— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130419
The idea of mass prayer by agreement belongs to Father Andrew (Tkachev). He clarified that >>there is no other sense than to pray for the leadership of the country, the church and other >>needs.

I would be so in need.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130418
@hardworm: a group of freelancers metalworkers with their casting and casting workshops are looking for interesting projects

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130417
Kial: One of the little ones in the school group has now issued:
Do you jump?
and 21.
Long Thought
My aunt will soon be older than you.
I can’t explain why I’m x)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130416
Colour: #e6a
Clear boy color.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130415
Two are burning.
xxx: “English for programmers”, “Fighting Arts for programmers”... Enough, we are the same people as everyone else!
WOW: “Like everyone” for programmers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130414
From the company’s report on the leakage:
In the 7th parade on the 20th floor, the provider’s specialists, when placing an internet cable in one of the apartments, pierced the plume sewer pipes and through it brought the cable into the apartment. There was a corresponding leakage." (c)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130413
At the family dinner, a black joke of humor was born on the topic of "komotoherovato" - we are discussing the urgent apartment issue, in order to find a decent apartment in the city, it has to be searched for many months (Bavaria). Beyond the window, the ambulance syrene, the wife, interrupting everyone:
– Oh! Oh you hear!
Everyone is silent looking at it - the siren in the city is the usual thing.
The apartment has been released!

and wa78

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №130412
I can imagine how it was:
"Somewhere in the corridors...
Comrade academician, Comrade academician, wait! You’re an outstanding scientist, don’t you want to participate in a fight about GMOs?
But I’m a nuclear physicist, I don’t understand genetics.
But this is shit, nobody’s going to understand it!
Well then okay, let’s go. Where can I sign?"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130411
Fucking is not blasphemy, but the basic spell of a technochaman! In addition to the ritual ''wi-bipa corpus-su'.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №130410
Ubisoft has announced that from July 22, all players will have a chance to get the free PC version of Trials of the Blood Dragon, but for this to play in the demo of the project. And not just to play, but to pass it in less than fifteen attempts. In this case, the full version of the game will open".


YYY: That’s what I understand, manyhood!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130409
XXX: The prints are different. A car replacement – universal health.
XXX is fucking.
XXX: How can you turn the word evil into the word hello?! to

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №130408
I sit here, I realize that tomorrow is July 7.
And this means that in our fucking children will begin to lick passers, regardless of decent clothes and respectable age.
One thing is comforting: nature has swept away - all day rains with wind and thunderstorms.
I’t stop tomorrow!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130407
>>> only the ability to get up, go to the ZAGS and divorce would reduce the number of alkas by three times.

The real man is always at fault, except for him. My grandfather slept to the condition of a bomb and all the property was drunk in a couple of years after the death of his grandmother, who "pressed" him and "did not allow him to rest normally." Uncle divorced - became at least 50 grams of white and a half beer every day at dinner to drink, fattened terribly, the pressure is terrible, he runs to the doctors, like to work. Something I doubt that men drink purely because of wives. Rather, after a divorce, they get drunk to death very quickly, and the number of alcoholics thus decreases.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130406
I searched for a long time and, nevertheless, found what the advantage of the new windows over the old XP. In these, the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) was replaced by the Blue Screen of Updates to 10k.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №130405
Growing up is when you ate for your mom, your dad, your brother, your baby, and you are told not - "Here is a good guy!" but - "You are, again, shit, left the whole family without dinner!"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №130404
Okay well :

I drank a lot in marriage. Do not drink, but often until completely disconnected. After the divorce he stopped drinking, went to fitness, lost 30 kg, enrolled in the library, mastered guitar. And all why - by its nature, it is scary to stay alone. And in the state to which I launched myself for 20 years of marriage, the prospect of finding my second half is zero. So the motivation is the opposite.

Will you find another unfortunate - and everything is new? People know how to have fun.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130403
Why do you have pockets on pyjamas?
And in the swimsuits? Why the pockets? My son put his first phone there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130402
Recently I was on a battle full bus. Under the mouse a box with a shipment from the online store. Very uncomfortable dimensions, one way or another spinning in different directions. In front of me was a girl in a narrow summer dress. And it turned out that I was constantly hitting her with this box - then the back, then the buttocks. I was very uncomfortable with public transportation. Eventually, he came out earlier than that girl and drowned home.

I live in a large residential complex. And we have our own group in the VK. There are advertisements, communication, etc. And that evening I noticed this girl to comment on one recording.

I went to her on the page, and there on the top of the repost of the record about male violence, and on the top of her comment as today in the bus she was lapped by a smiling fool and how women are not protected in our country.

I wanted to write to her that she misunderstood and in general she stumbled on my foot twice, but changed my mind. Probably no longer helps.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №130401
Not so long ago I met on social networks with a girl, nice to communicate for a while. After a month of not writing. Yesterday he wrote to me:

Let’s meet today? In a few hours.

It is easy!

Agreed where and when. He sat in a cafe and called me. I agreed very easily.

At home behind a bottle of red tea, I was told a sad story about what kind of her boyfriend "falled, dwarf, paddle" etc. I betrayed her, and here she is all so upset.

I think that’s fared. I will take revenge on the guy! For some time talking about what all the goat men, ah, have gone kissing. The girl went to the bathroom, oh! ! to ! to

I didn't expect such a splash from the girl, and quickly into the room to change the slices and slices, to squeeze the straw that it would be warm and not so soft. I was able to wash in the dishwasher in the kitchen, don’t ask how I got it.

The girl was all this time "washing" in the bathroom, it was clear by the noise of the water, I am already in combat readiness, and she is not going. It is 20 minutes, I knock to see if she’s okay. The door opened sharply, the painting with oil - she had time to paint her face, although when she went to the bathroom she was overwhelmed. Repair the hair. I stretch a towel.

No need, I need to go urgently.

I’m standing in shorts, smelling perfume, and she has to go.

“Toy and I,” he said, “reconciled.

That is, I am here washing in the dishwasher, and they are in my bathroom on the phone?

I slept on clean and fresh bedbugs. one one)

Later in the night on the phone 12 missed (sleep with silent phone mode) and messages:

We fought again.

Will you meet me?

Why don’t you answer?

The fool!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130400
Would you keep my cat at home?
I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Why is?
He is afraid of me like fire.
Why did you take it?
I understood it when I went to your bathroom, and when he saw me, he started beating his head against the wall.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna