— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №131079
>>> When asked why he did this, the grandfather replied:
“When I saw that the cruiser Aurora was entering Neva, I thought, as long as the sailors would take the station, the telegraph and deal with the bourgeoisie, we should take the bank and the mail.

The Soviet joke ended a little differently: “Well, I thought it started all over the country.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131078
For safety reasons, cyclists were restricted.

Bicycles are better than cyclists!
What, what is better?! to
What a bicycle!! to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №131077
to this:
More and more closely and closer to the long-held assumption, "We will catch up with the time when a bomb with Soviet secondary education will be more literate than a graduate of a modern university''".

That is, we have so many people after forty who believe in the harm of GMOs, telegony and homeopathy. The Soviet education rule, and how. Modern, undoubtedly, has become worse, but at the same time, on average, people have not become dumber.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131076
Which area is Munich?

XXX: In Munich

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131075
Tamara Korzyuk: Infinity is complete! Is the 37th year back? Donos, if the face didn't like it.. 15 years ago and one fool wrote a note to my boss. I supposedly looked at him somewhere at the stop and eagerly smiled. I worked as a driver and was scattered by the sun... What only dudes does the earth wear.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131074
Every action gives rise to opposition – this is an inhumanly wise thought.
Try to shave the cat against the wool. You know the laws of physics.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131073
Neradence: I had a very epic case today. The universe is watching, I tell you.
I came to work today, went into the yard, parked. I met one of our elderly accountants on the way, who then came to me and in such an honest, insightful voice asked:
Did you decide on your own that you are a fool?
(No, I was called differently, of course, but I was surprised. very strongly. This lady was unexpected. OO OO
– and?
What is written on your car?
I begin to guess:
- Stepway... "Step forward"...
“Oh,” said my aunt, rapidly red, “Oh, Nerochka, and I, the blind, read it.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131072
Survey from the hotel:

Please indicate the problems that you encountered during your stay at our hotel.

You sent me this questionnaire, and my wife saw it. Since the room in your hotel was used to meet a prostitute, it created some problems for me.

>> Do you have any comments about your stay at our hotel?

No, but my wife had enough.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131071
I am standing on the peron, waiting for my electric car to wire from a thirsty city to the village. A woman with a child aged 3-4 years. The boy talks silently in his child’s language, his mother explains something in response. Then he says, “Head in the fire!” ! to Head in the fire, Mom! ! to ! to

I look at the little boy in expectation that right now his head will turn 360 degrees and he will spell the curse in the ancient language. And the boy again: “Mommy, head in the fire!” His finger points somewhere behind my back. A couple of old blue cars. Mother to the child: "Son, is it right to say the "blue wagon" as Gene sings in the song? ... →

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131070
The value of genetic material when choosing a sexual partner.
Just funny.
Cheerleaded by Cheerlead. Why Why?
Fucking family couples who have orava children and no longer need them.
Fucking (the horror, and you did not know) retirees who can no longer have children.
As they said in one old movie, it’s a kind of entertainment.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131069
The struggle of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine hit the poster of the Chinese punk festival, which took place in China in June

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131068
I decided to go to the temple. Just a chastity. Shirt, shirt in the floor, lack of paint on the face. It was the first time I put my coat on the floor.
As she climbed the stairs to the temple, she stepped down, stumbled, loudly roared, turned around and went home under the condemning views of the grandmothers-superstitioners of what happened.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №131067
Do twins have members of the same size?

We finally got to the real questions.

“As one of the twins, I can say that my penis is definitely larger than my sister’s.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131066
We are in the car with our wife and children, the daughter asks:
Are you and your dad friends?
We are more than friends! I cry out. We are co-contractors!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131065
<Hellsy> I dreamed of nightmares about horrendous horrendous viruses that were constantly evolving. First they were independent, purely malicious programs, then they began to be embedded in other programs, then they began to replace other programs as a whole, performing their functionality - browsers-viruses, downloads-viruses, games-viruses and others appeared, and eventually appeared OPERATION SYSTEM-VIRUS, which independently installed on the machine, completely replacing the previous axis. I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and could not sleep for a long time, but I was really scared only in the morning when I realized that it was REALITY.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131064
Alexey2005: If the encryption Trojan is going to output something like an EULA before installation with a request to agree to the encryption of all the data, and it will only run if the user puts a box, then such a Trojan becomes completely legal?

“Hello, I am a Trojan horse, within me a cohort of warriors, who at night will open from within the gates of your castle for assault by that army that has hidden behind the neighbouring hills. Do you still want to let me enter your castle?”

Noeren: Next, next, accept, accept, well, as much as possible...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131063
From Habr:
Personally, I am a big fan of hotkeys: they save time when performing standard actions and develop motor skills in children.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131062
On the night when Aurora returned to St. Petersburg after repairs, a coup took place in Turkey. She has not even shot!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131061
C is booze. We have a busy company here in general: three lesbians, three boys and one girl - a natural girl =)
Q: I wonder who will get the natural? A lottery of the century :D
A: She is a girlfriend of a guy =)))
Q: How would it be offensive if he didn’t win?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131060
From articles about Paločnik (unknown night monster from a fake video) + Picabus comment:

The research team has found that nine people have disappeared in the area in the last forty years.
The fucking area. Only nine people in 40 years. All these crimes are killed at night.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna