— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100973
Serpent_83: - Stop dividing people into pedestrians, cyclists and drivers... an adequate person always behaves normally... and ***** and even if you ride, even if you go skiing - *****om and it will remain...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100972
to this
I saw a terrible picture today. Goes a guy with a string motortrimmerthrough the shoulder, well, which the lawns in order, and instead of a string stitch the steel disk from the circular!!! Our harsh...

A fool is a disk for a small bush. I have one in the triangle as well.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100971
From baby :

I finally got a bowl!!! to
I never cooked for him, then I decided, I am a woman, so I should cook it at least once! I cooked on Sunday, only yesterday they ate, I didn't make pictures.I did a chicken soup from under the strawberries (my husband cooked strawberries twice on it), with cabbage, potatoes and sausages (you need something meat)
The funniest thing is my husband liked it!! He praised him so much, I was so happy that I became a real wife.
How do you prepare Borsch?

How is it in the water where the peelings have been boiled twice?! to

1- He not only cooked them on the water, but with chicken bouillon, which is dissolved, with green.At the same time, and peelmesque as in the restaurant, and borscht to the surprise of all of the officinals is delicious=)

3- bugayo-moyo, 5 day borscht on peelmouth washes a day ago, with the addition of a chemical bouillon (I even have a cat like this to grind started) and she’s sorry... in peelmouth restaurants... his mother so... and what about Ekaterinburg so harsh)))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100970
xxx: we go for one day in Bruges, only 250km before it, tickets bought!
WOW: very good
WOW: What happened?
WOW: What is it?? to
More than 100 varieties of beer are produced in Bruges. We can’t try it all in a day.
You are a fucker!! to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100969
We live on the 14th floor, windows to the playground.
I opened the window, sat on the window and breathed the air. Not with coffee. With beer.
I was noticed by the children down there, shouting:
Do not jump!
Well, I was not going at all.
A boy gets a phone and says to me:
Come on, I’ll shoot!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100968
The probability of being in a plane with two people carrying bombs is extremely low. I always take a bomb with me on the plane.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100967
The Balboa:
I saw a terrible picture today. A guy goes with a string motor trimmer through his shoulder, well, which the lawns are put in order, and instead of a string on the rod, a steel disk from the circular is installed!!! Our harsh...
This is not our harsh, and you are not in the subject. for the "string mototrimers" there are special blades, just like the "circular disk" to polish the bushes and thin branches. With this stick, the trimmer turns into a cutter.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100966
Lost communication with the satellite "Photon-M", reports the news. Interesting crew of the vessels: Drosophiles, Heccones, Tute Silk Springs in germ form, seeds of higher plants and various mushrooms. Can you imagine the surprise of green humans from some alpha centurion who scan the ship and decide that they are controlled by flies?
But what if the flies actually robbed our ship? Where can I sign up for the Star Landing?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №100965
What is the secret of the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls"?
YYY: In the oven.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100964
A friend shares his experiences:
I came home very late yesterday, tired like a dog, the whole family is already asleep. I decided not to wake my wife and eat it and drink it myself. I got vodka from the refrigerator. I remembered that for such cases there is a "fries" in the freezer - a piece of frozen salt. I approach the freezer, my mouth is already filled with saliva in anticipation of fine-cut salts and to cold water, mmmm, pleasure. I open the door, go to the upper shelf and suddenly, milling, someone's tail falls on my mouth from there, furry and furry. An unpleasant discovery – I prove to be able to whistle! It was then, the woman who ran to the scream explained that because of the breeding mole she placed her nork coat in the envelope and pushed it into the freezer. Then I saw that I forgot to put the belt from the shirt into the box, was lazy to unpack the box, twisted the belt into the box and laid it next to me. She, you see, was lazy, and I still have an incurable psychological trauma. Dora is untouched!! and :-)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100963
Local news on radio:
Three young people attached the VAZ-2106 with a wire to their car and pulled it to the nearest point of receipt of the debris.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100962
- Shaurma as cheeseburgers do not buy, and in general who can eat shaurma and hamburgers, only a lighthearted person who does not care about his health. Back home came the boiler, one dressing.

- "Announcement" is it when the thistle in the borst of cyanide potassium was poured?

- I only cook borst myself) I don't know where you have such associations with aunt. I regret you.

I give you Rosenthal only out of sympathy for humanity.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100961
They told me a parable about tea and teas.
(a type of justification for male polygamy, or cobbing)
waiting for an answer with a clever expression of the face, such as nothing to hide, against Confucius will not prevent
I say as is:
at our house in cups first pour the boiler from the boiler, then pour the boiler from the usual. If you pour only one cup of tea into the cup, the tea will be unflavored, or too strong, or water at all.

I broke the pattern.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100960
My husband came back from fishing.
See also: Hey-ho! Where is the fish, Billy? The Blind Drink.
Yyy: There was a lot of fish, but catches she categorically refused.
It is bad when the fish becomes smarter than the fishermen.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100959
And I will answer:
I will answer:

I don’t understand anything in this life. A few years ago, there were a bunch of samples on the subject of lonely bugs who photograph themselves. Everybody was roaring and roaring over them. From here, by the way, came the expression "forevere eloon". Selfies and niqabats are fashionable.

Everything is very simple: "You cannot change the situation, change the attitude to it" (c)
Maybe it’s even better if you don’t smoke.

You can’t prevent – take care!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100958
Last Friday of July, the day of the system administrator, with a holiday, colleagues!

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100957
This is:

dmx: They say that if on the website of the U.S. State Department to hang a table of multiplication, then the next day on the First Channel will be released a large plot with the refutation of the published information.

Well, they also level the mountains in the Rostov region, and Belarus will be moved away from the sea, only if the State Department would refute it.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100956
My sister gave me a pack of lentils. Reason: the husband asked not to cook black flour, he was afraid of it))

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100955
A concerned parent:
The daughter bubbles in the neighboring room: “Well, you are a goat... Well, shit... Well, I am you now... Die, hate, Breathe!”and "
It would seem, so what? Well, a girl was fighting with a guy and now a little unhappy. Only the “girl” is 26, and in fact she is killing another “boss” in another toy!
Someone is getting married, right? Cooking well, cute, long legs, brains in place, works... Change will definitely not be with anyone, except for the games of his damned...

Please go away from your daughter. At the age of 26, a person is able to arrange his own personal life, and if he does not need it, then he is still living well.
Such parents are angry, entering the lives of children with their "sister-style" concepts and ideals, imposing their morality and values.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100954
The proposal is good...
Offer of innovations in the official group of VKontakte:

Introduction of Russian language, spelling and spelling exams for persons under 15 years of age. And separate tests for the use of conspicuous, questionable and crying signs. Ideally, prohibit the use of the resource to persons under the age of 13. Or with the written permission of the parents. Share the horror with other users.
But: to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna