— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 104 - ] Comment quote №16993
Modern student - instead of preparing for the session, he is looking on the net for a beautiful aforism about the shit to put into the status.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16992
In a forum under a picture of the donkey:
This is not a donkey, but a donkey! As far as I know, the donkey must have horns!"
I am afraid to imagine this miracle.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16991
Kain (10:42:48 2/06/2009)
We did not ride horses on Issyk Kul, one horse had the name "Veterok".
And, as we soon understood, it was not given at all because it was jumping fast.
Kain (10:42:56 2/06/2009)
In the end we renamed it to "Hurricane"
Kain (10:43:11 2/06/2009)
Rarely was Merlin.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №16990
Take a look and see how many people read BOR!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16989
The most unsuccessful deed of today was to cut off while shaving, wipe out the blood with the hand... thinking about the bluntness of everything to forget to wash the hand... by an accidental movement to wipe it off the white panty... and go, wipe, for a full examination in the skin dispenser...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16988
Answer to:"A man! Learn how to shave eggs. On the other day, the fucking man decided to put order in the cowards, so the fucking man cut off the sheep with his scissors! by Scuco. Can you invent a safe haircut? ("--------- They burned their fire:)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16987
W: And why did you do it?
I am damaging! and :P
Rather is echoed.
HH: Is this still a patch?
You are like a squid, like a mammal, and there is no mammal.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №16986
It was with one acquaintance.

Comrade was tired in the institute, drank a little, came home, laid down fairy tales. Here he felt a slight discomfort, wanted to shut down - as a man of culture shut down in a cellophane bag, threw it out into the window, so as not to burn (he lives on the 11th floor). He went back to sleep again, after a while again wanted to shut down - repeated the procedure, the second pack also thrown out. In the morning, his father asks him "you how did you feel yesterday?" He says "normal, and what?" It turned out that at night came a neighbor from the sixth floor, very, very bad. The man was sitting in the apartment, the window opened. Here, he says, from somewhere on top comes a bag of blueberry, hits the carniz over the window and breaks naked, spraying the contents of half the room. Well, nothing to do, the man with the matts begins to clean up, wipes off the window - and here comes the second package with blueberry, also breaks and wipes up not only the half room and the half-man.

That's what I understand - it's not bad, and you are soppy with kilimpliz post here.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №16985
Site of Dating
Dacha today at 16:46
And I have been here for a while from men who over 40 =) talk about normal, interesting, no words about sex, and as they met - as they break off the chain. Once I got a crack, everyone asked me about my first sexual experience, eventually offered sex for three.
Then another was, says, let's play - you are a student, and I am a teacher, you will give me a coin.
And another is the most important pearl! Sitting in a restaurant, he asks, “How do you treat the socks?” Wear clothes for the holidays. Let’s make a little party today...I just wear socks! 😉))))))))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16984

During the session, all the strange things suddenly become so fascinating... stepler, for example ^^

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16983
In contact with:
Club of Lovers of Solitude
Number of participants: 1 participant

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №16982
Tungus: Eating the wishes.
Ox@n@: Make a salad
Tungus is no. I have a smoked chicken there.
Ox@n@: Well here is it.
Tungus: But how will I eat it? We are almost friends with her.
Tungus: The second week I live in the refrigerator...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16981
Brom: I stand at the stop means. I see the ad - there is guessing, removing the spoil, etc. They sell magic amulets. Nina Alexandrovna and the phone.
God: So what next?
Brom: I think I’ll call – I’m looking forward to buying a drum there. I call, and my grandmother’s phone number lights up.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №16980
I passed Haishnikov. The DPS car. Blinked to him. He pulled his hand, thank you. I go, I think.

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №16979
Last night on the Lenin Avenue, the trolleybus on which I was driving had an emergency slowdown, what happened? "The horns" have been cut off? Were they struck or, god, struck whom? No is! Thanks to the driver, he was blunt. He got out of the trolleybus, left the trolleybus for 3 meters and raised the 100-ruble bill lying on the asphalt and we went on.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16978
Today I come home, wife from the threshold:

Have you brought flowers?Go to Drake!!! to

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №16977
I lie with my pregnant wife in bed, I steep her butt and suddenly feel the baby’s movements.
I’m excited, he’s moving!! and :)
The people of my womb greet you.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №16976
If the mouth of a child proclaims the truth, then the truth is nothing but truth.
The children’s leaf.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №16975
Summer, the garden of a multi-storey house. We, 10 year old boys, are swallowing.
The courtyard.
Nearby is a ninth floor building, we loved this building very much.
to laze.
Suddenly from the side of this same building through the whole courtyard a boy cries and loudly
The cry:
The wolf is gone!! From the 8th floor!! From the eighth floor!!! to
Grandmothers and grandparents on the shops catch the heart, passers
They turn around, in the open windows appear frightened mothers of all
The local wolves.
The boy comes to us:
The wolf has fallen! From the 8th floor! On the seventh!

Nothing serious happened to the wolf. Healthy blue on the side.
The whole side and the father’s ass.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №16974
A boy to a girl:
Do you believe that dreams come true?
I believe.
Then dress up...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna