— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5955
The film continues to burn:
"Japanese customs officers lost their marijuana in foreign baggage"

Probably to the customs.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №5954
Spam by ASK:

and!! The Song of Barbara on DVD!!! to
and!! 2137 series on 535 DVDs!!!! to
>>> <<<<

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №5953
How to fuck on a first date, so crazy, and how to put a flash on your computer, so oh... no... don’t need... suddenly contagious...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №5952
Wicked (14:56:43 27/05/2008)
And she confidently laid his feet on his shoulders.

The House (14:57:00 27/05/2008)
The feet on the shoulders are the top of confidence)))))

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №5951
Mona: About FreeBSD and where I know only that when you are quoted something about it, you have to laugh.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №5950
Too Long Question

Fuck... what are you? The word?? to

"bla" a very rough word, do you really want to use it?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №5949
I remember, the brother pulled the half first, and began to go through the company (for the first time), and there first you need to run dumb, pick up a suit, knock the buttons, he doesn't like it - he doesn't understand what to do. I recommend doing as much as I can (for the first time myself). Here we arrived at installation.
He: Well then...
I: It’s a kind of truck with a feather.
He: And...
Try to push.
He is pushing. And here it began: the aliens went out, the explosions, everything collapsed, the bodies rolled (who had, he knows).
I am fucking!
It’s all your fault, shit counselor!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5948
Yesterday during a walk on the shore realized "The mosquito mosquito is disgusting - like sausage and unpleasant..."

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №5947
Have you watched Jippers-Skrippers?
Is Jiper-Skriper an UAZ Hunter?

– is
by Zoe! You are back!!! to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №5946
If you leave the search box in the Abyss empty and click "Find", you can see the last 25 quotes added in reverse chronological order.

Let the people play, let the people play! Maybe the engine will be repaired...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №5945
I propose to Odminas Basha to add to the quotes the opportunity to guess who has struck her. If the majority guesses correctly, the nick is written above the quote, as before.

Plus to!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №5944
I sit in the office, I want to smoke, I can’t... I think let me run into the barracks until the stop, just 5 minutes, while the chef is at lunch. I run to the stop, I take cigarettes, suddenly see: 37!!My bus, I think you’re going to...
Sitting on the bus, pleased... I went through 5 stops-"Fuck!!!I have 5 hours to work!and "

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №5943
We have met in our database with the title of the position "bibliotekar-programmer". I thought it was someone who wrote DLL.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №5942
What kind of fool was he singing next to Plushchenko and the violinist? I almost lost because of him!! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №5941
xxx: Yesterday I went on the street to work, people a little on the street, I see a girl of a pleasant appearance, 18-20 years old, and obviously involved some imbecile. You see that she passes, she stops, he so, and so on. Well, I think the cockroach. I decided not even to go on the bus, to walk after them.

Let’s go, let’s go, suddenly, the girl stops near the terminal to translate the babble, and the one behind her stands up, as if in a row. Well, I think, if either the wallet or the bag is picked up, it has already started to develop a plan to intercept, but the girl quietly drove into the machine and dropped it, and the guy remained standing. I think I probably was wrong...

And the current girl departed for 10 meters, this lump dive into the nearby garbage, gets the cheque thrown by the girl and the fun such runs back.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №5940
<Miracle> Hurra I now have a wave at work
<arteos> the Georgian assistant?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №5939
XXX: the son took his wife to the dentist...there is my acquaintance....I meet her in the corridor of gry "Hello tooth fairy! I have come to offer you a sacrifice!"and I have turned to my wife "Now at last you will be covered up and you will not be covered up with me";.
They almost killed me both.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5938
Svasud: Russian figurists are so harsh that they even win songs and music competitions.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5937
However, price cuts should not distort the meaning. Because the cookies "Tips in shock. The eye" somehow does not arouse the appetite.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №5936
I recently learned that a wonderful girl moved from my town. tk. I barely spoke to her lately, so I learned too late. The only thing I know she is constantly looking at is a beard.
So I will write it here.
I love you very much and can’t live without you. Please do not disappear without a trace. D is

People, help bring to the top, please!

"and I can’t just live without you" oh how?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna