— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №101133
The doctor cried and listened carefully. When the flow is exhausted, he asks:
How did you get upstairs, on foot or in the elevator?
Strangely enough, this is not always an indicator. We had a grandmother-caregiver on the site with the first group of disabilities just for orthopedic matters. Many caregivers from the second barely crawl around their apartment, and on the street only accompanied, and this periodically met: a truss with a sleeve and itching to the bus stop so that you need to catch up with the run. Once organized the social center "fir-fir-fir!" for the fact that the placed free costume in the TSS gave "black, which does not fit the summer dress and in general some MAN!" :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101132
I wonder:
by this:
The Distant Sufferers:
— — —
xxx: Going to the toilet at work is like playing "three fingers": "Try to guess which cabin today has toilet paper?"
— — —
Keep the roll on your table like the grandmothers hold the pads. Wear it with you when you go to the toilet.
— — —
Lord, maybe it's time to understand that at work to the toilet you just need to suck, and dirt at home? Do you not mind yourself?
— — —
That is to say, if it is hard at work - all, sit until the evening suffer? You can immediately push the graffiti rod into the ass, the diamond will be at the exit. Well, and so, pure nonsense: half of the population of the planet needs toilet paper and then suck too.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101131
How do you know that the blue molded cheese is broken?
I am serious.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №101130
and Bryansk. The Soviet area. The morning. Going to work. The road runs through the city of Zaggs. I see a man jumping out of the door glowing of happiness, a cell phone in his hands, and from it it is “I am free, like a bird in the sky”... I looked at him with a slightly flattering look, and he looked at me, floating in a smile: “I have split up!”... Happiness, it is different for everyone)))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101129
I am fucking
Sild: I understand, of course, that he is on vacation and he has matters more important than answering my questions.
Sild: But we have some sort of dialogue.
Clean the closet, door and crane.
What kind of cabinet? three of them. Is it the door where the pen fell or the one that the elephant took away from the chain? What crane, do we not have a crane?
The elephant has escaped.

Fuck you know what to do.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101128
Q: What does the red blue drawing mean in the weather forecast?
You will be lucky ".

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №101127
XXX: What is a carpet?

Yyy: Well the carburators too ))))

XXX: What are they doing?? to

YYY: preparing a fuel-air mixture

Are you cooking German? And the Borges?? to

yyy: no, borst is prepared by other devices, more capricious at work and hundreds of times more difficult to set up

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101126
of Kaliningrad. The news. Residents of the area were allowed to demand the improvement of the quality of medicine.
No, this is beyond good and evil!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101125
xxx: "softwear"
yyy: type, soft clothes?
I think there’s also hardwear. Hard clothes.
YYY: Yeah, the ring is there
xxx: By the way, in this terminology then sharewear will be the ballowers.)))
Zzz: What about freewear?
XXX is naked.
ZZZ: Logical

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101124
by MV:
After the poisoning, he gave himself everything he could. The neck was tight. I asked my father to massage.
My father’s hand is heavy and massages well.
I say to Mom:
You need to massage your neck every night.
Mother :
I ask every night, but my father refuses.
I think thoughtfully:
I am afraid of suffocating :D

I’m glad my mom has a sense of humor. My parents would have drowned me long ago.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101123
4 of PDA. News "5G support will appear by the end of the decade"
Yenot: in 2020 5G Internet...MTS "SuperBit": 100MB per day for only 200 rubles per month

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101122
bogomol: today brought home to my daughter delicious: biscuits. I wanted to delight the child. The child ate, pressed and cried, because Mishek was very sad.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101121
When a man loses weight, he does not weigh. He’s just cutting new holes in the belt.
YYY : All of them. I am starting to marry.
YYY: Scalability and scalability.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №101120
I went to Camazing Sex. The video begins - two men stand in mashed combes...

Is it gay? 😉

and worse. They beat the hour fucking with the repair of the Camaz.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №101119
My father is 65 years old, but he looks 50-55. He stands at the station smoking and the girl approaches him further a short dialogue.

Do you want to rest?
I am not tired yet.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101118
Vit_90: shit, not work and a fairy tale: eaten, slept + home caught what lies bad...
Chapter 22: Where Are You Working?
Vit_90: admin in the Balkans
Sassuola72: Vitaly ! to
Vit_90: Alexander Nikolaevich? to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101117
Accidentally found the 8th year log. If anyone else remembers the breakout:

111: A thousandth pulpit loaded with uranium fractures... 600 shots per minute from a trunk. Weight of 5 kg.
In how many microseconds does a body accumulate critical mass?
222: 111, the critical mass will be in the embrace. So is!
111: Guilds of beryllium. Cartridges are stored in water.
333 Is the water heavy?
444: as a stone
Chapter 11: What a Fuck! Lamas is an atheist.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101116
You are an insectophob.
The courage compared to me.
xxxh: I'm here portrait of a cockroach on a pishalk for their extreminatus nail sticker
I think it’s scary to take that shit in hand.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101115
Today I lived a day in the life of an average cat.
Eat the whiskey? Sitting in the tapes? Lying the eggs?
The idiots. Slept all day.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №101114
X: Rush of the Parachute. Rhythm is truth.
y: Dear Stas, I would be careful in your name to make such statements.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna