— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5995
Tagged with: 666
Thanks to the creators of the site "Contact"!!! Now I know my boyfriend’s name!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5994
I sit in the office, I sign contracts on the adsl internet, come mom and son of 12 years of age, look like a la "don't hinder me from learning", constantly climbs into a conversation, threatens mom to pump traffic on all her ZP if she doesn't choose anymore, with grief in half we get to come up with a password, mom puts him a leaflet, says write. The boy grabs the pen and begins to quickly write something there, Mom looks at the password
M and what? What did you write here?!? How will we remember this?
M - O_O
C is the first eight digits of the number Pi.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №5993
-== OL I G A ® X==-
Hi to

­-== OL I G A ® X==-
Give us your password to check if it is correct.

Five things that no one has offered me before.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №5992
You are ugly.
I: That to my mother's complaints
She: No, you are a moral fool.
I: A to Dad

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5991
Previously, important files were called "Important!" and now: "Important"

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №5990
Conscience: You don't know where to get a mommy with a 478 socket
Parents do not choose...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №5989
Slaves do not choose galleries.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5988
The history. He stood by and heard it with his own eyes. At work, during

At lunch break, the entire brigade gathered in the dining room. and so far

Everyone opened their bags with food, had an unforced conversation.

The topic was about pets. About the cats. She praised her cat for

He knows how to open the door to the kitchen. hanging on a pen.

The door and its weight open the lock. The other said that her

The cat, when coming from a walk, climbs the door and nose.

Slysar Mikhailich listened to it and then said:

My cat has its keys!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5987
It was Eurovision 2008!!! to

Don’t get rid of it, so catching.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5986
The xxx:
Do you love women doing self-criticism!!!! to
In fact, we love to have sex, and self-criticism is like that.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5985
She sent a familiar:

Shortly put in the female tube (as usual) sensory light,
This sensor works when a person enters the room.
When you enter the cabin, the sensor stops working.
You take off your pants, sit down and the light cuts off.

So here is

I made myself a cup of coffee, went to the toilet to wash a cup from the coffee machine.

The light is turned on, and from the door of the cabin the hand shakes.
As if the sensor worked... fucking how I was scared...

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №5984
Here you sit, rejoice that your quote has passed, smile...and in 5 minutes the entire contact sheet sends it to you with the attribute: “In value! A quote about you!"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5983
XHH: It was supposed to stay with the girl for the night...and, fucking, until 3 o'clock at night to watch 2x2 and draca with pillows) Then fall to sleep, wake up in the morning with the insane feeling that yesterday something was wrong...heye...happy, then go down to Indiana Jones, to the cafe and go home with full thoughtfulness)

Man, that’s called love.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №5982
At the anatomy exam, the professor asks the student a question:
Which body is a symbol of love?
A man or a woman? A student asks.
“My God,” says the doctor, “in my time it was just a heart.

I didn’t think about my heart either.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №5981
Disappointment in love is when you see a girl with whom you’ve split up or who said ‘we can only be friends’ in the status of ‘heart’.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5980
You downloaded my file?
YYY: The internet has gone :(
Xxx :?? to
XXX: How did you go? Where did you go?? to
Yyy: My brother with his mobile phone walked away. I sit on the modem. and :(

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №5979
X_rey: Hello what are you doing?
ZX_code is the skin.
X_rey: You’ve been like that all your life!
ZX_code: I will not code all my life.
Re: I have thought about it!? to
ZX_code is removed!! to

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №5978
Never be ashamed of the size of your member in the shower.

If he is big, be proud.
2) If it is normal, it is great.
If he is small, then you are also good, you bring joy to people.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №5977
gentle_girl: *I walk your tongue through your gentle cheek, you tremble from excitement*
lust4sex: * quietly breathe and squeeze my member into your throat*
Girl X: What is it? You are a girl.
lust4sex: ahahahaha, fuck you!)))
I am a bitch, I am a bitch. I just wanted to go with a sexy girl.
sweet girl: I’ve finished
The Girl: Fuck
-[ sweet girl left the chat ]-
Lust4sex is a fuck. c-u-k-a

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5976
He went to a tamur to meet some girl, he says a sympathic look of years 18-19,.. approached her, something there they talked, she asks him: "And how old are you?" - "sixteen" - "Aaa..I have a son 2 years younger".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna