— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136861
News: A 20-year-old resident of New Zealand posted an announcement about the sale of her own pot on one of the shopping platforms on the Internet.
The “good, wild” girl, as she calls herself, offers buyers to buy a place on one of her buttocks for any tattoo. From the announcement it follows that the one who will offer the maximum price for its fifth point has the right to choose which buttock - the left or the right - he will place the tattoo.

First comment: Let’s go down and order her the word "huy" on the bull :D

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136860
Haber, discussion of the new scheme of work of the crypto ransomware

SergioBarbery: Creating empty files %AppData%\been_here and %AppData%\server_step_one won't fit as a vaccine? Or is there any data?

Prototik: Enough empty been_here, the code is on the screenshot.

AVX: And the next version will check something else, and seeing only these files, will erase everything to the hell and show a picture of the type of cook-racist.jpg :-)

mwizard: What about compatibility with previous versions? I’ve sold it all out, support it.

Sergarcada: “There are 3 updates for your virus. And options: update and restart, postpone for 10 minutes, postpone for 4 hours, install Windows 10.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136859
At 14-15 years old, when sex was already wanted, and the girls still don’t give, we all shuddered (and whoever shuddered what didn’t shuddered, did it a thousand times more often than the rest), so in those beautiful times I managed to finish when the picture (not the video, please note!) It was loaded by a third. And you didn’t even see what was on her, but just showed the naked Monica Bellucci! And there the hook and the photo of the T-34 tank is loading! Yes, you did not smell Dialope.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136858
Commentary on the series:

"A door without a gate? Why Why?? And also open to the outside so that excessive pressure is constantly pressing on the door? Blage, even in the village houses, doors with a "sleep", seams, so that there is dust and snow to clean off, so that the seal is, so that the "outer" tools to store.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136857
<"sandals above socks"sandals, >

The last century already. Socks on sandals - the choice of the real macho!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136856
Is this fashion now, or is half of the guys really gay?

Yyy: The translation is sweet, but what’s wrong?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136855
xxx> Aeroflot appears to be completely bending, spamming naughty
yyy> have you gone a long way?
xxx> and I We are not well fed here.
xxx> But yes, I’m regularly being sent messages that my flight to Pattaya has begun.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136854
Equality of Gender

"The Holy Father"
Michael Corleone, in retaliation for his father, waved the mafia from a competing "family" and grabbed to a bunch

Hidden in Sicily. They go with a local escort, idyllic, local goat girls pasture...
Go, go... goats, girls, goats, girls, goats, girls... the landscape does not change.

The shocked Michael asks the guest:

Why did they not meet any men? Where are all the men?
They died in Vendetta.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136853
For six months, football fans have been collecting money. To send Gusev on vacation "wherever you want" during the 2018 World Cup.

Before the New Year, the initiative group published a report:
The money collected by fans is already enough for a single flight of the telecommunicator to Mars and back.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136852
The boss comes to me today and says:
– Listen, I’m not against you playing the counter in your free time from urgent tasks. But you at least change the map, or the older generation is very stressed that you run around the office and shoot people.
I turned around and met a couple of frightened eyes through the glasses)) Now I’m running to Italy...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136851
When we bought the first HVC stove, we immediately "known" her grandmother. They showed a mode for heating and freezing and banned putting metal there. She emerged quickly enough and by the evening already praised the new technique for convenience. The next day, she put the farch in the microwave and put it to freeze. She came into the room, sat down on the chair with a smile and said, "What has the technique come to! Heats food with light and freezes it with light and even lightning! What a beauty, I admired for ten minutes!”

We quickly rushed to the stove, but it was no longer possible to save it, the entire rear wall slipped. It turned out that the grandmother put the farce in a foliated packaging. I didn’t know there was metal.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136850
PDA: I want to go to the beach.
Aurelito: By the way, yes. To the beach with a booklet, and a cold beer in Egypt
Pda: Well, you have to decide whether to watch a nymph or watch a book.
Nymphs like to be smart. The book will be covered.
Pda: Oh, you are like a stone-looking and smart-looking person reading, and the nymphs are flying to you: Oh, what are you reading?
Aurelito: It is so. And you are like that, from above: "Chaka Palanica, baby". And she has a rubber in her shorts and hose right away.
Aurelito: The physical fact.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136849
Richelieu: How many different things he did for France, and many consider him a fool who interfered with the queen's love, thanks to Dumas

Only and exclusively thanks to Dumas, many are aware of the existence of Richelieu. And the Musketeers.
A small part of the population does not know who Lenin is, where is Richelieu.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №136848
Lyck: Yes, in Soviet times, the walls were more literate than they are now broadcasting on the central channels!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136847
Higher mathematics in the universe. The theme of "Combination"
The student:
- Somehow all the unrealistic we are discussing here... Disconnected from life... Let’s give the day a challenge about options!
The Prep:
Well well! Here is the phrase “Japanese, fuck you, but not the Kuril Islands!” How many variants of translation words can be found?
Some students started writing in a column:
“Hi you, the Japanese, but not the Kuril Islands!”
Hui you, the Japanese, but not the Kuril Islands!
“Hui, the Japanese, you, but not the Kuril Islands!”
and etc.
The Prep:
You are trying to solve the task mechanically. In combination, it is easily solved. Seven words – seven words. - "seven factor" of options! And if I add two more words to the patented S. Lavrov? Which ones?
The student:
"They are fools!" Nine factors of choice.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136846
Tagged Jeans
I wonder, is there anything that will not be interpreted as a sign of homosexuality? Shorts, triangle sweaters, long hair (already longer than five millimeters), now here are the doors... It seems that soon the lack of uniform of the established pattern will become such a sign.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №136845
The life paradox.
He who has many shortcomings lives in abundance and vice versa.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №136844
Pitbull, goat and cabbage

If your sword is short, stretch it one step forward.
(A French proverb

The departure was postponed for another hour and we killed time by puzzling each other puzzles: old and new, children and adults, with puzzles and just mathematical puzzles.
Operator Maxim said:

- Let me tell you a real mystery, real, in the sense of my life. My mom solved it in just a minute, maybe even in forty seconds.
You are here, not counting me, four adults and smart people, let’s check – in how long will you find the right answer?
So it is: the beginning of the nineties. The whole country was divided into bandits and victims. But what to tell you? You are older than me, and you should remember that.
Thin thirty-year-old woman, height: 1 meter 60 cm – my mother and two young children: ten-year-old me and my three-year-old sister. We went for a walk to the river – sandwiches to eat, to play badminton, and sandstorms to catch. Somewhere in mid-September, swimming has long been cold, but you can still fall on the blanket. Our river is deep, but rather narrow, about ten or fifteen meters wide in that place.
My mother and I started playing badminton, and on the other side of the river was a company of bandits on two nine. Leather jackets, shuffles, music, girls, all things and they had a fierce dog – like a staff, or a pitbull. A dog, of course, without a leash and a stitch. And once this dog immediately hated our badminton, whispering, voicing, teeth crawling. Only the river saved me.
The bandits began to scream at my mother: "Who, tram-param, the dog you irritate your tram-param with badminton tram-pump from here, or you will be tram-param.
We, of course, were upset, but there is nothing to do, even on different shores, and it is better not to connect with the bandits. We started to fold the blanket and here we hear on the other side - the "bulls", looked around, and this pitbull did not stand, jumped into the water and sailed in our direction to eat everyone.
The bandits themselves were afraid of the consequences, but he does not react, and the owners do not rush into the cold water behind the pitbull, there are no fools. We started shouting, “Tram-param from there, as long as there is time, maybe you will have time to get to the forest!”

Here is the task: you four are my mothers, to you and your children a torpedo-killer flies, seconds after forty, it will already be here, and three hundred meters to the forest.
Decide, the time has passed.

Someone of us proposed to run away, so two of the three are guaranteed to survive, someone to send the children forward and run behind them, so that the children can be saved, someone, screaming loudly, scratching their teeth and standing on the four.
I suggested wrapping the blanket on the hand to take the first bite on it, and there it will be visible.
When the ideas exhausted, Maxim paused and said:

Are there no options anymore? To be honest, it’s been twenty-five years since then, but I’m still wondering – and how did my mom get the right answer in forty seconds? Apparently, when your children are in deadly danger, the brains from the daylight suddenly switch to complete illumination and themselves issue the only correct decision.
My sister and I even thought that my mother was crazy. She took a badminton racket and, as she was in jeans, entered the belt into the water, right in front of the floating death.
I said, “Mom, what are you? “Let’s run, Mom!”
When the pitbull floated to his mother, she carefully plunged his head with a rocket. He stood a little under the water, turned around and went out to the shore.
The gangs on the other side were running, shouting, even kneeling into the water, but they did not decide to swim, whether they were afraid of the cold water, or my mom's rocket.
The sister asked for a long time:
Did you drown a dog?
What are you, daughter? This dog loves to dive and can even live underwater.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136843
You have not seen your friend for a long time. You did not pour water with him.
The evil witch has enchanted him and keeps him in jail.
got married?
and yes.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136842
Operation of laser vision correction.

111: I found myself among those who have contraindications to it.
This is really offensive.
222 Do not despair. Medicine is not in place. Just have to wait.
333:...the end of life, then problems with vision will disappear by themselves.
222: Don’t be so pessimistic.
It wasn’t too long to wait :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna