— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115953
This and all the other hernia:
XXX: A little about my work
XXX: Stepler is so interesting arranged...

First of all, such a job. And secondly, FAKVAŠUMAT, people!! Have you ever heard of the existence of books? One single smartphone can load an entire library, and never, NEVER! Do not miss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115952
I would like to buy a Xiaomi bracelet.
YYY: What is the meaning?
xxx: generally for the function of a smart alarm. Begins to wake up at a favorable moment for you, so as not to walk later broken.
YYY: The second day?

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115951
I love my three-born sister, she loves me too. We want to spend our whole life together and have children. How do we explain this to our parents?? to

It’s hard to explain, for example, when I had to explain to my daughter that thank you very much for the compliment, but I’m not the best candidate for her first lovers. So that she did not get offended, did not disbelieve in her attractiveness and did not rush to the first encounter on the principle " once it didn’t get what I want, it doesn’t matter who".

And what you are saying... twenty years ago I came to my parents and said that in the afternoon I get my diploma, that in a week I go out for a new full-time job, that a couple of days ago I rented an apartment with this girl and tomorrow I am going to carry my things there. I don’t see what prevents you from doing the same and allowing your parents to get used to this thought as much as they want.

And before you talk about the one hundred and twenty-eight things that are disturbing you, read again that first paragraph - I'm going out for a new job.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115950
Are you back at home again? Do you work at home?
I put her on the fuck. No, I am not doing it :(

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115949
It seems that on our stand someone incorrectly switched the boiler into the system. The water instead of cold goes a little warm, but you can wash.
I don’t know who you are, but thank you for sharing!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115948
COSH: Sometimes it seems to me that your spider’s tail still outweighs your wise head. This is the only way to get you straight.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115947
Lobbying for minority benefits and neglecting the vital interests of the majority is what is now called democracy.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №115946
Today on the phone came a text message: "Your boyfriend is cheating you, and not with one girl!", and now I am tormented by the question: Since when have I had a boyfriend, how long have I been dating him, and what to say to my wife?? to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №115945
If the refrigerator is empty, it still gets two or three views a day, if not more.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115944
About the Raspberry Pi:
xxx: Hmm, and this is like a full-fledged computer, only massive?
xxx: If you connect to a TV, can you play the devil?
YYY: Of course not
XXX: Then he gave up.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115943
Roskomnadzor made a list of banned words in the media but was unable to publish them.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115942
and Lenny:
Prosecutor's inspection was carried out in Chelyabinsk hospital No5, which was not allowed to the girl with clashes because she came not on an ambulance, but on a personal car. As a result, the birth was successfully accepted by the spouse, and doctors are waiting for dismissal.
and ******
This is far from an isolated case. Three years ago, a girl was on surgery with me, who was not allowed to go to the hospital with an attack of appendicitis. I think those who have been removed will now understand what I am talking about. So she went straight to the doorstep of the hospital for an ambulance and called...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115941
I hate Friday night. They all leave work early. And only my husband thinks it’s a crazy chance to be silent.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115940
There was another wave out of the window! One of the parents brought an orc to the neighboring garden.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115939
In the whole world, chansons are wonderful lyrical songs, and we do not have it at all, and it is called not chansons, but blatnyak.
What life, such a lyric.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115938
The story was told by a colleague who accompanies the 1C program at the enterprise.

Changes were made to the program remotely and also tested remotely (transmitted documents, formed reports). It was all on the accountant’s computer.

A man comes to her, sees that the accountant is sitting, picking up papers, and on the monitor the cursor itself moves, something is done.

Man, what’s going on there?

The woman decided to stick.
Now the program is smart. I give her a task in the morning, and she does it all by herself.

The man’s eyes should be seen.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115937
— — —
In Chelyabinsk, the mother was not allowed to go to the birthplace.
Born in the car.
What other shit is needed for and against childbirth?
— — —
Did they just not let it go?
There was a story a few years ago, they also trumped at every corner that the mother-in-law was not allowed to go to the nursery, haters, goats, butters. And in fact, she came with a group of ten people supported by the horn that all of them should be present. The crowd was not allowed, they were offended and took the girl with fights, accepted the birth themselves. And then they started screaming on the internet, what all the shit.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №115936
Ivan, Assistant Secretary The technician came to us with a note.

Welcome to the staff of the information fields, I brought you the device!

But the head of the department from the neighboring office jumped out to see what the device was there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115935
I remember, in the sixth class (not sure), the mushrooms were passed on biology, the biologist-teacher made round eyes and said about the following: "You are what, the truffle is candy, and not the mushrooms!!! andquot; I didn't start to discourage, because that it's not meaningful to argue with idiots - I understood even earlier.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115934
Hello to you! Have you found your second half?
I would like to find the first...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna