— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №68433
On the lines of the brother in the army friend (d), sister (c).
Q: I would like to say a toast! Max, you're the main thing there, don't get married!
Q: Yes, if the married man returns, the most important thing is that the married man does not return!

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №68432
Today is the worst Friday the 13th.
Today is Monday...
Here is what I am talking about :(

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №68431
How to activate Ubuntu? Where to download Pirate Linux? Answers to these and many other questions you will find in our weekly "Our Ears"!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №68430
On one of the websites comment to the video about the snowman in the forest:
This is the valve mushrooms gathering!

[ + 24 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68429
Countess: I went to business on Saturday night. And it was just in that rain that it was from the cage. 😉
Lena is yes. I was just rushing home with the dog: nothing was visible in 10 steps.
The Countess Wooot! And I was still near the ambulance hospital – I thought I’t get out of there. There is a low. The streams are such that the flow passes through my eye. O.O
I am almost the same in my matrix.
Countess: In short, missing all the details, she came home somehow. and parked. From the parking hardly grabbed against the current: wet, dirty...
Countess: And at home my husband sits and trolls me.
and Lena?? to
The Countess: Oh! What about your Baptist???? to
Countess: D is not an infection?
Lena :D
Countess: And you won’t argue: Matisic really looks like...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №68428
As a result of rains that have not stopped in northern China for several days, a 36-meter section of the Great Wall of China in Hebei province has collapsed.

Kas_alex: And the hordes of Mongols rushed to capture China?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №68427
XXX How old is your child? Is he running for superheroes?

yyyy I have a girl, she is about 5 months old....she is still dragging on her wife's breasts)))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №68426
XXX is in business! There is no screwdriver in the office.
What a nightmare
XXX: No, I have it!
FUFF, I was scared. How can this be done without a screw?
I always come to work, the first thing I do is screw myself.
Working without vodka and oranges is not work.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №68425
I am a strong supporter of betrayal.
C : O )
The opponent is :-[
A: I was betting 😉
Freud’s Closet – Jokingly
C: No, this is not a reservation.)
C is black!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №68424
You understand, you can’t just take it and send a satellite into orbit, and a Mars spacecraft to Mars.

of your Roscosmos.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №68423
Three flies have been flying around me for several hours. and :(
And what?
First they bite. Secondly, they have borrowed. And third, it never raises self-esteem!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №68422
I never understood the meaning of sports walking. Always tormented the question - who invented it and why he needed it.

True, after today's lunch when the stomach sharply grabbed, carrying along a long corridor into the sorting, I finally at least understood how this sport appeared.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №68421
I return with my son Eliya in the car from the village.
We are standing in a small block in front of the lighthouse on the stationary and suddenly, as to evil, the child "pressed" in a small need; asks to stop.
I say, I can’t stop – there’s nowhere.
He: But I can’t stand it!
I: Get together, the shirt.
He said, “I am not a scrap; the scrap absorbs!

[ + 38 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68420
Comments on Pussy Riot:
If you entered the entrance and there someone is urinating on the door of the elevator - don't rush to hit him in the face - maybe he is thus fighting the bloody mode.

[ + 9 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68419
Hi to you!!Where is the largest zoo, if you consider the following cities: Miami, Orlando, Atlanta, Chicago?

Russia is a big zoo)))

and ZZZ:
Wow, it is huge!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68418
xxx: I remember it was fun when we sat in a sushi bar and on a large plasma in the center of the hall there was a discovery channel through which Berrylce ate a giant larvae that exploded in his mouth.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №68417
Do you appoint a date for me?
She: fuck you, not a date
Will we kiss and look at the moon?
Fuck you again.
You listen to the brilliant ones.

[ + 59 - ] [12 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68416
Absolutely real story.
Court of Appeal for Dissolution of Marriage. The reason for the divorce was her husband’s infidelity. He does not deny the fact of betrayal, but presents it as something natural to a man, and even claims that it is unnatural for a man to not walk to the left.
Judge: I didn’t understand something, defendant, so in the end you agree to the dissolution of the marriage, or not?
Respondent: I agree, but disagree with the wording. I personally also want a divorce, but not because I betray, but because my wife doesn’t care about me. She doesn’t care about me!
Judge: And what does that mean?
I come in the morning, tired, hungry. She refuses to feed and says, “Where you stayed, there was breakfast.” and Laura says, “I’m not your wife, so that you can’t go to the plate.” The grandmothers can't get along with each other, and I have to go hungry because of them!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №68415
xxx: By the way, there is a Russian device and Russian software on the Martian Curiosity.


[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №68414
xxx (23:49:27 12/08/2012)
What is the DRAM:FSB ratio?
yyy (23:49:40 12/08/2012)
What about CHO?
xxx (23:49:49 12/08/2012)
Interesting simply.
xxx (23:54:32 12/08/2012)
I have 5:1.
xxx (23:55:13 12/08/2012)
That is, the tire on the default frequency passes less than it could.
xxx (23:58:28 12/08/2012)
I think I’ll break it up, I guess. :D
xxx (00:12:12 13/08/2012)
Did you write something while the computer called me white on blue fool?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna