— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100953
This is:
From the discussion of the military committee’s medical committee, about how they take both healthy and sick:
XXX: I have a feeling.
XXX: Come to them.
XXX: to die
xxx: Then they will say "pff"
xxx: "This is the same actor"
xxx: "Just not to go to serve"
Bayani is a hundred year old.
Read Yaroslav Hashev.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100952
Bad habits are the engine of trade.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100951
The real story:

With a good acquaintance from the city of Queen, an old friend of her husband lives in Dnipropetrovsk.
Even in April of this year, in a telephone conversation, he did not call them otherwise than "Slaves of Putin with Kiselev instead of the brain".
And yesterday... he called them and asked, “Can’t you come to them, get a meal from the moon?”
It turns out he had an agenda in the army.
) )

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №100950
If a girl in your presence behaves like a fool, it means she is in love with you.
Or a fool.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100949
In such cases, the main thing is to deny the intent: a bear trap stood on a rat, poison in vodka for rubbing the radiculite, bricks on the roof for repairing the extractor... And the grandmother was not lucky with the lawyer (or the thieves were lucky with relatives)...
In that case, I denied my involvement in a bottle of vodka and methanol.
They pulled themselves and fucked up with poor quality drinks. by Prokatilo.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100948
I had a trouble with the three. Always paid on time. The counters stood with me, the water paid for them (indications on the site entered). We repaired all the pipes for water in our house, at the same time decided to change the meters (the deadline approached the replacement). I learned from them that I am just changing, then calling for a clamp. In reality, it took about 2 months (they did not go to the seal, motivated by the fact that not everyone is ready in the house (remember, the seal broke everything)). So they said that for this period I will pay on average indicators. I got the bill for the apartment, and there was four times more hot water. I wrote it and forgot. A week ago, a polite lady called, asked why I didn’t pay. I said a lot, I will not pay. So after 30 minutes on their website got another payment card with the norm numbers. Which I paid for.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100947
My mother reads another note:
Parents should teach their children (me 34), not vice versa. I don’t have a skype, go see.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №100946
The Ukrainians did not organize the war, the Russians organized the war.
Yes, in order of clarification.

YYY: Yes, the Ukrainians cannot do anything else, even the Russians do war for them.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100945
We want a child very much. Universal mind, please help (reproductive functions do not cope with themselves, help is needed)! And as a compensation for the off-top, a small funny dialogue:
- You tell Sane that in the letter that the internal ATS numbers have changed, there are no more numbers starting with "1" and "NEED TO CALL NEW!!!", it would be good to remove the signature: "with respect, Alexander, IT department, tel 114"
You’re so bad, he’s good.
- Although I can imagine what a bunch of users, each of whom wants to understand in their own way and what happened to do
Yes, when the postman was transferred, we wrote a test letter, and there were all 3 words "REVIEW NOT NEED", so were the answers from "why" to "good, we won't"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100944
XX: I read that the fancy house must be a source of running water, a fountain or a waterfall.
Q: So why not repair the toilet now?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100943
VK, post about "focuses with microwave" (drying grapes, bulbs, gelatine mice and discs)

Tomorrow there will be an aural in the shops associated with the purchase of new microwaves. A good try, Eldorado.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100942
We are responsible for our younger brothers. I hate those who kill dogs, cats and vulnerable animals.
reader → Rome: Welcome to the picket to the meat mix! Or at least to the supermarket, or divorced hypocrites - some animals are unfortunate, and others are delicious!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100941
The other option:

This is one of the most important things in the world.
The case here is that vegetarians consider all-eating an argument against the consumption of meat. From the ability to absorb plant food, it is concluded that meat is not necessary in the diet.
= is
They are normal vegetarians.
And the warriors make the conclusion of impossibility / prohibition / sinfulness everywhere.
This is one of the most important things in the world.

Imho, it’s a bit wrong. NORMAL VEGETARIANS make any conclusions about the non-obligation / impossibility / prohibition / sinfulness of eating meat for themselves, and the warriors - for themselves and all the people around them (and try to notify them about it) than they are irritating.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100940
On someone's wall in contact: "You love to jump, love and go to the army."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100939
Declaration of:
Please provide me with disability allowance. Diagnosis: Do not go to work.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №100938
here here :

My childhood friend lives in Magadan. The river Magadanka came out of the shores and flooded everything and everything. I am interested in the flood.

You are fucking fucking. Today the water was asleep as after the war in the city))))
Sanya: on the rainfall the gorbush chases))))
Gorbushas swimming on Lenin Street. This can only be in Magadan)


I live in Magadan, I confirm the completeness:)) We also have floating garages on the river and shoot down planes:) Yes, it's all right, it's floating garages that shoot down planes:)

[ + 16 - ] [9 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100937
here here :
1 (12:20:25 24/07/2014)
Refugees from Donbass, to whom Moscow allocates billions, outraged by poor conditions of detention
– – – – –
Takis, yes, also heard of cases where poor refugees suddenly turned out to be typical

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100936
I am also a vegetarian and try to eat meat with vegetables.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100935
In the admissions committee of one of the universities (Ukraine) Davetcha observed the "classic" picture: a mother receives a daughter. The young virgin (even seemingly too young) diligently fills the papers, and her mother periodically sows her photocopies.
The breakdown of the pattern came at the time when the average score of the certificate (to say, dated 1992) was recounted from a five-point scale to a twelve-point scale. It turns out that the daughter is going to mother!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100934
This is:
In the United States, every psychologist has his own psychologist. It is a circle of hell.

This is not the circle of hell, but the prevention of the complex of God. – – – –

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna