— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №115813
- Ah, here before in the Union was: the spirit of creation, cosmic achievements... And now?! to
- In the Union, space maps were sent to tablets, and the current youth has some dumb birds and stinking pigs. Here is the result!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115812
Stone to the film Shark against Pterakuda:
Such breasts do not exist in nature to stretch this movie.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115811
To work: knew a person who knew the labor legislation very well and was re-established in court seven (7) times after being dismissed at the same enterprise. Eventually he slept to death.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115810
It seems to me that when I die my last words will be: "Finally!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115809
He runs the whole year with every spole to the hospital, and he is not embarrassed that someone does the job for him. And when the prize is offended, it is less than the others.
As you will not understand, money is paid for the work done. And even if you have poor health, and you are like seriously ill, then someone still works for you.
and c)

correctly right! Driving in the hospital! Much better - courageously and overwhelmingly, dropping antipyretic, every day, from call to call to actively infect all your colleagues. and nearby passengers in public transportation. The important thing is what? The main thing is to be present in the workplace. And in what state and how many people will be sick a week later on your mercy - has no equal importance.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №115808
What do you know about jealousy?
You think a fool found an object and began to interpret it.
There is something for which to get stuck.
I was jealous of the former TV host. We sit together and here it begins:
Do you like him? Would you sleep with him? Do you think he is better than me?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115807
>> You know, all the time I
I am guided by logic (regard as Sheldon
As a result, very few can
to transfer. All my life I thought I was
I’m an alien because I don’t understand much about what my friends broke their heads over. Recently he swallowed
and the concept of asexuality emerged (look who
It is interesting). If you are really dynamic.
Not going to bed even when you talk.
Don’t be angry, just be yourself.
more persistently.

I don’t see a meaningful connection between all the sentences. As in a child’s joke – “Why do I need a refrigerator if I don’t smoke?” Just an alien.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115806
But when you require a special attitude to yourself, to go to the doctor during working hours and so on, then you immediately cease to be a normal person, right? Pregnancy is not normal. There is nothing offensive here.
Fuck the shit.

On my first job, the designer came to work a little later every Monday (at the same time he usually worked on a "half-free" schedule), demonstrately put a bottle of minerals next to him and worked somehow or didn't work at all. At the same time, the entire office was trained on the theme of "designers on Mondays do not touch, he has a hammer." The situation lasted, I understand, for years, and he told me about it with a certain kind of pride in his voice.

The only woman in the team who got pregnant during my work there, the real "working horse", extremely organized and executive - wrote on her own shortly after it became known (the stomach had already begun to appear). After talking to the direct manager, as I understand (this other goat was). For all the time before her dismissal, she left her job to visit a doctor once or twice. Worked as usual and even more intensely (we lacked people in the state, we had to submit the project).

The office was covered with a copper basin, maybe somewhere in a year plus-minus (I didn’t work there, I don’t know exactly). And you know what? and divide.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115805
Discussing how to poison a pregnant woman... Ticking with analyses and trips... Yeah, you wasted, the bastards are painful... That you are so brought to the state of “cutting off the veins.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115804
To the shit.
Review of "One Floor
America", caught myself on the thought that on all the way the authors got into the snowfall ONCE. And in general, why in California heating if there are three crops of lemons?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115803
The first Mitsubishi sponsor in Russia was Kazan FC "Rubin"

Xy: Very unusual.
Until now, observations have shown that millions of times a man has digged a potato; but it is not excluded that once out of a billion times the opposite will happen and the potato will dig a man.
Probably the case, since this title has been hanging for an hour and a half.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115802
It was almost 30 years ago. Tete calls the mother-in-law to work with the words: "The closet fell on Mitya". Neither dead nor alive goes home. The smell of valerian. Probably my grandmother drank. The child is sick ". He returned home, the child was alive and unharmed. It turns out, used on the closet-penal, like a monkey, the closet fell, but not on the floor, but on the table, Mitya safely hanged on the door and slowly tears. A 3-liter bank with valerian fell from the closet (don’t ask where it came from!Valerian is mixed with water. Long after, drunk cats walked!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115801
Mimic News

The kittens of the Far Eastern leopard, lost by the fault of the three fingers on the front leg, began to hunt independently in the volley and already caught the first rabbit. Seven rabbits will be enough for a leopard for about 10 days, after which a young deer may already be released.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115800
That’s when you want to kill a neighbor. Dumbness is when you want to kill a neighbor, because we are all doomed.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115799
We have a lot of people like you in our organization. He runs the whole year with every spole to the hospital, and he is not embarrassed that someone does the job for him. And when the prize is offended, it is less than the others.
And there are enthusiasts who sit in a workplace with a high temperature, barely opening their eyes because of tears and sores, forbidding to ventilate (I am sick), filling the entire office with bacilli, infecting everyone else who goes to the hospital (because of one splash several people) - and then proudly receive an increased premium as they have never been sick. And the leadership is unaware that this "labour hero" with his "heroism" dismantled half the department for half a month.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115798
Mom takes all sorts of swimming rituals seriously, such as swimming in the river and jumping three times through the fire. Involves the whole family, turn away no. This time we are in the city, I thought it would work out, but not...
and short. We went to the bathroom and jumped through a candle.
Hopefully in the morning the neighbor will not ask why we are in the middle of the night, right, I don’t know how to answer...

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115797
HHH: It is directing me.

From pride?

HGH: from peanut soup

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №115796
We got a copy of tomorrow’s checklist, everyone is learning from it. So it was necessary for one uncle to go to the parish with a copy and ask with a blue eye: "And what is the answer?"
The teacher has two eyes in the dish: "Where do you get this?"
We wait with all the flow for tomorrow.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115795
Father: How, explain to me, how could you not smell it when the eggs in the shell have already burned?? to
I thought the neighbors were doing the shale...
P: Oh, I have these creative personalities!
But when in the supermarket mom from the mountain of soft toys picked a sheep for the dog and brought it, Daddy in the basket was already lying exactly the same and even identical color. This is love. It is the instinct of reproduction.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115794
I found a brainstorming. Massage for the head.
I thought, a girl.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna