— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100753
xxx: Driving with a friend in the car, periodically looking at the blurring screen of the video recorder. I caught myself in the thought that I am trying to find the main actors and I am waiting for the moment.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100752
My option :

@Child (6 years old) surprised with knowledge: "That's why people invented tablets, machines invented all kinds, mobile phones invented, and children are still born through the letter?"" And what to answer?

In spite of all his stupidity and impotence, except for the isolated cases, man is a too complex creature. Our civilization has not yet reached the level of mastery of nature and has not yet learned to recreate in laboratories all the processes going in it. But we can help them a little. And then you can tell about Caesarean, about queries and caring for children born much before the deadline.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100751
A shower cabin is especially suitable instead of a bath, when there are children and weak old people in the house, who can not wash without help.
A to drag a weak old man into the bathroom and then take out of it much more labor-consuming,
Place a plastic chair in the shower cabin.
Wash a person in a sitting position.
By the way, traumatic baths for the elderly - hold the first place, in any "traumatology" ask.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100750
The Doubtful:
The Advisor:
Washing in pots in the summer, well, buy yourself a boiler.
Once give 7k and then a hot shower at the moments of switching off the GWS.

At the same time, tell us how to plug this boiler into a tiny bathroom in Brežnevka

on 4 screws (they are always included), on the wall above the toilet or the end of the bathroom.
If you hang over the toilet, then drunk to use the toilet will be much more convenient.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100749
<on> Thank you for the wonderful evening, may we see you again tomorrow?
<one> And what number of hot water are you switching off?
<on> 23nd
< she> and I am 23
<it> :(
<it> :(
<he> it seems we are not made for each other! Goodbye to!

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100748
Six people in the department. I and my five daughters are half a penny.
One month ago I had a birthday.
In the morning, the salads were cut, the wine was cooled, the slice was broken. He barely swallowed until I waited.
Finally lunch. We sit, eat and drink. I was given a cognac as the only man. The Beauty. And here they start singing. The most decent thing - I got drunk, I won't get home, well, and all our stage in turn led by Stas Mikhailov. Through the midst of the dawn and the fog for you, from the midst of the rainbow and the flowers of the kalina. From singing I repented type "word I don't know".
So here. On Friday, my aunt had a birthday. I am crying. They printed my words.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100747
Hi you don’t write? How did you stop drinking completely, or did I just need you? and ((
XXX was done
Cat, what can be done? I have missed! Maybe we’ll go somewhere like last time 😉
How long you have written to me! Probably something romantic.
The cat stopped beating the drunkard cats, married a decent kitty and now puts their kitten to sleep, and you, the stoolless slug, did not remove apparently because of the lack of time. I will easily fix it now.
His favorite kiss.
P.S At first I just wanted to send a fuck, but once a cat.
Yes, and you may not answer the message, I will ignore you. Good luck cat! =) is

Because of the lack of time, ooo haha :))))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100746
and QQ:
I once asked my friend:
“There is often a saying, ‘All is nothing, and if not everything and not all, but only someone, then he is what?’ The Drift? The obrydle? of obryel?
He answered:
– Listen, if only someone – it is too early to use such strong words.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100745
I am standing at the train station.
Up to...., how much?
by : 1800
The CHEL:...! A year ago it was 2000.

Sold for 2500

Rush to Fuck

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100744
I need an alarm that will cast a raise undead to the nearest body at the appointed time.

[ + 13 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100743
What a city, then?
— — —
What are you taught in school, twins? Take a notebook and write it 100 times:
"What is this city?"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100742
From the hubra: discussing the aggressiveness of riding dogs.

That is, if you’re on a big car and a dog runs after you and laughs, then maybe it’s trying to say, “Hey, man, let me take you on the trailer!”?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100741
Elka: I watched here "Noah"
GreenOctober: And how? Is the book better?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100740
Discussions in Kazakh language:
Q: What is this song about, in short?
Vitalik09: Lived in Kazakhstan until 12 years, I remember: "nan"- bread, "cheese" - beer. There are no such words in the song, so it’s not about an urgent song.
patch: probably the standard pop text - you are so beautiful, I saw you and fell in love.. and the women's party - you are also nothing, I look at you and all wet.. well something like that.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100739
XXX: Looking for a professional
YYY: Is that where the melody from this movie is?

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100738
I broke the ear. I understand everyone’s shit, but my mom wasn’t shit. In general, I came home with comments like "what like a pidor? Daddy, look at this dolbon, there is no way to get the grandmother into the house, he got into the fucking meat, she called the grandmother, told her about it. The sister says, "I won't leave you with the child (her son) anymore, so that the blue-collar doesn't get drunk."" I understand everyone's joking, but my dad was almost joking, he cut me off with one phrase: "It's not enough hole in my ass?"". I still have my grandmother! He says he’ll still feed me like he did before, but he doesn’t know what the blue are eating.
The ears of shit.
I’m 21 years old and I like girls.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100737
I am in the ninth month. My husband looks at me affectionately and sings: “My wife is broad..."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100736

Discussions in Kazakh language:
Q: What is this song about, in short?
Vitalik09: Lived in Kazakhstan until 12 years, I remember: "nan"- bread, "cheese" - beer. There are no such words in the song, so it’s not about an urgent song.
patch: probably the standard pop text - you are so beautiful, I saw you and fell in love.. and the women's party - you are also nothing, I look at you and all wet.. well something like that.

I said myself. Born and raised in Kazakhstan. But what they sing in the pop Kazakh songs is still a mystery for me.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №100735
Ideal people always have the letter "A" in their names.
Evgeny: I am pleased that there is a word genius in my name.
Sergey: Let’s go...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100734
The fire burned:
You are the best taxi driver.
I am :??? to
Koresh: Only you can, under Marilyn Manson, come to the cemetery at two o’clock at night.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna