— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100333
From all this, we can conclude that beepacks are not the food of the poor, it is the food of the lazy.

It was removed from the tongue! Even at the stage of the holivar about chicken and potatoes thought, and why so scarce? Cereals are cheaper than potatoes and what a variety! Pig liver is cheap and useful, fish is quite inexpensive, but it is all to cook! I have one husband in my family now working, two children, a mortgage, capital repair we do and a mirror my husband in the DR buy. And the husband in the factory is an engineer... just his wife knows how to cook and save.

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100332
Dzintars - from the Latvian "cotton". This is translated as "Yan".
All is norm. There was such a writer - Vasily Yang, wrote a trilogy about the Tatar oak.

Aha, a potato - from the English "potatochka, meaning po - in translation of kar.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100331
I married a roller coaster. It is easy to be a good wife. It is enough to feed him with snacks and allow him to freelance in the Gandalf costume.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100330
Irina: Prokhorov abandoned the Y-mobile... What will we drive on now???and :-(
Michael: Sadly... :-( You’ll probably have to ride these German cranes with garlics?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100329
As is from the dating site, could not pass by)

"I will only meet the seedquaters"

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100328
In the topic of the fight about smoking, I remembered: it was two years and a little ago, then the ban on the sale of cigarettes at the stops did not come into effect. I set up for a new job, and since I did not know where to smoke and there were cameras around the job bus landing place, I did not smoke at work at all. Accordingly, I go to the place of landing, I leave the bus, I cross the road, I go to the stop and immediately squeeze a cigarette in my mouth, the edge of my eyes I notice a group of schoolchildren, well as schoolchildren... they were issued only bags with textbooks.
Buy a cigarette!
And my brain is inflamed, a new job, a bunch of information, all my colleagues by name to remember, well, I answer, showing a cigarette:
Thank you, I have...
And I toss further. By the edge of my eyes I see how Fifa’s eyes become huge and childishly surprised... And only then I get to know that she asked her to buy cigarettes... Well my karma is clean, I didn’t buy cigarettes to minors...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100327
I was driving home and listening to the radio. I was very pleased with the selection of songs: on Tagan Square, the radio joyfully sang: "Hey, thief, turn to hell, we will go home on a new road...". And in the blockade on Andropovsky Prospect: "Oh, This is the road to Hell..."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100326
Information is the only basic commodity that is not forged in China, but in the United States.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №100325
Last summer we went to the Alps. Well, we found in some village a restaurant that attracts visitors with the promise of "fresh fish". I went and ordered a forel. The waitress took the order and took it to the kitchen. Exactly a minute later, the chef came out of there, with German craftsmanship, took off the cooking coat and hood, hanged it in the closet, took out of the same closet the cage, the cage and the chair, and walked boldly to the shore of the nearest mountain river. It has a taste for fishing.
We are here, to confess, a little fooled. This is really fresh fish! In the eyes of the visitor. No, well, I saw one day in Crete, as a waitress, accepting an order for a vegetable salad, immediately wrapped the sleeves of the fraca, dropped the lacquered shoes and shuffled barefoot to collect cucumbers and tomatoes on the garden adjacent to the tavern. But the fish!
Carefully asked the waitress, how much time, in his opinion, will take the execution of our order, and what will happen if there is no clove, or there will be no forel?
The waiter, having understood the essence of our question, stumbled upon us as if we were crazy, and explained very distinctly and clearly: "This cook now has a lunch break, and how he spends it is his business. And your forel is already on the bowl, her other cook is roasting. And we bring fish every morning from our own farm a kilometer above the mountains.” Following this, the young man went to the kitchen to delight his colleagues with a new story about idiot tourists.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №100324
Hello Hello Hello! Here in the vicinity, mixed with the bird's whisper and the unobtrusive whisper of the wind, as if lighting the green waves of the berry grove with a bagel, giving the heat like the summer sun at the height of the dull summer of July, blowing out light smoke like the rising fog from the spread of the lake at dawn, frightening the forest inhabitants - working bobs, wise caterpillars and careless whispers, the house-museum of Prishvina burns. No, sending out the car is no longer necessary.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100323
When I watched the match between Brazil and Germany, I thought I was grateful to the Russian national team. No, indeed, good guys - quietly flew out, nothing with a devastating account to no one, advances of their special game did not give anyone.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100322
muromec: and ebonate sticks were used in antiquity, yes

Sing,: >> and eponat sticks
I already have acquaintances with this material.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100321
What substances are most often accumulated in basements, collectors, heat grids, and basements in general?
The Idiots

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100320
If it happened:
These are the authors of Scandinavian mythology:

Discuss the Scandinavian mythology.
I: And here is the horse Sleipnir, eight-legged, what is it? Did he look like a spider?
Husband: No, since it was Loki’s horse, it was like a limousine.

Slepnir was the horse of Odin. Loki was the father of Sleepner.
Not the father, but the mother. So it happened.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100319
I want to highlight the ridiculous quotes and remove them (((

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100318
xxx> I like white clothes
Yyy> type about nurses when?
xxx and xxx
yyy> also probably nothing. You need to look for a video of a helpless patient, where the nurse clothes him and sits on top.
xxx> saw this
xxx> he then turns out to be not helpless at all and fucking her cancer, pressing her head to the couch
yyy> no, it is not that. The end must be such that it disconnects it from the life support systems.
xxx> you are a dangerous man!
xxx> have you been a godmother in your past life?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №100317
Looking at the endless remake in the world film industry I am waiting - when will the remake of the "Arrival of the Train" be filmed?

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100316
Husband says: to rest in the Canaries they found money, and fucking go to the ocean...
The typical poverty.
Even if you give them all the gold reserves of the world - they will be ruined in the bushes and in the ocean, park cars on the road and poison all around them with ghost spirits - but half a penny is saved!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100315
I came to work today - on the table of the note"to drink the table". I am confused, I ask the people that this could mean and who wrote it? It turned out to be sealed - rubbish the table)) make a hole under the wires))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100314
xxx: So you are a programmer - you have sinuses, cosins and integrals? You need C++, SQL, Java, Python, Haskell, Si shards and points, PHP is there.
YYY: Em... my satellite office does. On the day I don’t need the sinuses, cosins, and integrals, I go into Google and finally write “Hello, world!” in ten languages – and run out of awareness of my own cruelty.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna