— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100893
This is why the Russian Army is bringing horror to the whole world!
It was the Soviet army that brought horror on the whole world, and the Russian army brought more horror on the recruits.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100892
A selfie is a selfie, right?
2: no... the self-portrait is with a stand and a selfie is with a mirror and an apple phone.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100891
I don’t understand anything in this life. A few years ago, there were a bunch of samples on the subject of lonely bugs who photograph themselves. Everybody was roaring and roaring over them. From here, by the way, came the expression "forevere eloon". Selfies and niqabats are fashionable.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100890
We also talked about calming at work. It all started with hanging a boxing pear in the office, then, as always, alcohol, drugs, beating people. As a result, everything was reduced to what was ideal: to beat people under alcohol and drugs.

And the corporate post in the morning: "today, 23.07.14 we beat the junior technical specialist Ivanov I.P. He was chosen by a random number generator and we all sympathize with him. Nothing personal. Alcohol can be obtained in the office 214, drugs in the office 216. Don’t forget to take the container and the syringe."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100889
xxx: some type of baby in this series is the same
Yyy: Maybe it’s because they’re playing mother with daughter.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100888
Every psychologist will sooner or later need a psychiatrist.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100887
and then swallow:
"The power is just not!!! Where are so many fools in the world! All of this needs to be answered by Zifik! They are not on the network! How I'll look them in the head if even the telepathic retranslator can't connect, and further away they don't work directly. The shorts are shorter, I dismiss Nafi.

It is...
It was wonderful!! In the anal immediately.
The shorter shell XDDDDD

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100886
Someone in the universe argued about harmful food:
I love the mayonnaise!
Natash, but it is harmful to the kidneys!
Life is one and the kidneys two.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №100885
A small practical task from everyday activities. There is a pharmacy. The light has disappeared for six months. And it disappears at a fixed time: around 8:00 and around 10:00. After a tumultuous discussion with our colleagues, we became proud of the man who connected this building to the power grid. Because he connected it to street lighting and turning off the light in the morning and turning it on in the evening led to turning off the light in the building.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100884
Review of "Ninja Turtles"

Deather: Turtles dancing hip-hop in the elevator - to this life, blade, did not prepare me

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100883
Proof of authenticity on the photo:
photo on the backdrop of the arrival / departure board at the focal station (auto, rail, aero) - everything is written there, and you will not agree with the controller :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100882
to this:

< Too late, but about the marasma on the EGE.
Literally a witness. The entrance to the point of delivery, metal detectors are standing workers, around the security guards snuit with dumb faces. One girl, passing through the frame, wrote. I asked to show what was in the bag. They open - and there is a natural hammer, not even a knife. I see that it is real. Nothing, they said to go on. Yes, not a spade. But it was terrible to be with her in the same audience/>

It is funny what a man tells us about the marasma at the EGE, who wrote: "One girl, passing through the frame, wrote a note." Say, dear, when you approach the station, your hat did not take off?! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100881
I once ordered a dress.
I ate a sandwich with ivory.
I didn’t go in and then cried.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100880
I am a hero from advertisers: there is a rumor about the company of ros-shotots. Your contributions and pensions are our stability!
Are they not burning at all?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100879
I will try to describe in one example how I try to make a contract with some clients.
Imagine I sell a car for $20,000. Here is a call to me interested:
Do you sell a car for $20,000?
Do you have a real interest?
- Of course, I think I will take, why not, we just consulted with the family and decided that we would pay 3 thousand. dollars, and not immediately, and if we do not want to, we will not pay, but you, of course, must understand it yourself.
- You know, I don't even know what to answer, I can only drop a thousand. Dollars, but calculate immediately
“Hmm... You’re strange, I don’t understand how you’re going to sell the car?”? to

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100878
I have never been so uncomfortable in my life.
This is Xerry. This is uncomfortable when at a peak hour in the subway the back presses you to a girl in a light shaft and you feel her back measurably lifting elastic chest, you feel all the pleasant curves and patches of her lower body, and her breath gently tickens your ear.
What is it? what is it? what is it?
- The problem is that your x@i begins to get up and at the same time he begins to rely on the same%pu in front of the man standing and pressed to you.
It is about. The man probably thought so too... That’s uncomfortable.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100877
Predators and herbivores, go out of the resource! This is "The Call of the Jungle".

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №100876
Oh, I learned here that there is a pink lake in Australia (link), I want to go there.
I think only vanilla TPs are allowed there.
XHH: Who is Who?
Hm...when do I go out?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №100875
Anna Wanna, our team
I want to see pigs.

Keep quiet, kids, don’t let go!
Just look in the mirror.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100874
At the present time, it seems that anything can be reduced to shamelessness, even how to patch KDE under FreeBSD. Whoever does not patch is a moscal.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna