— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 95 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18354
I respect the men!! They make life more interesting, they give a hand,
They can get the book from the top shelf, they can take our bags... They look if you say, “Look!"... When the wind blows, their tears flow from their eyes, their compact discs always match the boxes... They are brave... I respect men!!!! They say, “No problem, no problem, no problem, no... They come for us to the institute, they take us away from the guests, they bring us home and cover them with a blanket, they don’t notice the spoiled makeup... I respect men!!!! They know us better: someday, in a hundred years, they will call... They are always interested in where we are. They tolerate our caprices and say to friends: “She has a bad character, but she’s so beautiful!... They forgive us everything, although we don’t forgive them at all... They’re strong...))))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №18353
I went to the cinema for Harry Potter.
There was no word out of the room.
He went in vain

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18352
Mercedes bought the car factory.
Restarted production, launched the conveyor.
The Bats! At the exit of Gigi!

They dismantle equipment, drive new from Germany, install, adjust, launch.
and!! Jigsaw again!

They dismiss the entire plant staff, bring workers from Germany, set up, check, launch.
by Scuco! At the exit again – Gigi!

Near the factory is a hill, resting on it. engineer and factory director (both with an EX terminal). They look at all this.
Engineer to Director:
I told you the place was damned!! “Hands out of the ass, hands out of the ass.”

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18351
A large audience, the lecturer very seriously tells something about scientific methods and begins to give an example:
The girl has found a boyfriend. He thinks that a good husband will be from him, brings him to the kitchen, and he can’t do anything...
One of the students:
He should have been in his bedroom.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №18350
XXX Where are you?
YYY: I will come, I will let my brother out of the balcony.

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18349
<sunset> Anastasia Miroslavovna!
Sunny> what is the name of the man who sleeps with men?
< cat> em...
< cat> a girl?
<Sunshine> pls =)
<Sunny> you are predictable
<sunset> and from the men all like one said "Pidor"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №18348
Lena> I’m going to buy hoodies))
::sm522::> bought mom gloves....white shiny just like real.....
::sm522::> 90 pounds
::sm522::> fuck off the floor

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18347
I explained to the girl, why the cracked software works no worse than the licensed software.

wordcore: In general, in some car sales, you can first drive the car, and then pay for it and take it forever. And the joke is that when you go for a ride you only have 10 minutes, after which it will stifle and no longer start. To do this, under the hood there is a piece with a clock, which in 10 minutes simply disconnects the hose from gasoline, it is twisted by a huge lock.
And when you buy a car, you get the key to that lock, you take that shit off and drive as much as you want.
wordcore: A pirate copy is when you come to a slurry brigade and you are sprinkled with a Bulgarian.
wordcore: And that doesn’t mean that this car will drive slower than the one with which this fucking key was removed
Hard, cruel, but the result is the same.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18346
My friend recently gave me an EGE in literature. We had a dialogue with him on Skype after the exam.
Friend: Listen, but how do you understand the size of the poem?
I: Well, there’s a jamb, a chorus, a dactyl, an amphibrachium... and you didn’t know?
My friend – Nea. I wrote: "Speech Size - 12 Arial"

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №18345
No one’s home. I invited the girl. Before she arrives, I call my mother:

Are you standing or sitting?
M: I stand...
I : sit down.
M: What has happened?! to
I: Are you sitting?
M is yes.
I: Where to wipe the dust?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №18344
Do not blaspheme an animal because it has reminded you of the floor, for we do the same with nature!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №18343
This grey creature I saw at the entrance of the house where I previously lived, visiting a friend. The question is “who’s the cat?” A friend shrugged his shoulders and said that it was probably a deception, then it appeared here, then it disappeared for a few days. I liked the cat very much and decided to take her home, despite possible objections from my parents. But, no, concerns about the emergence of the conflict did not be justified, the coffin eventually became a popular favorite, acquiring the legitimate status of a family member and the name - the nickname of Marysia.
I must say that the love was mutual – Mariya also loved us. In other words, she survived completely.
Cats have one feature that significantly differentiates them from cats – they get pregnant. This is the first time my mother swallowed her stomach. During this time, Marysie’s appetite for food increased and she stepped the path from the cups to the refrigerator, near which she wore until the food from it moved into her cups. She ate the same thing as us, but much more often than us, plus all the fish I caught, in the late stages of pregnancy, while walking, Mariskino Puziko was already scratching on the floor.
It was Saturday night. My parents were in guests, and I was about to leave when Marisa was tired of giving birth. She ran after me.
“The tail,” she waved and led to the box that we placed for her for birth. In it she was sitting while I was talking to her, I had to try to get away as she jumped out and, mocking, ran after me - Marysia obviously didn't want to stay alone in this significant moment of firstborn.
H-yes, and I had to go, and I couldn’t care about the feelings of the favorite either. The exit was found. I spoke with her for half an hour, recording my speech on a magnetophone, and then turned on the recording of this monologue, putting the magnetophone in front of the box on a chair. I went out of the room - he sat, approached the door of the apartment - did not run, and I quietly left.
Returning home in the morning, Marysey was met, whispering with the "Motorchik from the tractor Belarus" in all power. Not in a hurry, she took me to the box.
To jump into her didn’t start, looking at her, then at me, as if asking, “How did I get it?” It turned out to be wonderful - in the box, there were five small marysets whispering and whispering!
P.S. Subsequently, I recorded the clock tape of my monologue, because in subsequent births Marysia did not want to give birth alone. Only when listening to this recording she calmed down, sat in the box, did not run after us around the apartment, risking to give birth wherever it would be necessary.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №18342
The President promised that soon the roads in Russia will be the same as in Germany. The first 200 bulldozers have already been sent to Germany.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18341
How did you fuck me with your sound drugs!!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18340
I never thought that Gaussian blur in Photoshop could be called Gaussian blur.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18339
Fialka (11:11:52 17/07/2009)
Unfortunately, you are not an artist.
The House (11:12:05 17/07/2009)
Yes (
The House (11:12:10 17/07/2009)
I can paint a game.
The House (11:12:13 17/07/2009)
or Pushkin
The House (11:12:18 17/07/2009)
You cannot distinguish one from the other.
Fialka (11:12:23 17/07/2009)

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18338
How long will our children have to pick up an email address?! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №18337
Ward tells me words he doesn’t know, and I don’t even have anything to say to him – I don’t know them either.

[ + 108 - ] Comment quote №18336
from JJ:
Gay people just fuck through their ass, but the pederastes do absolutely anything through their ass!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18335
Three things contribute to good sleep: a clean conscience, a soft pillow, and a lack of internet.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna