— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141173

What is your destruction? The old woman with a whistle? The witch that broke all the glasses, extinguished all the lamps? She does not exist at all. What do you mean by this word? It is this: if I, instead of operating every night, start singing a choir in my apartment, I will be destroyed. If I, entering the bathroom, begin, sorry for the expression, to urinate past the toilet and the same will be done by Zina and Daria Petrovna, the bathroom will begin to ruin. Consequently, the destruction is not in the clothes, but in the heads. So when these baritons shout “be the ruin!” – I laugh. I swear to you, I am funny. This means that each of them should scratch themselves in the back of the neck! And now, when he clears out all kinds of hallucinations and takes on cleansing the barracks — his direct business — the ruin will disappear by itself. You cannot serve two gods. It is impossible at the same time to melt tram routes and arrange the fate of some foreign outsiders! This is not successful for anyone, doctor, and especially for people who, in general, have lagged back in development from Europeans for 200 years, still do not quite confidently fasten their own pants!

by Mikhail Bulgakov. The dog heart.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141172
Macron is still a man of words. In the first grade, he told his teacher that he would marry her, and then he got married!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141171
"And you read memories of people from the occupied territories". The memories of the Germans.
From a letter to a friend of the eferrier Felix Candels: “After crossing the boxes and arranging a good dinner, we started to have fun. The girl got bad, but we organized her too. No problem, all the department... don’t worry. I remember the counsel of the lieutenant, and the girl is dead like a grave.
The soldier told his parents: “On the second day of our forest march we arrived in the village. Cows and pigs walked through the streets. Even chickens and goats. Each department immediately slaughtered a pig, chicken and goat. Unfortunately, in such villages we stayed for one day and could not take a lot with us. We lived all that day. I ate at least two pounds of fried pork, a whole chicken, a bowl of potatoes, and another one and a half liters of milk. How it was delicious! But now we usually get into villages that are already captured by soldiers, and in them everything is united. Even in the boxes and in the basements, there is nothing left.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141170
After the Soviet assault of the German Königsberg in the zoo survived only the henot, lama and begemot Hans. And Hans survived not very: 7 injuries. It is easy to get to Behemoth. Zoo technician Vladimir Polonsky saved Hansa and kept a diary:
He accepted treatment for begemot on April 14, 1945. It was the first time I helped with water. Then I tried to give him milk. Next time the cabbage. Beethoven went to eat. But three days later he refused. I rushed to get a vodka. I gave 4 liters. After that, Behemot began to ask for food. I first put the enema (4 liters of distilled water), then started feeding it. Behemot tried to go out, but since he was drunk, he snorted himself... Behemot began to eat, but he did not recover. I put a second enema (4 liters of distilled water). Beethoven was recovering.
Two weeks have passed. Beethoven eats poorly. I decided to give vodka - 4 liters. Beethoven began to eat well. But back came the shutdown. I put another clitoris. Beethoven is fixed,
He eats badly. I decided to give vodka (4 liters), and the begemot began to eat great. There were unpleasant days, I eliminated them by changing meals. He managed to save Behemot without leaving him after 21 days. After 1 month and 19 days I have achieved complete health and now I am engaged in the training of the begemot as riding on the begemot in the park, etc.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141169
Hitler’s coat!
Really a coat!

[ + 29 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141168
Well, here I bring the garbage to the urn and clean up for my dogs. There are acquaintances who do the same. And at the same time, there are people walking nearby, who get to pick up their own dog fucking, even in the micro-area and hanging a bunch of containers with bags, and shrimpers, which collapse in all respects in the same place where they eat. They say "Start with yourself" is useless – "What is this? Let the doors clean, we pay the money!". Someone has noticed here that on Saturdays those who do not waste, clean up the shit. Pigs are cleaner, honest word, they, animals, sting at the maximum distance from the place where they eat.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141167
Old but in place.
I am ashamed that I am Russian.
“Don’t worry, many here are ashamed that you are Russian.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141166
There was everything in the war. And German soldiers rescued Soviet children, and Soviet soldiers murdered, robbed and raped civilians in Europe. Simply "uncomfortable" facts are well filtered. There was no internet, it was much easier to control the people.

Everything happened in the war, you are right. And cases of barbarism, rape among Soviet soldiers of course happened. The only punishment for this was a shot. And this is not propaganda, this was told to me by a participant in the event.
The Germans are harder. There were also cases of rescuing children, and entire families, and even Jews (now about this Oscar-winning films are filming, a blessed theme). It was only more common when the Germans burned each village together with the inhabitants, but if they suspected ties with the partisans, they must be burned.
Well, about the memories of the inhabitants of the occupation I do not need to read - two aunts lived under the Germans for six months, I still remember how their faces darkened when the conversation about it entered. They didn’t like to tell the truth about it, they were limited to "terrible it was", "abuse", once only I, a 10-year-old boy, listened to how they and some other aunt remembered it. Really scary.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141165
(I don’t know how to cook)

I’m cooking a bouillon here. Guess which one.
Well, maybe a chicken?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Now guess how I understood it.
Is it written on the label?
XHH : No.
Do you know how to distinguish meat?
HHH: Nor is it.
I am lost in guessing.
There, in the pot, the pen swims.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141164
War and the Germans

My grandmother was a child in the occupied territory. Belarus, Bobrovich - if anyone is interested. And she said that the German threw her a piece of bread, just after burning a couple of houses with people alive inside in his company. The kindness so and perla, yersh your copper.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141163
The Moon and the Vampires. The moon reflects too little sunlight. Therefore, ultraviolet will be little. It is ultraviolet that kills vampires, it’s time to know. These are classic vampires.

If we see the moon during the day, will the reverses turn from it?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141162
xxx: How to overcome the embarrassment to go to the intimate shop?

YYY: No of course. Just take it and go in. It’s almost the same as being fat, going to the puppy for the first time. At some point you realize that you either cheer at everyone or don’t cheer at a couple of idiots you’re unlikely to ever meet again in your life.

zzz: This comparison with the cockroach is very accurate. I’m fat, and I’ve had to get around for a long time and take myself in my hands before I first went into the bucket and asked where they had the giant dildo here.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141161
I trade the rails, in our time turn as you want.

Chel: Pay on 865 chipsets interests, under 775!
I am OK. Necessity is needed?
I have a Core 2 Duo.
I: He is not supported.
CHEL : Yes? There is a list on the site!
I am :? What is written in front of your counterpart in the compatibility table?
Tagged with: "N"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141160
Dreak: Soon the movie will go 20 minutes, and then an hour of scenes after titles.

If there are unsuccessful doubles,

Enouf: If in Russian cinema left only successful duplicates, and unsuccessful went after titles, then it would be.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141159
Thinking harmful

I recently thought about the fact that sunlight is deadly for vampires. A "moonlight" is the sunlight reflected from the moon. How to live now?

Breathe calmly. Vampires have always had some complicated relationships with reflections and reflected rays.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141158
Discussion of the article about unusual mating in all kinds of exotic creatures:

Think of me as old-fashioned, but the human ritual of domestication and, of course, sexual intercourse is millions of times better than that of the octopuses, God’s cowboys, dolphins, pterodactiles, slugs, cats, robots, turtles, turtles, reptiles, orcs, flower cats, sea stars and others. I have been convinced a hundred times.
Reply to

WOW: What, however, do you have an extensive... experience of intersex acts :D Do not even withstand comparison with the left hand?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141157
xxx: and in general, the telescope was not easier to set up than a large dog, in terms of place.
I gave my mother her favorite chair.
WOW: Well, the telescope is less challenging in care than the dog) This is clearly a plus)
HHH: and not laughing
And he does not ask for attention, say, look, master, the clouds have cleared up, the sky is dark, three hours of night. Go to Walk!
Do not eat, do not hurt, do not need to walk)
It is also possible to use a telescope.
I would say the telescope is even much more useful than a man))))
The tube is more precise

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №141156
Americans don’t all like their country’s foreign policy. So they live inside.
The Russians don’t all like their country’s internal policy. They want to live outside.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №141155
The YouTube video shows a downward transmission: a system of 16 hexadecimals, the first of which makes a turn in 1.5 seconds, the second in 12 seconds, the third in 1.6 minutes... The sixteenth is touchingly twisted by a self-cut, because it must make a full turn in 2 with over a million years.

WaTerFeeel: This video clearly shows the effectiveness of the state structure in transferring money from the budget to the population.

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141154
From comments on Facebook:

Once a modest slurry craftsman hung on his bench an additional badge "here the windows are sold". A few years later, expanding the business, added to it "and steel doors". And one night someone from the local intellectual hooligans (or hooligan esthetics) under this banner attributed them to his palace bought by the helmeting Hector.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna