there engine developers of Kalina? I have a sick question.
How to remove the vibration resonance of the engine moving to the body for 2000
The turn?
A hundred with their hands.
Which details should be replaced?

and ah. The car.

[ + 157 - ] Comment quote №7541
This is what career growth means.
The guy came to the job of a programmer with a fork up to $ 1,300. He proved that he had a special $1500. Then convinced the deer that he could beat the grandmother and got a manager ($2000). After 2 hours, the deer thought, “Do I have another manager?” Typically, they were fired...
One day later, the programmers passed a steam (1.5 weeks before the deadline). It turned out that the guy in 2 hours in the company caught the programmers on the weak? and arranged a chip...Type was returned for $2,400

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №7540
On the Dating Site

If I often look at your questionnaire - nifiga is not the fact that you liked me, maybe I show it to friends...

[ + 122 - ] Comment quote №7539
The employee brought the child to work. He runs all day annoying him senior manager explains: "No noise you see here people work go out to the accounting"

[ + 106 - ] Comment quote №7538
And another bag:
1st We are going to pick up the line [+ − ] [::] [discuss]
2nd Delayed Shift
Three Double click on the plush
4 is And if you have the screw we press the WinKey button on the key and holding it, we press the English E button for 3 seconds.

We are loving.

The attention! Technology for bringing the bayana to the tower.
He buried two bats.

[ + 150 - ] Comment quote №7537
xo_bot>...the girls who are dancing usually fuck well...but usually not with you...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №7536
The hands stretch to the beautiful, and stumble on the screen of the monitor...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №7535
The child said, “It was a long time ago, even before Putin’s inauguration.

Medvedev o_0

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №7534
I was at a wedding recently!

What about your face?

Broken to happiness.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №7533
S@sha: My most unthinking act is to catch a cactus falling from the table.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №7532
The first step in solving any problem is to create it.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №7531
Prehistory: was on a tour in Peter and found a cool way of spending time. In short, a competition in which four boys participate is arranged. of two pairs. Each couple should get acquainted with persons of the weaker sex and take a photo with them while kissing. Whoever scored the most in a day won.
So, my friend and I chose Petro-Pavlovsk fortress as the venue of the competition. Well, then it went and went, after a couple of photos began to rush very fast, imho felt that we are behind the planned Napoleon plans, I met another girl, kissed, shouted and went in a hurry further.. after half an hour I realized that I fell in love (I understand what sounds stupidly) with this girl, I searched all but didn't find her(( and didn't even know how her name is. All I know is that she is from Voronezh, she is 15-17 years old, she had a girlfriend Dasha and they left Peter on July 2, and at the first three days they were in the Petro Pavlovsky fortress. If you know somebody who fits this description - be a human being, tap me in ASU 287793980 or on soap
I also used to scare those who write such a mess, but now I myself got into this idiotic position, and I apologize to everyone. Please bring it to the top.

Are you afraid they will land? x )

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №7530
SM.YURBAN: Is such a question interesting, is it real to break off one leg of the AM2 other (Orleans) to plug it in the 939 connector and will it work after that?

Fuck to fuck!! Everyone stand up!! This is a provocation!!! to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №7529
Oksana (15:31:40 3/07/2008)
Oh well! as 7

Jonny (15:33:20 3/07/2008)
Do you think I’m going to go on the 7th? :)

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №7528
/me makes a special dish of chicken corn "in my mouth my legs!" =)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7527
- there installers in the toilet acrobatic etudes show
One of them slipped into the window by the belt, and three of them held him by their feet.
What does the third hold for?

[ + 165 - ] Comment quote №7526
Oh sorry my brain! I’m a good girl and I love songs about flowers and hearts. And where no one fucking anybody, does not eat, does not cheat on each other, does not kill, do not cheat on each other, etc.

NN: You have a poem about flowers and hearts. And where no one is fucking, no one is killing, no one is killing, no one is killing, no one is killing, no one is killing.

On the wall of my heart,
There is a flower in the window.
No one in my apartment.
No fuck and no joke.

Do not suck large members.
No fucking gun.
Because I am such
Everything is good, la la.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna