— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141293
And when you open it, you experience the same emotions again. What you don’t experience when reading an e-book. The reflex, you know.

Why does the electronic reflex not work? The mystery.
Do you listen to music only from records? I respect it :)

In general, imho, they are proud and boast of their love for the Holy Paper those who do not read a lot. If you read 10 new books a year, you can buy them, and there is enough space on the shelves. What about 100+? When will they drive you out of the house? And don’t tell me about libraries, there’s not everything you need. So when in a three-bedroom apartment 2 rooms almost from the floor to the ceiling became covered with paper - I had to love the unspiritual figure I sent. because of.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141292
The Generation Zero.

xx: who can work in the fresh air.. except for the yard?))
Try the shoe cleaner. A washer of car glasses at the crossroads, a beggar, a distributor of papers, and many others!

The palate does not know the breath!
But hell take it,
work in the air,
Working with people.
by Vladimir Vishnevsky)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141291
In our country, on the question "Do you know the history of Russia?" it is appropriate to clarify "Which?"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141290
How proud were our friends when they brought Newfoundland! Growing up huge, frightening sizes of dogs. We went to the field, worked with him, all the teams knew the dogs. Once, while the owners were at work, the apartment was besieged. Wash everything, even your shoes. With such a guard. By miracle, the police found the thieves. For the sake of interest, they asked, why did the tattoos curl the masters? The thieves said, "He got his hats, wears in his teeth, ticks his nose, until he was dressed, he was not behind. As soon as I dressed, I went to sleep.”

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141289
of Russia. 21st century.
The judge reads the verdict:
- To acknowledge the defendant guilty of insulting the feelings of believers... The defendant, your last word.
And yet she turns!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141288
What do you think of Half-Life? Do you know how to count to two? Do you want one half, then the other half?

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141287
I didn’t understand if Stalin, who bombed the temples and insulted the feelings of the believers, was good or bad?

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №141286
There is a simple explanation why Victory Day for Russia is a holiday of state importance.

Because this is the only scratch that makes the Russians feel like a united people. Others simply do not.

If there is no awareness of this in the Russians, then immediately a bunch of questions will arise:
Why are wealthy people living in Siberia so poor?
Why the money from the lease of Chinese arable land goes to Moscow,
why Chechnya is the most subsidized region, why we need it,
Why everyone steals and nobody does anything about it.
If I disagree with the policy of my country...

Therefore, they are trying hard to introduce Orthodoxy so that there is more than one scrap.

Military, Moscow 2042 It is written how it will end.

The state has no other objectives than state objectives.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141285
lilmy: we dust with brother in advertising - a new Stranger comes out
I: Stop, and where is Ripley?! to
She is old already...
I: Well, the old Ripley’s whisper of a stranger is gone!
Brother: Oh, and the Stranger is old too, with a cloth, a thumb hanging...
I: And all the action takes place in the fifth in a row: who will have time until 13:00 to go and get a discount on the social card, and who does not!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141284
At the same time, the loans were issued under the provision of “valuable chemical raw materials” during the inspection of ordinary water.

Homeopathic Loans

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141283
Religion - Religion

Thank you for talking about the Hindu religion. The most strict with the consumption of meat is the situation in Jainism, the number of followers reaches 10 million people. It is unlikely that this religion can be attributed to the main. Probably the same pvstafaryan followers. already more. But not the essence.

The point is that if you dig deeper, the relative follow-up of vegetarianism in these religions derives from the postulate 'do not harm the living, in some cases it comes to refusing even to process the land, because 'doing harm to the living. That is, not large physical loads, the loss of energy from which can be compensated by vegetarianism.
If we remember the social system, climate and economic things, then a joyful picture is drawn: meat products are only available to the more or less wealthy strata, and the rest - become yogis, contemplate, eat vegetable food.

In most Hindu religions, vegetarianism is not mandatory.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141282
XXX: My sister’s cat got a stroke. Maybe that’s all you need to know about my sister.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141281
Lena, I have to admit. You are not my wife.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141280
When will the Robin Hood virus appear? On the old iron will pop up a window "not enough resources to run the virus, give you a penny, buy a normal computer".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141279
I sent a diploma and a presentation here, I wrote "I send you a diploma". Coco was sealed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141278
Our beloved grandmother stayed with us.And here comes a friend after me, I introduce them to each other, collect my pieces and go to another room to change clothes. Behind my back, my grandmother talks about the weather. Five minutes later I come to them and they have a fierce argument about the apocalypse. How is?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141277
I have to check if the heating is...
I have checked. did not give
How did you check?
The fucking! Batteries are on!
Was the stand touched?! to
In life, yes It became warmer.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141276
I’m doing it – it’s great! 😉

Alexander Makiev: At my examination in biology, one student who rolled all 3 questions of the ticket on the question - "How are worms divided?" - not embarrassed, answered: "I don't know how there is in the book, and we have a spade!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141275
Law enforcement authorities detained a criminal group consisting of managers and employees of commercial banks. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the bankers issued obviously non-refundable loans, taking as collateral barrels with water.
It is about the withdrawal of the assets of commercial banks on the eve of the withdrawal of the banking license. At the same time, the loans were issued under the provision of “valuable chemical raw materials” when checking what turned out to be ordinary water.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141274
Little told about the incident at school.
The lesson of social science is controlled by terms. Three comrades sit behind the last parties, clearly not ready. One asks the neighbor, “Who is an altruist?” and the neighbor answers, “Well, this is the one who does not believe in God.” and the third turns to them, “Stupid, the nudist does not believe in God, and the altruist is the opposite of selfishness!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna