— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140873
The damn amazing property of the grandmothers) stood at the stop alone for 15 minutes. It seemed like a bus, they were already two, and for some reason both in front of me)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140872
Women cannot live where they have not been repaired.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140871
WOW! How many centuries have you lived and followed the grandmother's fashion on your eyebrows? In which region, by the way?

From Transylvania we are, child, from Transylvania.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140870
> No, you don’t know about electricity.
> Simply "pull the wire" is not enough - you need a second contact. And on one wire you can actually hang on your hands, and you will have nothing.

Unfortunately, there are decimeter breakthroughs in the air. And the lump, the edge of the ear flying past the wire, and the edge of the hook past the carrying structures, risks to be in a large bow and it will still stretch 15 centimeters of flight behind it. It will fly, smoke. They don’t joke high.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №140869
When my mother was in graduate school, she got a new job. Time in the 90s was unrestful, but she was lucky, she arranged to work in the Federation Council.

On one of the beautiful spring days, she had to go to the universe to defend her dissertation. She agreed with the scientist for a certain time, but at work she was delayed and she was categorically late.

Her immediate boss (a good uncle, I know him) when he saw the sadness on the light forehead of my mistress, asked what the young girl was sad about. Well, she told him that the pre-defense was literally in half an hour, and she didn't have time, thought that the work would be less and she would leave earlier.

“That’s a question,” said the uncle and called somewhere. After 10 minutes, a car with flashes and an accompaniment was waiting for my mother. She managed to get into the universe exactly a few minutes before the start of pre-defense. I waited for 40 minutes for my lesson.

When he arrived, he said to my mother with an indiscriminate anger:

Do you imagine? All the roads to the university were blocked, a knuckle was driving with flashes. Here I am late.

My mother was modestly silent.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №140868
You and your mother have different names, different fathers.
I: Yeah... yeah :D

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140867
It is difficult for us women: all the pants washed, the shirt did not enter, had to wear a dress, and with him another shoe, a bag and even a coat. From the old bag to put everything in the new, look for whole socks... In short, late to work

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №140866
I have a acquaintance. A smart man in his years. He lives in the Krasnodar region, and previously often travelled to relatives in Osetia, it seems. In those years, the 90s, the trips were quite problematic due to the greedy Caucasian and Krasnodar Haishnikovs. Often stopped and shaken. My uncle, not knowing the psychology of the servants, used this trick to avoid bribes:

- he placed in the load pocket a package of a wallet, a driver's license and red crustaceans of a la ment or gbschnik.

And here, when he was required to present the documents, he got the whole package, scratched the driver's license from it, and the rest as if unwittingly transferred to another pocket. An interested haishnik, attracted by bright (possibly dangerous) crusts, necessarily asked suggestive questions about his uncle's profession or crusts. To which the uncle replied with the crown phrase:

No, no, it does not matter! I am a simple citizen today.

It always worked 😉

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140865
the best comment as I think about the ehermeister "Defects: you have to pay :-)"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140864
According to a survey, the number of Russians who feel happy has reached 85%, which is the highest in sociological measurements since 1990. According to sociologists, the level of happiness of Russians, by subjective sensations, reached 85%. At the same time, the main reasons for their happiness are called family, children and strong health. It is noteworthy that a high percentage of happy people is recorded in all socio-demographic groups.
Psychologist Natalia Varskaya believes that such results of the sociological study can be explained by an increase in the number of people who have become more educated and do not tell every person about their problems.

“We have really changed the model of behavior, it has become closer to the Western one, where people always have everything okay. It is not common to tell everyone about their problems there. We have adopted this practice, I see nothing bad in it. Therefore, to say that our society is totally happy, I’t.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140863
"An unlucky smoker broke his leg for a girl"

At the Reshota station in the Nizhnyingasi district, a 17-year-old "parkourist" twice jumped from a pedestrian bridge into a half-car with coal. The last attempt ended with a break.
The candidate for the Darwin Prize. A bit behind the wire and another piece of coal would fall into the car.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140862
In a dispute between a man and a woman, it is not the one who is right, but the one who is always right.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №140861
The husband made the most delicious sausages for beer. My cat and I had splashes. While I was distracting my husband, the cat stole a couple of sausages. We sit in the bathroom together and quietly eat.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №140860
The RZD will abandon the plankcarter wagons.
Low-income citizens will be transported in goods. Tickets are a bit expensive.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140859
I drag XSLT Template site in UMI.CMS, found comments in code:

<!-- I hate you fucking, steward!!!! and >
<a bunch of wise conditions (and in xsl they are multi-storey:) for the output of classes and other lobes>
I hate every single cell!!! and >
< and/or >

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140858
On advertising, where it is advised to turn off the water while brushing teeth.
In our city, the water in the pipeline is taken from underground springs through wells. After use, it is spilled into the river through the cleaning, which eventually falls into the Arctic Ocean. If we reject stereotypes, it is based on the fact that:
a) I do not send humanitarian aid to African Africans (namely water),
(b) It is highly unlikely that the underground waters of Siberia are connected with the groundwater sources in Africa;
c) taking into account the intricacy of water and air currents, the water poured out and paid by the counter by me from the crane can still reach Africa and rain;
We conclude that this advertisement deprives black children of the only chance to get water from me!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140857
The cat saw that we were eating dried mango. Requires to share

I recently had a fish cracker.

It is dangerous for us to leave seeds, the cat eats them, and then produces the wrong cozinaki.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140856
I explained. Puffy legs are the same part of the image, as the swamps on the whole face. Which of the cosmetics knew only washing. That is, such a funny prostitute, who can be as smart as she wants, but this does not prevent her from being simple and straightforward.

But in the image of glamorous dolls they are, gently speaking, inappropriate.

It is just a matter of the combination of details in the image that someone chooses for themselves. It chooses forever, this week, this time of day, or this period of life. There is one "universally correct" rule - the details should be combined, and if contrasted, then by intent, not by stupidity. The attempt to declare these details as mandatory and universal rules itself is a testament to its own narrowness.

That is all.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140855

Suddenly I realized that small children are like people: they ignore basic safety advice (do not eat sand, do not irritate a daring dog), are offended when you tell them they are wrong, run out or go out to fight when they realize that they will not be given what they want. And don’t let God ask them to sit in silence for a moment!! to

Suddenly I thought that every second was sober. In the best case.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140854
> Nevertheless, unridden legs are very thrown in the eye.

You are perfect, your vision is perfect. And I have to strain my eyes to see the thin hair one and a half meters below the level of my eyes. I often don’t even know if a girl’s feet are naked or not. Do you post, or... are you for shaving men’s legs? O_O O_O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna