— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №130299
It seems that GMOs are more profitable by sharp manufacturers of products that have rapidly weakened - it is only worth printing on the label "no GMO" "farmer natural"
The households are starting to buy them.
In this case, any packaging can be printed.

My mother bought Krasnodar tea, I tried it - so I drink tea, and it doesn't look like tea.
I ask why? In response, emotional outrage – what do you not see? It is said that the tea is GMO-free.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №130298
The substantive deer and sheep have the same shape for both single and multiple numbers.
Example: sheep - sheep, deer - deer.
Don’t be those existentials, dear Google!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №130297
From boredom I argued with the uncle of the most intelligent appearance in the bus, who accused me that the shirt was not filled and in general, we, the visitors, ruined everything to him, the Kievan, here.
What makes you a Kiev? Maybe you know Kiev better than me, or you are an active public figure, or you know history well, maybe you built something in the city? Apart from license?
Unlike you, I love my city with all my heart.
If I use these parameters, I am a real Casanova. I was born of a woman and I love them all very much. But the fact that no one has agreed to date with me for a couple of years shows what a loser I am.
The bus laughed loudly, and the uncle went out on the next one.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130296
Parents are in the country, but we regularly call together - to talk, share news. Conversation with Mom.
How is it in the garden? Will there be cakes?
I don’t know, I have nothing to try. There are female flowers, but there are no male.
I: It’s like life!
and pause.
I: Mom, I am a cowboy!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №130295
1st In a Volkswagen convoy, a robot killed a man. The Financial Times journalist Sarah O'Connor on Twitter. Readers began to write to her that she was the last hope of mankind. Sarah O'Connor doesn't understand what it's about because she didn't watch the Terminator "Girls, I don't know what Skynet is. And I’t sign — I’m writing very boring things about the cost of labor per unit of product and all that.” More than 6 thousand retweets."

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №130294
In anticipation of the total surveillance of all users and storing information about them, I will specifically watch only the best porn that the verifier could appreciate my subtle taste.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130293
For the murder of a slave in itself, the state will force you to be held accountable according to all the strictness of the law.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130292
The words of a friend.
I was driving from work, I see - a car stands on the side, next to her a girl, the wheel has broken. I stop to help. I say:
Girl, let me help you.
Are you married?
and yes.
Go on, I am myself.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130291
There is no female friendship. It is myth.
- Friendship between a man and a woman also does not exist... We conclude that babies are unfriendly creatures.

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130290
About graduates of the FSB Academy on Black Helics:
I offer a response action - graduates of agricultural universities will travel through Moscow on black Hunter UAZs.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130289
The Shaurmoopy Therapy! Here is!

The Pellman Spirit!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №130288
Once the envelope is in the urn, the candy is already eaten.

And my mom buys more than one candy, so one fantic in the cage is a sure sign of the presence of whole candy in the house.
My aunt is a doctor :(

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130287
On the third day of the field exit, Russian soldiers look at Bear Grills as shit, and on the fifth day even Chuck is not an authority.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130286
On Friday, the air conditioner was running in the office, two people came, went down, wrapped something with a scotch, left.

On Monday morning, the rainbow was running again. Two came, went in, stuffed something with a scotch, left.

After a couple of hours, the Conde again put a portion of water on the floor. Two came, went in, disassembled the coney into small pieces and... and again stuffed something diligently with a scotch.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130285
One Russian singer expressed the desire to head the coach staff of the national football team.
I can train athletes just as our players can play. I am sure that we will find a common language with them, – explained his decision Y. Loza.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130284
I saw the rain here for the first time. literally. The wall of rain with characteristic noise moved in my direction, where it was still sunny and dry.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130283
>Interesting, children they will order from "alibaba" or will they connect themselves?! to
Did you hold the candle? How do you know they don’t have sex? Or if a guy and a girl are sleeping, then they should publicly suck and kick each other? Not all teenagers are old.
And what about sex and children? The author is 15 and wants the same for the kids?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130282
A famous soldier (b) said:
There are also offensive grenades. You throw one, cover eggs with the example of a calash and run to the explosion.
I am like eggs. And the head?
Yes, with her, with her head.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130281
I sit in a cozy kindergarten in Spain, my daughter plays - came to rest from Peter. There are two Spanish girls aged 7-8. Well, my is afraid to talk to foreigners, we do not know languages yet. Well, well, you can also climb on the cloths.
Here to the girls fits a boy of the same age and speaks in Russian:
Go to eat!
The girls finished playing and followed him without saying a word.
I sat down with round eyes.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №130280
Your dog is fucking my leg.

- Apologies here is not enough, dirty seductor dogs!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna