— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №17594
A very real letter arrived in our online store:

Dear fellow suppliers!
03:29 Order has been issued.
It was not just an order.
That was my order.
He even had a number.
and 3496.
This order you promised to bring yesterday.
I wonder if I missed something important in the 30s.
We all pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that the courier was not struck by the evil opposition (I did not see them, but I was told!) I did not spy on my order.
Please tell me what is happening?
Is the planet doomed?
Will no one stop Satan’s measurable action?! to
Does anyone tell me about the fate of the order 3496?! to
– is
for possible inconvenience. Sincerely yours. With immortal love. man-made order 3496."

Oh... everybody would write like that, you look, working would be more fun :)

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №17593
We had a guy at the institute named Halyava. So when he was called on the exam, half the audience jumped up.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17592
The dream of being carried on our arms is most often fulfilled when
We are taken to the cemetery!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №17591
The Russian Harvard

It was not last year.
International Programming Conference for Young Graduate Students
The provincial institute made a great report.
After the official part, everyone gathered together, as is the case at the banquet, where no
Our people pretended to drink, and our people followed Russian traditions.
One happy American woman who never has big white teeth
He hid, approached a very subordinate graduate student and said (further my
Free translation from English):
I like your methods, I will tell your colleagues about them.
and Harvard!
As I understood, he hardly understood anything from her speech, because
He learned his report.
He stood, looked at her and kept silent.
She decided to support the conversation and asked, so I understand, worrying about
The future report:
Where did you study? Not at Harvard.
He looked at her and suddenly cried:
In the Huarvard!
And went away.
I almost drowned with cognac. She turned to me and asked.
Surprisedly :
It sounds like a name, but I had never heard of such a university!
I had to get out and I improvised:
The closed city of Irkutsk-52. Only the Russians go there.
She sneered and left.
Imagine my horror when I saw that she was heading towards us.
The academy!
With a sweet smile, she approached him and said:
And I know - where the strongest Russian programmers are trained!
The academic smiled, probably thinking that he would be called the institute. and here she
He gave the crown:
In the Huarvard!
To say that the academic has changed - nothing to say. He just slept with
The faces.
But she confidently smiled, touched his hand and got him to her own.
of observation:
Your face has changed. Per your graduate students accidentally issued a military certificate.
The story of Irkutsk-52.
He could only say:
I will talk to them tomorrow.

P.S The next day, everyone knew everything. The Academic Council began
He spoke loudly, but did not stand the tone and laughed. The thunderstorm was standing in
Room 5 minutes.
The question was no longer raised.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №17590
- Rabinovich, do you know where to rest cheaply this year?
I know on the couch.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №17589
What if you say "no" when you get married?

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17588
News on Rambler:
Moscow schoolgirl robbed for 650 thousand rubles

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №17587
Boogie jam ‎(17:12):
I have an interesting advertisement below the window.
First they paint something like a member.
And then this house.
TERRYBEL ‎(17:12):
The mortgage, the hool...

[ + 153 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17586
I hope what I am writing now will put a point over the topic "Ranetok".
Don’t talk nonsense, don’t heat up interest and don’t try to cool it off, because everyone who does it works for someone’s pocket anyway. Ranets are neither good nor bad. They are the victims of the system. The system in which we are all involved, in varying degrees. Those who are stronger are praised by the wound, and those who are still shaking are chastised. It all depends on the degree of brain fluidity. The runners were told a story about the sweet glamorous life, they went on to the stage, the recording studios, the series starred (God thank you, I did not see a single series). I listened to one song enough to understand: it is. It is not necessary to make them a new legend or folk artists, and in general, the idols of them are dusty. And they are inflated by the media, which for a long time all of you, emotionally reacting to each brother and sister of the type of handcuffs, put on a hook and hold it very tightly. No need to throw into me arguments such as "and I like", "you eblan, ranets - it's cool and niipet" - all this has long been chewed and spit on the wash as a rotten bazar. Personal opinion is not objective and cannot be a law for others. Therefore, to beat me for nothing, and to fuck me for nothing too. I think, in the best case, I will remain without comments, in the worst case - they will be mistaken and embarrassed - but the worse for you, those who have a piece of shit instead of brains in their heads.

[ + 70 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17585
We kill in Google "Chat lovers house-2" and despite the first link we think where here is a knot. Bring it to the top, everyone should know this.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №17584
DW: I mocked my comrade here.
DW: I said there are codecs that make the movie colorful.
DW: Proved by the example of the sting
DW: Shame on me

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №17583
I walked at a wedding recently. The walk took place in one bar, in a separate room with a separate exit to the street. I went out with my friend to breathe fresh air. We stood, we talked in half a voice... In a couple of minutes the bridegroom came out to us - to air out too. We stand three. Five minutes later, coral screams are heard from the bar. We listened to... – GoohoorkooOooo!!! Gooohorkooooooh!!! Gooohorkooooooh!!! I should have seen the face of the bridegroom.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №17582
The President has declared the Year of Youth.
The number of young people in all cities has doubled.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17581
Are you already looking for a girlfriend?
Fate will give it to me.
Fate gave me you.
Fate gave, but you did not.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №17580
I work with admin. He recently celebrated his birthday. Now I have two cats, four shredders and a shamanic drum. Not a fucking shit? 0 - O

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №17579
And again about the wonderful Russian language in the Chinese
In 2007, the Samara region hosted a large delegation from China (about 200 people, say so). A very large delegation. Our organization was the co-organizer of this event. So, the Chinese made a bunch of products (flags, stickers) with the image of the Samara region and large letters colored the inscription with a nervously placed gap:.... in the Samaritan area. After that, my boss and I call the Samara region exclusively yoblast ))))

[ + 40 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17578
To all lovers and lovers. Please appreciate what you have that you have built together. Think ten times before you say anything offensive or turn away, turn off the phone and go home, not to say a word.
Today I split up with a girl who we’ve been together for 5 years. We’ve experienced so much together, I can’t describe it. My whole life is it, it connects every little thing of my existence – from the clothes we bought for me together to the whole city and even other countries where we visited together, where we walked, drank wine, breathed together, kissed and looked in each other’s eyes. Now she is not with me - and my life is not... Do not bring it to that, please. It is very, very painful, it is unbearable.
Before you write offensive text, push back, offend, offend, leave, knock the door, - count to 10 and remember this text. Your anger will pass away, and you can ruin your whole life, both yourself and her.
With your loved ones, do not break up.
I hope this will help someone...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №17577
by Fuck! Everyone here who tries to complain and cry and still fuck knows what, fuck the killmiplis, there is the same shit, only about the same cowboy-lauzers like you!
People come here to laugh and not to regret you fools!
Bring it somewhere. Really fucked up!
o_O-Odmin-Kot-Shredder-David Blaine-o_O

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №17576
I saw this picture in the middle of the session. Prepods are already coupled, students are the same. And here comes a young preacher, two third-students run after him!
One of the students:
Can I make an assessment?
Without turning back:
What is my name?
The rats in shock stopped and flocked to the other side, saying:
- We already have a man of 40 lectures changed, we all have to remember them!? to

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №17575
There is a military officer next to my house. And there are often strange things - for example, filling all the windows with red paint or ticking the tires at local cars. But recently I saw an inscription on the asphalt in front of the commissariat, which just killed: “Go naked as a soldier, I gave my diploma today!” Should have seen the faces of the employees of the institution=)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna