— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141253
How did you do it...Lee

There is no need for economics in schools. It did not exist in the USSR, and it does not exist now. The ordinary person should only know that everywhere they are trying to cheat him and you need to be careful and, say, not to take loans.

And physics is not necessary, and you do not need to, it is enough to know only that all deaths want him and you need to be careful and, say, do not use fire, not a knife, not electricity, and do not have sex (or you will get infected!) is

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141252
The eruption of the Shiveluc volcano and its impact on the climate are discussed

- And in Rostov warm and on scooters / big rides...
- And in Moscow for such words you will get skies on the mouth and skates on the mouth!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141251
The Parental Forum.

At the end of the year, I have trouble with my head.
I have a daughter, Masha, in 2nd grade.
The youngest in the kindergarten is Natasha. At the meeting, the educator tells about Natasha and addresses me "Natasha’s mom". I sit, not listening or reacting at all. I think everybody has gotten out of me? I forgot that I came to the kindergarten, was distracted by my thoughts and decided that I was sitting in school.
Who is this, Natasha’s mother? I used to being a Mother’s Car.
It ended with the fact that I asked the educator "And who is this – Natasha’s mother, do we have no Natasha?"
My parents thought I had a roof.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141250
I couldn’t get a letter today – I didn’t like the authorization.
There were no problems before.
He called the line and described the situation.
I asked him to stop mocking people.
They said that such a service is not provided.
and :(

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №141249
Β childhood, like many, left for summer κ grandmother and grandfather. One day, during their stay, a phone ringed in the apartment - a home phone, with a disk number pickup (other were not there then). Κ the phone approached the grandfather:
− Α and
− Where did I go?
− I’m going to see.
And, holding a 10-second pause, he says:
− Ο You can’t see it here.

Then I put on the phone and calmly went on watching TV. I was 7 years old and I sat down for a long time and thought it was.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141248
XXX: Fuck... even if this one group story ends?

YYY: Listen to me briefly. I studied at the institute, where there were girls in groups, and boys could be met very rarely. I was one guy in my group. Should I say that I had not had enough attention? Consequently, all my friends at the time were girls to whom I trusted during my studies. We had a subject called sports tourism, led by a young boy, only after the institute. So this trickle collects a seminar every year and declares that it arranges the march, and only the most active will go to it, whom he will choose at the end of the session. Well, he perceived me as a friend, because you don’t communicate with guys, because they don’t exist. And here is the end of the session, we chose with him two of the "most active" girls, and embarked on a campaign for a few days, stopped for the night in the forest cottage. Fresh air, pleasant fatigue, a little stitched from all this girl, we and the instructor got out of the backpacks a bowl, which was a lot to bring to the condition of tired young girls and was not needed, well, should we continue, what was at night? Not because it’s all shit, and what did you expect?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141247
From a women’s forum, a man created a topic:
"He was very fat, by the way. I’m fine, now I’m a triangle."
Q1: "and I’m a parallel piped, let’s be muddy?"
G2: "and I am a stangecircle!"
G1: "groupship is meant :))"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141246
zzz: And you know, let it be a lot of trouble - but it is in such a morning that I want to write something good and cozy, so that people read in the morning and rejoice.
Sasha, the wall of a five-storey residential building collapsed in Nafta. The residents panic and run away, the city council catches them and puts them in the bus, and a representative of the management company says that everything is fine and nothing extraordinary is happening. Go there, the photographer has already gone.
Zzzz: Omsk, shit, for what reason?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141245
In general, this shit about books looks like this:

XHHH: Fuck, raw cooked sausage fuck is expensive, and cooked I don’t like.
Wow, no one has eaten a long time old grapefruit! And you stop! And don’t tell anyone that you love her, pathos!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141244
Such weather in early May.
Thutchev himself would sit like a moon.
Buying cats and cats.
We were looking forward to June.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №141243
Aaa: Thanks to Disney, I have every chance to live up to Star Wars 20.

Star Wars 20: The Last Jedi, this time honestly.

bbb: And yes, they’ll have to switch to Arabic numbers on posters for the thirteenth film, because Star Wars XXX might be a bit misunderstood.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141242
The cinema. Therefore, the French Gabriel comes to Russia, and his friends beat him to star in a strange movie. The Frenchman there needs to grind sadly in a cabbage, squeeze with wine and cough.
But Russian friends have already exhausted the entire budget, and buy a bottle of wine for 200 r. The French. by 200r. Chilean wine spilled in Voronezh and purchased in the Abkhazian wine department.

No one has ever so convincingly pressed me with wine in the frame. "I Believe!" — cried the dead Stanislavsky. We held out 5 doubles and stopped the execution.

Gabriel later complained:
I feel bad even for good French wine, but what you made me drink is just beyond the line of good and evil.

c) assa

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141241
The site "Peacemaker" - information sponsor of the little-known and forgotten stars of the show business!

You only pay for a ticket to Crimea!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141240
After a week on the ocean, returned to Moscow.
In Domodedovo, a pale border guard, with his eyes shaken from vigilance, looked closely at my fresh face, covered with beautiful sunshine, compared it to a photograph in a passport and thoughtfully asked, "What is the purpose of your return?"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141239
Two drivers and a drunk passenger in the rear seat.
The passenger wakes up and says:
I will smoke!
Yes please.
He smoked and got sick.
Fuck me, listen to me!
Blow to health!
The passenger stumbled. He will not shrink and speak.
– Listen, I can suck the hunt, and my legs don’t hold, let me go right here?
Of course! The driver permits.
The passenger sucked, relaxed, smoked again and talked.
You have a taxi, you can do anything. Smoking, smoking and sweating.
“I’m not a taxi driver, I’m an employee of the service of ‘treasury driver’,” the driver replies.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141238
This is what the trade deformation means - there was a broken board here in our house, we were looking for what to put on, and Sashka says - is there no way to find a substitute in the construction of bricks. and I sit and think - what can be the brick adjustments and how to put them on it...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141237
She made cuddles.

So tell me, like a chef to a chef – what do you need to add to them so they don’t break down?

The meat!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141236
I had an epic win today. And all because I, the lazy ass, am the only one in the city still riding on winter tyres!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141235
Now the children blame the parents, say "why did not take over the factories in the devastating 90s?! Khalid was stunned! This is not possible now!"

I can’t imagine how we will be repelled by the reproaches of our children in twenty years. After all, they will say that in the 2010s, any smart intellectual could free, without a license and without violating the law:
(1) to learn to work with the computer on YouTube
(2) create a quiet botnet (do not spam, do not steal money from the bank - no one will notice it at all)
(3) to train neural networks on Big Data by creating a Advisor
(4) browse the letters of officials and find out who to buy what
(5) buy / scare officials with good price/quality ratio
To become the Emperor of all people

It is time to become the emperor of mankind now. After all, before there were no tools, later the already created Advisor will destroy competitors.

We’re going to try to avenge, saying, “The game went ahead, and we lost.” Kids are paring "what a game to advance, daddy, you all spent all your free time in friends and browsers!"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141234
XXX: It’s time to roll in the puddles, but... I’m afraid the puddle will get dirty (((

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna