— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141873
by Maria:

A letter was sent to me:
"Tomorrow in the press we have to hand it over".
Yes the Master.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141872
The snow has gone. Good summer
- It will be something to remember when in 10 years at the same time will be -20C

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141871
xx: How to write a guy something nice, well type of text of any kind. ...
yy: Write to him "you are waiting for a cold beer in the refrigerator"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141870
From corporate chat about fishing for lunch:
Has anyone opened the season?
My wife allowed me to drink.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141869

I love fools, they raise my self-esteem without any effort on my part.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141868
I am smiled by people with a protective short memory that everyone (Everyone, FUCK!!!!) The year in early June in Peter are crushed with screams "Where is the summer?!", "I am in a sweater and with a heater!". I remember only one summer session that ended in the heat. It all started cold. Not always at +5, but never warmer than +15, often even colder. Do you have a weather calendar? Every year the same "cococco, where summer..."Suka, in other latitudes summer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141867
softwarer> I agree with this, but I risk noticing, you somehow unnoticedly started to disavow your own argument ;-)

I see> No wonder, I forgot it.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141866
A random reserve from a spouse - "porno film"

Now I know how to call the creativity of all the bonarchucks))))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141865
Mena was interested in the article: "to take a water bath and drop a man there. If his eggs float, he is out of work, and if they drown, betrayal.” Put someone your man in the bath fucking and not fucking, conduct an experiment. I don’t have a bathroom, I’m curious.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №141864
The brother exchanged for something a set of pornographic (at the time, now it would not be called erotic) pictures, the father stuck it, picked it out and hid it in the load pocket of the cooker. Brother was terribly worried, he did not have time to consider, nor to boast to friends, nothing. I decided to steal. In the night, at two o’clock, slowly, on four, he flooded into his parent’s bedroom, to the chair where the kitten hanged. I broke one pocket - no, the second - no, all the others - no ((( I turned to broke the pants - and saw the parents - sitting in a row in the bed, pictures are scattered on the blanket, sitting and quietly looking at him, in the eyes of fear and the expression of the captured thief.

He also quietly turned and rolled back, all the same on the four. The parents came to work early in the morning and did not speak a word in the evening.

The pictures brother stole later, a few months later.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141863
Silesta: By the way, about washing the ceiling.Once a father brought a 4-liter bowl of condensed water with a patch. And we decided to cook it in the cage...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141862
If I had agreed to live outside the city, it would only be behind a high fence fitted with a mine field, and the echo of distant explosions would tell me that someone wanted to visit my possessions.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141861
Cannibals are not ashamed to eat raw pioneers. Pioneers are always ready!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141860
xxx: From the Hedhunter came a letter with the theme: "Vladislav, what if your childhood dreams become a reality?"
xxx: Not long thinking pressed "Respond" and wrote: "The world will be captured by machines and people will not be before searching for work..."
XXX: I'm sitting and waiting for you

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141859
Walked with his wife and daughter for 6 years, to move to the other part of the street went down to the underground crossing. In it, a man was playing on a dude collecting money, the daughter approached and looked into the bank.
Polina, what are you doing?
I thought my uncle had a snake there, and there was some money.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141858
xxx: I was somehow watching the show, so there the wife of her husbands killed for years, adding arsenic to the juices
Rabbit, you are not that?
Not that you... I add to the soup.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141857
I am a choreographer.
I say to my little ones: "Batman".
One feeds: "Not Batman, but Batman"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141856
The wiser a man is, the more stupid his mistakes seem to him.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141855
One of the most ingenious bets in history occurred in England, in the 18th century. In the city of Brighton, a wealthy butcher named Bullock offered a bet to a young aristocrat, Count Barrymore. What’s interesting is that Bullock, being a man who was well-trained, but rather ingenious, proposed to the Count, who was passionate about athletics, to compete in running. The butcher boldly stated that he intended to overtake the young Barrymore on a 100 meters course, but on the condition that he chooses a place for the race and leaves behind a 35-meter forum. The winning amount is equal to the value of the entire business of the butcher. The Count accepted the challenge. A few minutes before the race, the butcher revealed his plan. It turns out that he chose the narrowest street of Black Lion Lane for the race, and when the Count easily caught up with the enemy, he simply couldn’t stand up to overtake. The Count accepted the defeat and paid the entire amount of the contract.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141854
As a child, I was frightened that if I lost my passport, I would be credited, married and sold as a slave.
It happened to me, but I didn’t lose my passport.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna