— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50792
My tooth is sick. The Paracelsus Method:

It is necessary to choose a young tree marked by the sign of the moon (lipa, oatmeal, nuts), which is in the dust, wherever no one has gone before it. Raise a piece of its crust, make a fireplace from the inner wood, which is wrapped in the gums of the sick tooth to blood. Then put this spike-spike on the old place, cover it with a bark and squeeze it with something or bind the bark so that it crushes with the tree. The operation is performed on Monday with the rising moon.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №50791
Nothing has changed in the last two years.)

If designers were evaluated in the same way as programmers when recruited.
A prospective company requires an engineer, 20-25 years of age, VO, OR from 10 years.
Basic requirements: Knowledge of the principles of operation of DC, electric and jet engines. Ability to design motor vehicles, military equipment, carrying structures of buildings with a height of at least 120 floors, lifts, bicycles and roller skis. Experience of welding, cutting, folding, welding, plasma and laser engraving is required. Experience of independent assembly of internal combustion engines and creation of cars on the basis of engines from third-party manufacturers. The ability to apply the design of the night pot developed by our artists to a third-party helicopter or submarine.
Compulsory: provide self-assembled working models of cars, trolley buses, trams and special equipment, with proof of the success of their commercial application. Self-assembled BMP, tanks and aircraft that have been successful in combat use in armed conflicts over the past 2 years are welcome (indicate your role and share in these conflicts). Experience in the organization of military conflicts is welcome. Experience in designing nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and spacecraft will be an additional plus.
The salary is 80-100 dollars. (from the results of the interview)

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №50790
xxx: I conduct weddings, corporations, rallies, marches, presentations, birthdays, pickets...

yyy: Uprisings, coupes, assaults, settlements with menta...

Zzz: The transition of the grandmothers across the road, the unions of the proletarians of all countries, the proof of Fermat’s theorem.

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50789
Advice: Before going to a party where there will be alcohol and sluggish girls, you need to break through the curtain.

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50788
xxx: fucking advertising.. children sit, argue: the first chicken, no egg... and so on. First came the soup!! to
And the soup! It is genius! = = )
xxx: although... at first the earth was almost all in the ocean type... well, there were all sorts of infusories...
Yyy: well... big such soup)) I say, it’s genius!)
This is the answer to the philosophical question!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №50787
The earth holds on such people!
yyy : of course. They keep the earth flat. They stand on a giant turtle.
XXX: Just on the turtle? This is a new version of the world for me.

[ + 70 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50786
Mommy works in a kindergarten. They have an event there, called the "Reid to catch a pencil". This is what you presented? In fact, it’s checking how children hold a pencil.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №50785
with VIO
xxx:how to remove background noise from the microphone (I hear it as if I am in the toilet)?
Go out of the toilet!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №50784
"Krabbe","Shmele", "Dmitry NANOTolievich" - a boring shit all this...

Vova confused and Dima plushy - this is what it sounds like!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №50783
Mom walks and sings: "Diarrhea will suddenly hit when you do not expect it at all... And every bush will immediately become surprisingly good..."

[ + 57 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50782
There is nothing more beautiful than going out after a cold shower, with a naked torso, to embrace a furry cat.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №50781
xxx: Hey, and when I was doing a visit card in one office, the bosses asked how I wanted to be called there. (There’s no matter what he is, even though "The King"). Since the work was about information protection, and I always liked this orientation, I wanted to have either a “Security officer” or a “Security analyst” on the English-language business card. That is how, I saw, similar species were called in the bourgeoisie. When our general affairs manager Masha ordered the business cards and then brought them, I was proud to say: Offices Analyst. Specialist in Feng Shui.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №50780
In Soviet times, several pilots tested a joke for which they barely went to shoot.

The children’s jokes
Drink with pilots of military transport aircraft, being in one of the countries where our country performed its "international duty". Alcohol on the heat is cowardly - here I suddenly fell behind the boxes. I wake up, I look in the illuminator – the Soviet Union! This is not Pushkin sitting, but illegal border crossing and desertion. I drank alcohol and again for the boxes. At the next awakening behind the Illuminator was once again a familiar desert. It was scary when I was completely shaken. In three days.

[ + 50 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50779
Fuck it! He joined WoW, joined the security agency "PALADIN".............

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №50778
Some unnecessary words are the most used.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №50777
History of History

In the middle of the 19th century to explore the mouth of Amur and the coastal territories associated with this river was sent an expedition headed by Captain 1 grade G. Nevelsky. He carried out prescribed hydrological work, established that Sakhalin is an island, and all the geographical objects explored, previously "nothing", declared a new territory.
The Russian Empire. But for this last action he had no sanction from the boss.
Excited by Russia’s “aggressive” actions in the Far East, the British submitted a protest to Russian Chancellor Nesselrod. The Chancellor, already and so until his death frightened by the failures of the Russian weapons in Crimea against all the same Englishmen, mourned with a complaint about the illegal and dangerous actions of the captain toward the tsar. Nicholas 1, also extremely painfully perceived the Crimean defeat, but, unlike the Chancellor, only now thinking about what to give in response to the English, called Nevelsky to himself.
The captain realized that nothing good could be expected from a call to the emperor, known for his rough temper, and before this visit he said goodbye to his young wife.
And indeed, the Emperor met him exceptionally coldly and declared that for the arbitrary actions that damage the Russian Empire he,
Nicholas 1, by his decree, appealed the captain of the 1st rank of G. Nevelsky into ordinary sailors. (A copy of the decree was handed over to Nesseldor, who personally withdrew it to the English embassy.) But since Nevelsky, the emperor continued, conducted a difficult expedition and did not lose a single person in it, he was awarded the title of Captain Lieutenant. And because
Nevelsky managed to make the first map of the mouth of Amur, he is awarded the title of captain of 1st rank. Well, since he was the first to prove that Sakhalin was an island, he was awarded the title of counter-admiral.
The distance from the soldier to the counter-admiral G. Nevelskaya was overcome in no more than half a minute. It was the fastest and most dizzying career in the history of the Russian Navy.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №50776
Santechnik Sidorov heard in the JEK as an intelligent after the question
“Who is?” He replied, “Agnia Barto!“”

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50775
I betrayed you to get attention to me!

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №50774
XXX: We were attacked
YYY: Hey, who are the living?
and ZZZ: +
The KKK: +
YYY: You know
yyy: after the question "They are alive?" the crosses somehow do not inspire)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №50773
The Last
The next
Dedicated to the one who wrote:
“Dear, have you blocked our computer?
and yes.
And what password?
The date of our wedding.
This is a... Fuck..."

Do not give in to female provocation. Take a look at Deborah’s passport.

They are not yet married.

Oh my dear, I laughed so much, thank you!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna