— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141813
The First Commandment of the Perfectionist:

It is better to do well, but never, than to do something today.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141812
gamergoltz: Windows 10 at completion began to issue the error about "memory cannot be read". I’ve gotten back in tears – I’ve been writing Win Xp every time I launched on my first course 13 years ago. Ten of them were born right away!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141811
I will not forget the "dinner" airlines "KD-Avia": a bank of yogurt, a bank of beer, a salty cucumbers. There are no instruments.
To my question, how is it, the steward, barely withholding laughter, said:
Do you not understand? You take a cucumbers, make yogurt, lick, drink beer.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141810
here here :

The task: in the studio was 7 m. blue fabric, 11 m. yellow, 5 m. red and 10 m. white. There is three meters of fabric on the dress. How many dresses do portraits sew?
All children divided the numbers by 3, dropped the remains, put together the whole ones. But Lo wasn't like that, Lo put together the remains and counted how many different colour dresses would be. So many white, so many red, so many colored. I was lowered in this assessment.

One non-professional has made an incorrect task (missed the word "one-color"), and another non-professional teaches children to match the system. Who does not want to be a obedient worker after school, think with your mind and do not be afraid of low marks!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141809
I didn’t have questions about how we came up, but I had questions about how we got them. I didn’t know the difference between men and women. Well heard what it is that women have no whispers, but especially did not believe where they write if there is no? When I asked my mom how she got me, she couldn’t explain. She said, “But boys have whispers, and girls have something, you know? Well, here I whispered, what was in the girls, but not in the boys I saw, so I was aware. From there, my mother told me.
I then tried for a long time to imagine how a baby from a breast is getting.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141808
Sitting in the throat. Googling rather than splashing it. Among other things, found salt solution and beet juice. I have a burst... I am healing.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141807
Lo to:
The task: in the studio was 7 m. blue fabric, 11 m. yellow, 5 m. red and 10 m. white. There is three meters of fabric on the dress. How many dresses do portraits sew?
All children divided the numbers by 3, dropped the remains, put together the whole ones. But Lo wasn't like that, Lo put together the remains and counted how many different colour dresses would be. So many white, so many red, so many colored. I was lowered in this assessment.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141806
Chat with a friend living in Moscow:
Q: Isn’t it foolish?
I am in the ECB.
XXX: Did you get up to the ECB? It is :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141805
The magic power of intelligence: a friend fell on a large fine, and instead of extinguishing it for several years with interest on the salary, took a loan to repay under 200%. And so as not to be ashamed to take a non-rounded amount, took twice as much and procured the other half. After that he was unable to pay such interest, but remained silent until they came to describe the property.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141804
Summer and air conditioning. Let's imagine - summer, outdoors warm, say, +25, all walk in the same shirts, shirts and shirts. He is an air conditioner. Includes +18 or less and maximum swelling. He wears a warm cloth. He is well and comfortable, the rest are cold. Tell me, why do they do that? Isn’t it easier to sit WITHOUT clothes and air conditioning to put on +23 (according to SanPin)?? to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141803
I need to wear trustworthy socks - my 2 times a day slipped down, pulling the rest behind. It’s hard to stay unstoppable when the cowards slowly fade away.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141802
I saw here a guy in the subway tattoo exactly on the oak: Foot 1 and Foot 2. Apparently from the creators New Folder 1 and New Folder 2.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141801
If you saw an emo near your entrance today, what would you do?
He would beat until he lost consciousness.
zzz: changed the dollar by 30 rubles.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141800
I wonder where are the dancers from the clubs when they are 35 years old?

They continue to work as teachers in junior classes.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141799
Drawing - Drawing
Pulled - Pulled
Guys, girls love the Nakachan, and many are also literate. Probably some guys love them too.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141798
Okay shit?! to

here here :
If there are pedophiles, there must also be pedophiles.

and Childfrey? No, I have not heard!

Pedophiles do not love children in parental terms. Childfrey doesn’t have children because they’re afraid to fuck them. Somehow in general "pedophile" and "childfrey" are not at different ends of the same line. Imho, so some Childfrey may well be a pedophile, so to speak, does not educate, but fucking.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141797
The shutdown screen reflects reality.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141796
It was ten years ago. My acquaintance began to worry about tooth pain.
The day, the second, nothing passes, but only increases her torment.
I went to fashion dentistry. There a young and competent doctor treated her very carefully, took a panoramic photo, and made a disappointing verdict: it is necessary to urgently remove 5 or 6 teeth, conduct active medication, and then put implants and prosthetics. Esculap noted in particular: it was well said that I still had time to turn, until the full paragraph on the flight script came. In short, it can still be saved, but it has to start yesterday!
of tears.

The disease was saved by the lack of money.
This nuance made her go to the dental clinic easier. There, the grandmother fixed her glasses and looked into the mouth of the sufferer. The elderly doctor did not have to fly to the Maldives and buy a new Mercedes, so she by the way pulled out a fish bone from the swollen gums of the patient, then struck in turn with the "example" of her tip all the match, advised a couple of times to rinse her mouth with a solution of soda (a teaspoon on a glass of water).
So my acquaintance left without new teeth. His for now.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141795
None of the houses to be renovated, during the hurricane did not suffer, "said Mayor Sobyanin and thought, did he not shake up the excess?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141794
xxx: First make an external video card for the laptop

yyy: External monitor, external keyboard and mouse, external hard drive already available. Only the external system unit for the laptop remains blurred.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna