— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №17334
Sergo113: The goal of Russia is obvious is to capture the whole world!! to
Gabitus: And do we need it?
Aliens are clean. :D

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17333
Photo-girl near a typical Russian bath with 2 chihuahua, comments:

Jordan Davidson at 12:56 on 23 May
They don't have chihuahuas in Russia, do they? LOL

Inna Zaytseva at 11:21 on 09 June
Yes, we don't. They are afraid of our bears...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №17332
C65: Wikipedia is burning)))
Articles about pop music

Features of

One of the most important features of Russian pop and pop in general, the absolute spiritlessness and stupidity of the texts, and the absence of music as such.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17331
Good luck, happiness and joy to all!
SUPPORTER: shit, ass wishes me good luck and joy...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17330
S...S....m: When I was studying at the technare, we had a teacher in Russian. And we once had a dictator, I, as always, forgot the notebook at home, and decided to write on a double sheet. Three pages succeeded. I wrote, all okay, she grit type: not all will be handed over, but selectively.
S...S....m: Well, I think, oh, I have a not controversial assessment, I don’t need to, and let’s go over the edges with a stepler, my last name is at the end of the list, so I’ve already had time to scrape.
S...S....m: And here she calls my name, and to smoke me in the bush, I still have to smoke before a couple, oh.
S...S...M: So I gave up.
S...S...M: On the next lesson I was returned a leaflet. All the scraps were carefully cut. And the leaflet was completely glued to death from the inside. I did not know the evaluation >.<

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17329
Do you consider yourself a final loser?? to
2nd and (
1st Start-up programming games
1st Tap once in any square!
1st You see - it has not exploded, so it is not all lost!!))
Thank you friends!!! )

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №17328
from ZH:

This is where my mom grows. Hole and Hole. Plans are built. Metropolitan wants to become... a doctor. The genetics.
And the child grows, becomes Sisadmin, and fucking.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17327
I am young, smart, beautiful and the rest. It usually ends: Long time no sex, where to find a normal man?

Girls, it’s already a hole. You don’t give first, and then you don’t. There are normal men around. be careful. Maybe someone loves you but you don’t pay attention to them? Did you love it and you abandoned it? Or just did not notice? You do not appreciate what they do for you and what they feel about you. Do not appreciate moving from another city (9000 KM!, and only for love). Do not value gifts, love, or romance. And after all that was good (yes, there was bad, but nothing is perfect) - you get stuck in the dirt by betrayal. And then the bad starts. But it ends quickly and the good continues. Do not appreciate it anyway. And what remains? You are looking for a "good man". When they come out of the skin - do not appreciate, when because of this we cool - throw away, when not - look. Of course, it is not just so said. Just recently on BORA I saw a quote exactly written by my ex. Since I do not want to write directly to her (I am uncomfortable after what she did), I write to all the other girls - look around, you need someone. Or were needed. You just missed it or missed it all. Do not say that something is wrong with you if you are to blame for it. There are normal men, you just don’t see them.
I am not looking for a girl, I am not suffering from old love, I am just tired of such quotes.

[ + 0 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17326
A big and brutal guy, with a tattoo and a beard, 2 courses of mechmat... Well, come to the cute blonde-EVThnice, with whom you sometimes ride in the same bus, and we will meet... and??

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17325
The coincidences...
I am in the subway, a couple are sitting in front of me. Nobody around not noticed, the guy is constantly whispering something to the girl's ear, and she is shy. In the meantime, the train arrives at the station. The guy was slightly overwhelmed with epithetics along the way, because the girl's eyes were sharply rounded, she stood up, dropped the guy's sound bark and left the car. And at this very moment, the dictator announces with a solemn voice: "Dynamo Station". I was smiling all the way :)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №17324
Filed to:Terminator 4 "

XX: I was delighted with 2 minutes of Schwarzenegger in the frame. The movie budget is over.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №17323
I went to rest on the lake in tents, I was my girlfriend and her niece.
So you won’t believe... the 15-year-old niece took a fan!!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17322
From a familiar story:
This was my acquaintance in general, she was constantly smoking grass before, it was at the time when I was swallowing regularly... so, I had a drunken habit of telling the same story to the same person several times. I did not remember that I had already told her), and this acquaintance just always forgot almost immediately what she was told about - and here we were rotting, like we were the perfect couple...)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №17321
Postinor simply causes early drug miscarriage. Horrible hormonal failures. Results delayed in time. A whole bouquet,and such as you, men who do not understand pharmacology beyond the pills that a aunt in turn advised, and did not dream of.Women's health is very fragile, and I am upset by such advice of educated men. ...
Sorry for entering...
Postinor (Escapel) contains the same (levongestrel) synthetic hormones as OK (Oral Contraceptives) but in large quantities. As a result, the egg cannot be fertilized, but if this has already happened (hence the limit of 24-36 hours), then the pill will not directly affect the embryo (abortion will not be).
All the main danger of this method of contraception is in the hormonal boom (from which it can be nausea, shift in the menstrual cycle, bleeding as with menstruation) and the load on the liver. Use not more than once in half a year.
Congratulations to the gynecologist.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17320
One of the great quotes of our computer science lesson:
"You would only play in dolls... large and rubber."

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №17319
XHH: By the word - he was passing by the subway, was stopped by a young man in red. On the question "Are you connected to the MTS?" he replied negatively, which to his surprise heard "Well and right".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №17318
The wise age, but the wise never.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №17317
I traveled to Prague with my dad for a long time.
The plane landed in Sheremetyevo 1 instead of 2.
And my brother met us in Sheremetyevo 2.
Dad stayed in Sheremetyevo 1, and I went on the bus to find my brother.
I forgot my papers and glasses.
He was shaved, dressed in shirt and shirt.
Long walked on Sheremetyevo 2 and looked into the passers, trying to see
The Brother.
Eventually, a sergeant stopped me and brought me to the local.
Department of Police.
The Mayor asked who I was and what I was doing.
I said I am a mathematician, I do mathematics.
The mayor asked who Sophia Kovalevskaya was.
I answered that it was Karl Weirstrass’s student.
The Major politely apologized and horribly asked the sergeant, "You who are here?"
brought it?”
The incident was exhausted.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17316
Russia has banned imports of white milk.
Non-compliance with some regulations.
Yes, it is too natural.

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17315
Where is justice???? to
My wife has a cat, she is constantly dressing with him, she runs, she holds on her arms... and this fox, when I sleep, beats me with the nails on my ass and crawls under the couch. Until I wake up. One time he fucked his foot so that he struck the wall. I now live with a friend...
Let the fucking cat fuck you and make money!!!! to
The best plz.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna