— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №17934
We had an electrical school at the university. Her name is Cossik (hit on the first slang). Well, behind her eyes, she was called “Kosyak,” although she knew about it. In a couple:
Where is this student? Why has he not appeared for a long time?
He lives in community! It is heaven!)
Oh, let me tell you what your cat is waiting for! :)
And her son, a year older than us, studied the same specialty as us. Give it another.) Prepodsa, asking, “Where is Vova?” and hearing, “And he and Hemplevo went somewhere,” she said, “Well, of course, where is the Kossak without Hemple!”!"))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №17933
We sit on a tourlet with a friend at the fire, we discuss one acquaintance:
I: What a good guy: he plays football well, he can play guitar, his sense of humor is good.
Probably comes together.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №17932
The “non-Russian news” just revealed that Barack Obama is going to meet with Prime Minister Medvedev and President Putin – the predictors are crazy.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №17931
Troyanka: one of our at work senya told how the lectures were broken 10 years ago in mga
Troyanka: the door was opened, a bottle of vodka was placed so that only the teacher could see it.
In a few minutes, the predecessor closed the lecture.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №17930
This fucking fucking people we work in the services. They made my car good and inexpensive. But the pencil on the front capsule put the opposite. I ended up swallowing when I had nothing on the glass, but the pedestrians on the crossing were swallowing even more when I targeted them on the lighting with soap water. Or is it such a joke to blatantly blatant? Then the Zack.

Drawing from ZH

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №17929
Can I listen to Radio Radonezh via the iPod? Wouldn’t this hurt the spiritual conversations?

Indeed, many of our listeners notice that the iPod is a satanic device. First, the logo of the overbite apple – which undoubtedly symbolizes the forbidden fruit. Steve Jobs said, “You’re going to sin through my devices.” Secondly, the name Ipod itself is obviously named after the ruler of Herod, who arranged the beating of thousands of infants, cut off the head of John the Baptist, and possibly was a Jew.
Therefore, it is more Orthodox to listen to Radonezh radio through the Philips apparatus, named, as is known, in honor of the Metropolitan of Moscow Saint Philip.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №17928
The holiday season, more careful with drinks on the road, citizens) A friend told - he recently went to rest at sea. I drank in the train. At some stop went out to buy minerals, stands in line, waiting. Suddenly he sees the train touching and gaining speed. A deceased friend breaks down and has time to jump into the last wagon (while losing during the rush one shrapnel). Then, bursting under the nose of the curse, through the whole train, in one shirt and shorts, with a meth in his hand goes into his wagon and sees that in his place sleeps some man. He begins to wake him up, a whirlwind. In short, I omit the details - he was drunk and took the train departing from the neighboring road for his own, which at this time stood peacefully on the other side.)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №17927
When Sanya was in 5th grade, we gave him a canary on the day.
Oh yeah, but if she had the music to whisper, the bird would then sing and wake up... and Sanek loved metal.
Hathwild, and that’s what this canary is now called, burns Nothing Else Matters harder than any real James Hathwilds.
Hopefully he will come in.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The Happiness! He already drives his neighbors for 100 rubles.

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17926
And yet we, girls, are very incomprehensible beings O_o
They sat down with friends, talked, discussed something. Here one of us has never said: "I am scary. I have curved legs" We with the second girlfriend started type no you are not right, you have shabby legs, don't say nonsense, etc. She insisted on her own.In the end, I got tired of all this and when she once again said that she has curved legs, I replied with an unwavering face: And yet you are right.what are they really curved with you.she started to leave.I shouted: where did you go, bloodfoot?she turned and said:Christine, I'm happy to offend you, don't say so!I have normal legs!even very beautiful!and if you say once again that I have curved legs, I'll turn and go.
How do you communicate with us after that?

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №17925
A colleague tells history:
My daughter is watching Medvedev’s interview on television.
The daughter! This is who?
This is a bear!
He is who?
He is Putin!

The baby’s mouth :)

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №17924
Rocket "Syзрань" - when hitting any metropolis turns it into Syзрань.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №17923
Obama thanked Putin for the good weather in Moscow - who does he think Putin is?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №17922
<Lord> Hello to everyone!
<all> Hi Lord!

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №17921
My night fantasies scare me.

I drove a cat in my dream today. She gave him the money, the keys to the house, and put him in a taxi. He even called me that he arrived normally :(

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №17920
But do the hoppers know they’re hoppers or do they think they’re cool?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №17919
All genius is simply...
yyy: Those of you who mislead, read the theory of superstrings

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17918
Today I walked the street and thought that there are two types of people in Russia: some dress according to the weather, others according to the time of year.

Christine in Moscow.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №17917
I am drunk at night. and dark. Suddenly the earth goes out of my feet, I fall and beat away everything I could (it turned out that some wreaths dug out a pit and didn't fence the ribbons).
I lie down and regenerate. Darkness, solitude and relaxation.
And suddenly a loud voice under my ear:
Man to smoke?
I almost shrugged.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №17916
xxh: yesterday the lecha told, they whipped in the country, well, they wanted supplements, went to the city, all naturally drunk, and also driven, in the car 6 people, one of the most drunk in the luggage.))))
Going past the post.
xxxh: well they are braking, the gasket fits, the car is toned, the driver moves to the passenger.
XHH: the gaez opens the door... a painting with oil, two people on the passenger seat, four people behind, a monsoon ores.
He is the type who has driven all the types we don’t know, you’ve gone by the way... well, go out, let’s find out and the music is turned off.
XHHH: Here is a scream from the trunk, you woke that the monsoon was turned off)))))
YYY: The gesture of “ROFL” – What’s over?
xxx: found the driver and removed the rights))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17915
The Monday. Dialogue at work.
XXX: What will we do today?
Whatever you want, but not today.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna