— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131619
Information agency TASS reports.
On the initiative of Kerry, a telephone conversation was held with Lavrov.
Lavrov said he was ready for a constructive dialogue, while his speech was emphasized as polite.

That is to say, he may have thought “dumb shit,” but the protocol is the protocol.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131618
Once we talked about the army - in my opinion, in the current situation, it is much more useful to carry out annual charges, rather than staying in a barracks for a year. To collect every year according to the schedule of men of vocational age and ride them through the brains - how to handle weapons, how to act in the detection of a outbreak of a nuclear explosion, etc. And at the end of this intensive, an exam. Not handed over - a fine through the Sberbank (conditionally). And the people will know where to run in case of something, and the skills are not lost, and the worker from the national economy is not withdrawn for a long time.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131617
The Male Logic
To limit women in their rights and let them defend our rights.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131616
The film Matrix was a clear example that reverse psychology works very easily on children.

It is genius, child! You made my day! Now I know to mate (what to do?) It is a verb that means the way in which the brain cells of individual individuals reproduce.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131615
Lisp is Lisp. Error issued by SBCL:

Invalid index 0 for (SIMPLE-ARRAY CHARACTER
(0)), should be a non-negative integer below 0.

Give a hint what is a non-negative number, less than zero!

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131614
My son is already above my head and many childhood stories have long been forgotten, but one will obviously be in memory and with a smile always as an example of a special childhood logic.

At 3, 5 - 4 years old, the son decided to ask a sacramental child's question about where the children came from. Being a mother after 30 and the highest education (although without practice) behind my back, I didn't get dull, but told a child of such an age about the love of mom and dad, a grain in my mother's belly, long months of waiting, etc. Sonul's thought came to mind, asked a couple of clarification questions and the topic was closed.

Three months after the conversation, the kindergarten teacher met me with a scream and incomprehensible claims that I had already ruined my child, and he is now ruining the lives of other children. I found out the following. During a lesson on nature, one of the children asked the "the same" ever-sacramental question about human origin. The teacher told an interesting story about what boys find in cabbage (why boys? ? to ? to The girls are bringing eggs. The son immediately entered the conversation and stated that in fact everything was not so and told the version I put forward. The question and options of the educator and the son caused a rough discussion, to which several additional options (apparently from other parents) were added. When the educator tried to insist on his own, the son stated that his birthday was in April, which means he could not find it in the cabbage - she has not yet grown.

Upon leaving the group, the teacher demanded that I hold a serious conversation with the child at home - "so that the rest do not confuse, and we do not know how other parents will treat this."

In my opinion - the problem was not worth the agitation that the educator dispeled, but in the evening to this conversation we and the son returned.

I: And what will we do now?

Q: You told me the truth, right?

I: Of course it is.

I know you for a long time and I trust you. Therefore, Vera Ivanovna let her think as she wants, but we know the truth! ! to ! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131613
Apparently, the motto of the State Duma of any convocation: "Every act of a citizen must provide for criminal responsibility."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №131612
I met a girl on the net, and later it turned out that she was Korean. I had nothing against it. She lives in the same city and we met a couple of times, sat in a cafe, and so on.
Three weeks ago she left for her homeland (know where). I sent some photo report, where she was in the company of other girls, her friends, and a lot more.
I just wrote enthusiastic comments from a number of: wow, cute, very beautiful.
Two weeks ago, she blocked me on all social networks and did not respond to calls. I didn’t know the reasons, and I didn’t write anything bad.
Finally, I was able to talk to her through her friends. He was very short...
"I sent you pictures of other girls for two weeks, and you didn't even notice that I wasn't there!
Maybe I won’t meet Asian girls anymore.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131611
A man comes to a psychiatrist and complains:
“Doctor, I have psychological problems at work, I can’t concentrate.
Who are you working for?
The Teller.
I wonder, what exactly does this mean?
When I take the tail in my hands, I immediately begin to think about the government.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131610
>>> 5 minutes of watching RTV can cause brain cancer.

Rentv can generally be used as a unit of measurement of zombies. for example, NTW is approximately 0.5 rentv, and Ort = 100 millrents xD

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131609
about misconceptions
30 years before I thought that cornishons are mushrooms like that.When I found out that these were cucumbers, I was very surprised.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131608
Whole life counted

The classic is that the baby pigeon.
The samurai of the crown
Mixing boiled and raw water.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131607
Children’s Misconceptions
When I was a child, I was with one boy in the house. And here the communication came to the point that we began to measure letters@mi. In short, before the age of 6, I thought that I was secretly amputated this important organ, and everyone around it is hiding it, even plotting a conspiracy. (I watched the series with my grandmother.)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131606
# misleading

30 years before I thought, and then gave up this useless occupation.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131605
lexicon2004: Well, this is the top of bullying)
Lexicon 2004: I know where you live!
Buy beer on the road.
Lexicon2004: The Carnival

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131604
Before the first grade, he believed that metro trains had no wheels, that Chechnya was in Siberia, that the United States was all of America, and that Jamaica, Mexico, Honduras... were states. Then another time I thought that C Builder and Visual C++ were the same All, I was the absolute winner. * / /

My grandfather showed my mother the blankets on the balcony and told me how he painted them. I, a six-year-old, decided that he was pointing to a neighboring four-storey house. A few years later, I told all the opposite and transversal that my grandfather (partorg of the institute of Soviet trade, for a second :-) alone painted the neighboring house. This is a misconception :-)

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131603
Not for horror, but for horror.

The number of Russians who believe that the Sun orbits the Earth has exceeded 30%.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №131602
Funny, but when in the USSR came out the famous series of multa "Now weather"
Then the director Kotonochkin was thrown with letters.

"Stop tormenting the wolf!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131601
here here :

The site you are on is "The Citizen of Rune". If you, wandering through your favourite forum, found a fun dialogue or monologue, you can post it here.
But! Go, please, with your stories of life, angry tirades and the like.

Headed by Bro

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131600
In the office where I recently settled, once every two weeks a welcome presentation is held for new employees - well, there are safety rules where to contact if I lost my pass, etc.

One girl is sitting with a dark face throughout the presentation, at the end, after the phrase, ask your questions!" begins to get angry - said, I have worked here for three days, myself in everything, why now spend this hour! Long, long and repeated.

When the outrage entered the third circle, a voice from the auditorium sounded:

Ura, let’s spend another hour discussing the uselessness of the presentation!

and silence...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna