— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131659
Tizz: In fact, Batman is just a man who builds his garage, and there is no girl who could stop him.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131658
"Dedovshina has become the norm not because he is fighting, but because a certain leader in the army sent ZEKOVs to the active units during the Second World War. It has been stretching since then.

And in the American, German, French and other armies also the commander of zecks sent? Church schools in the 19th century. Where did Zack come from? The grandfather is the oldest phenomenon that arose with the first institution, where periodically changing groups of people became isolated.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131657
I counted all my life.)

When in the 2000s began to appear jeeps and others on the roads of our metropolis. Crossovers with closed luggage compartments on top, I did not look and think very much, for the purpose of this device, considered it a boat! Why are there no small boats? Single for the pond? Maybe a child, and who knows what people spend the extra money on? Of course, when they became much more, the worm of doubt moved somewhere, but not very strongly. Then she asked her husband about the appointment, and they laughed together, with that boat. and :)


[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131656
Grandma told me.

She was one of six children in the family, they lived in Alexandrov. It was in the late 1930s. Their mother, my great-grandmother, sent two children (my grandmother and little Valu) to the church on Easter, giving them 3 rubles and ordering them to put them in a box for donations.

Valya, who, by the way, was very carnivorous, immediately began to persuade his sister to buy ice cream.

and KLAVA! Let’s get married!

No money for ice cream.

So I wore it all the way. In the church, Clava gave her brother a paper, showing where to put it.

On the way back again:

and KLAVA! Let’s get married!

There is no money.

And here is! He shows a paper.

You are what? ! to I told him to put it in the box.

I took the 5th, I took the 5th!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131655
# misconceptions

Before the age of 18, he was convinced that the driver, like the driver, turns the steering wheel left-to-right, holding the train on the rails.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131654
Mom: What are you looking for?
See also Pikachu.
Do you want me to go home, I’ll cook you?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131653
and cape:

As a child, I believed that men’s hair on the head grows to a certain limit and stops growing. There were no bad examples in front of me. // is

This is holy truth. It grows up to half the back. Then they fall out and grow new. And women can grow up to puffs.

Capp with Haer.

I don't know anything, my husband has hair to his ass, and I barely grow to the middle of my back. It does not depend on gender, Kabbalah.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131652
I walk through the street, eat a rye and a bucket on the go... Everyone looks like an alien. With a beer and a cigarette, no one would pay attention.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №131651
I remembered one interview on television. On behalf of the author:

I lived in the United States for a while. I’m walking on the Texas Road, around the desert, all the business. The restaurant is called “Russian Kitchen”. I, well things, I think, for a thousand years did not eat real Russian cuisine, decided to go. In the menu all Russian, borscht, sleeve, pelmeni, pigeons and so on.

I ordered a borough. Bring something green and ground in a blender.

I ordered the pigeons. They bring a large dish, there are two salad leaves on it, in one pyramid rice is poured, in the other cooked farce.

I decided not to take any more risks with the orders, called the cook.

It turned out that the restaurant of Russian cuisine was held by two Chinese, they also cooked.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131650
Pokémons in the states show the distance in meters than they cause a batheart in users

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131649
I thought before school exactly that German is any foreign language, because German; and Russian is meat, but it is simply not accepted to call it this way :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131648
On a nudist beach, a man stays with two girls wearing swimsuits:
Why don’t you follow the dress code?
You do not observe either.
– to?
You are in a hat.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131647
The phrase - "I have a very good relationship with my ex," is very unlikely to the present.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №131646
Dmitry: I corresponded with her for two weeks, gentle and foolish, no guy. I agreed to go across the city, I know there is a good cafe. I dressed pretty, bought her flowers, everything was right. We met, she even better than in the photo. Effective such a brunette, curls, heels, a green dress with shades, I, honestly, embarrassed a little.
Well, go with her next to her, we talk about nothing, now, I think, we sit in the cafe, talk. And then suddenly I am like falling under the ground, flying somewhere, grumbling and knocking off my leg when I fall. I stumble and understand what made me unnoticed and the hell knows how to get out of here now.
I call this Katya, and she doesn’t fit, she’s scared, apparently. Oral, oral, are you finally alive? He asks. Yes, live, I scream, call someone for help, I can't get out myself, don't you see what? She walked for another fifteen minutes, no less, I lost her again. I brought, in the end, from the cafeteria of the waitress with an aspirant, I scratched over it. Go out all in the dust, the head in the dust of some, and she stands, smiles, I was taken by evil.
Listen, I say, I could have called him soon, because I could have trembled or drowned there with methane. And she, even if she was honeysome, only spanked, say, say, thank you for not leaving at all, I would sit there like a puppy.
What is the date when such conversations happen? And the shirt is all dirty and the heel hurts, it hurts to walk. Okay, I say, sorry, let me take you to the metro. Go back, both of us are silent.
Soon after, I realized that this wasn’t Catherine. Although the brunette too, and curly, and dressed in green, but that shoe had heels, and this sandal was like the gladiator. And the bouquet is completely different, a yellow one. Mystery in three lists.

Catherine: I met him in the chat, nothing in the photo, he writes with humor. We spoke for half a month, the interests seem to coincide, the poems both love, decided to meet in real. We walk around the city, we go, we talk, the weather is nice, dinner. I see a coffee shop on the corner, you want, I ask, let’s go? He is silent, does not respond. Maybe expensive for him, I think, although I came with a bouquet, not a puddle, so. Just, I say, we sit down, we drink coffee - again silence.
I turn – no one. That is, no one at all, and my cavalier is not, disappeared "like a light stone of the wind." Whether I was upset that I immediately pulled into the cafe, or I just didn't like it, it was so hamsky.
In any case, men do not do this, I was preparing for a date for half a day. Back home, I sat down, thought, and added his page to the blacklist – why am I so ignorant?

Catherine II: On my birthday, I sat down with my girlfriend after work, I drank coffee with cakes, she gave me my favorite fresie.
Then they split up, and I just left the cafe, as I hear that someone is calling me. I turn around, no one like, then I look further, the well without a hole, I look, and there is a guy, apparently fell there, and can not get out.
Well, what to do, we need to help, the Ministry of Emergencies first called - useless, then the doorkeeper of some non-Russian found in the corner, I ask him, he does not understand, only smiles. Then I went back to the coffee shop, where the men-servitors found the lawn in the suitcase and put it in the lounge.
There is a pretty cute guy, dirty all, right. And angry at me, despicable of what, to say, so long saved him! That, I think, is me instead of thankfulness. I told him that I think he was silent, then apologized, offered to go to the subway, and to me what, I went there anyway.
We go, and he touches me, touches me, then asks, “And you, Katya?” I replied, I guessed, and what? No, he says, very nice, my name is Dima. This is our birthday, we have been dating for six months, love seems to us. I sometimes annoy him, and he calls me Catherine II.
I now tell all my friends, there is nothing to sit in social networks and waste time on empty correspondence. You want a serious relationship – go into real life, only there with normal guys and you can get to know – so and write in your mollusks, internet fools.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №131645
Where do you dream of working?
Do I dream of working?! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131644
In a bunch of misconceptions.

As a child, I believed that in men, hair on the head grows to a certain limit and ceases to grow. There were no bad examples in front of me.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131643
I work for Mr. It is necessary to conclude a contract to cut trees from the territory. I send letters with a request for the cost: please send the cost of the work according to the assignment.... prints, company forms, the assignment for 5 pages with all possible information, including. Height and thickness of trees. One of the answers from "solid" offices: "Well, this must be seen."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131642
to this
"The Mistakes of Childhood"
When I was a child, I thought that anchoos was a fish.
I want to upset you along with Wikipedia and other Google, it’s a fish!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131641
Whole life counted

Only male singing birds sing. Only recently Google suggested that about 70% of species of singing birds sing both sexes, and that the reasons for singing are not quite clear, i.e. This is not unambiguous "I am a male, so cool, but all the females to me."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131640
xxx: In some fantastic novel was: "The striptease at zero gravity got a second breath, especially for the ladies with great talents."

YYY: It’s five, striptease is great.

XXX is Nenochi. I think that weightlessness is just the manna of heaven for the size of the third and larger. The virgins in the crowds have to siege the ISS, it is strange that this does not happen.

XXX: Do you do that? How to deal with problems with the joints and the skeleton as a whole?

XXX is an entirely different piece. In general, it is useful to bring. Astronauts are not boring. Imagine: for six months in orbit, you see a woman only as part of the American crew, and it would be better for you not to see her... And here the bat - a transport ship with a team of striptease. The important thing is not to be a man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna