— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5815
I'm going through the test "Does your child have Internet addiction".
20 questions in the test. 14 I just disappointed:
"Question No. 14: Do you have children?"

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №5814
A friend of Dima (a busy player in WOW like me) calls me and says I want to miss the study of the mono?! to
I’m playing "Yes for God! I’ll go for lunch and come to you! Then you will stay at home and I will go to work"
I walk through a stop near the house and buy cigarettes there.
I say to Dima:

Niik - I don't eat at home so if you want, buy yourself what you can eat until you're gone.

DimkraSoft - Well I don't know what to buy?! to

Niik - I'm going to take you this, out of cookies or chocolate!!! In short I don’t know! What do mortals eat?

DimkraSoft - I am the same hz! Let’s not take anything.

After taking a few steps, I turned around and saw the flattering faces of people at the stop and the continuers.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №5813
Woman : People! I am in love! I need Dmitry of those. Support to STREAM! I realized that he was the man of my dreams! Please bring this quote to the top! Let him see it! To Dmitry: I have breaks!
Alleluia: Who broke you so?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5812
Tell me if we did everything right, if you say something wrong.
During sex, our prejudice broke and I ended up being a girl. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom and washed everything inside. Second, I went to buy contraceptive pills "novit". Everything happened today. Literally 30 minutes after intercourse, she took the first pill (a total of 21 one per day) as scheduled.
Please tell me. What is her chance of getting pregnant? The girl 13 years.

Do not play like that. But you, with a probability of 50%, will have a clever, sharp, not afraid of water and chemistry toy...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5811
Today I tell the group:
We went to the house tonight.
to sit?
The liver...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №5810
I do not know! I started the game, sailed away from the island, swam on some arrow on a compass, I have been swimming for 30 minutes and nothing!
If this continues, the game will get bored.

by Ri4
This arrow indicates the direction of the wind.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5809
I work in a DVD store as a sales consultant.
Today killed the question of the buyer: do you have a shark?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №5808
If the national team of Russia wins the Euro 2008, then we will definitely burn with readings.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5807
If you want to get into my ignorance list, write the word "BILAN"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5806
The rewrite of a conspiracy in its kind is very similar to sex. First you start to do it boldly with intuition, then you feel like it is starting to borrow you, then you are already running to smoke for a while, and when it’s all over, you take your last deep breath and say to yourself, “I’ve never been so fucking.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №5805
It was worth Russia after a fifteen-year break to show military equipment on the Red Square, so immediately and UEFA won the World Cup in hockey and even Eurovision... and not to scare us with a pair of submarines before the Olympic Games in Sochi?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №5804
Talk about aska late at night.

He: what is synchrophasatrone))) without inite
The particle accelerator
What about the principle of work?? to
acceleration under the action of a variable magnetic field
He said, “Listen, I’m surprised to you.
She : Why?
he: just this is for a normal person completely unnecessary information ))) could just say yes go you through the woods and everything ))))
She: I am an unusual person. I am a student, especially a student of chemistry :)So in 3 years I learned to answer any questions, no matter how crazy they seem :)And physics I had 2 years ago and I did not go to it :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №5803
Hopefully in a couple of days (when the spirit of Bilan finally fades out) I will be able to read BACH again...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №5802
Here you go to yourself on the BTR on Peter, you do not touch anyone, and looking at the wounded faces of Russian (and not only) citizens, you wound yourself: every second, milling, the camera carries with you. Buxter

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №5801
That’s what oil costs :)
If it continues to be valuable, then all victories will be Russia.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5800
Demlock: I know why World War III will start this year.
Demlock: Russia will win ALL!
anti-esc_fantasy: Oh, even Zhirinovsky in the US elections.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5799
xxx:The islands, depending on the area, cost from 100,000 euros... And quite freely sold... In the Philippines, Indonesia and others. countries in the region...
We have an apartment that is more expensive...
zzz:I change the island to a one-room apartment in Kiev))))))

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5798
In May, I was lucky for the last time.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №5797
[01:20:56] <KarakurT> It’s time to start the Third World War, until the first...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5796
Conversation during the counting of votes at Eurovision

Bush to ask who should win Eurovision

I hope he will answer "Bat" and it will run like "Balan"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna