— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №50512
Would you agree to write a few dozen pages in your style about bearways?
- It is possible, however, about bears and do not try very hard: you turn on their official video blog on the first channel in the evening and just write word by word. Try, you will laugh from the heart: There and Skolkovo, there and the fight against corruption, and nanotechnology, and the increase of pensions... I sometimes just cry out of envy: God gave people the imagination. The Doctor Azbaraguz

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №50511
xxx: The length of the male penis is like a complex number, there is a real part, and there is an imaginary.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №50510
Men are divided into single, married and those who have already been divorced.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №50509
"3D" reminds rather reminds not a demonic emoji, but breasts and foreheads - such a designation of Gella from the screenplay "Master and Margarita";

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №50508
A resident of the city, Valentine Polovtsov, was detained near the Gomel supermarket, who came to see if they really could be detained in Gomel "for nothing". He approached a group of young people and convinced everyone that Lukashenko is “the best president, that “every authority needs to be obeyed” and he will never believe that the Belarusian militia is detaining people for no reason.

During this conversation, two special forces officers approached him, turned, dragged into a police car and brought to the Central ROVD. The Dear OVD informed Belapan that the citizen was then sent for psychiatric examination.

A joke? The Belarusian reality.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №50507
From the Fire:
Yves Roche: We have gathered you on the way!

A good expression, you will need to remember and apply instead of "go to fuck". So nice "I have gathered you in the way!"

[ + 74 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50506
He took a hundred from the card of the Bank of Moscow at the Sberbank. From the card went 222 rubles.
Bless that you’re kidding the pyramids to death, the man who invented the commission of 122 percent!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №50505
Democracy guarantees the right to choose, but who is behind or on top is always decided on top!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №50504
Before the elections, all parties were given time on local TV. One of the opponents:
Our aim is not only to reach the regional legislative bodies.
authority, but also in the word. The main objective will be the fight against
of corruption!
The Leader:
In what ways are you going to fight her?
The Opposition:
“According to the example of some countries, we will create special untouchable units.
They will be entitled without a court order to conduct searches, listen.
They will have access to banking secrets. Then you will see,
The result will come instantly.
The Leader:
I even know what the result will be. They will immediately become
richest people in the country.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №50503
Putin was fun driving on the Lada Kalina at a speed of 120 km/h, admiring the state of the Russian roads, and ahead with a speed of 200 km/h was carrying an asphalt slide and a brigade of Moldovan roadmen.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №50502
I’ve seen you somewhere... A to A! I saw you all in the grave.

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №50501
We can suppress pain, tears, love... But the wild rust of the fox cannot be held back.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №50500
In the store, in the bread store? A man asked the seller:
Is your bread soft?
The seller in response (very thin):
A man... stubborn!
The man was upset and left without bread.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №50499
Smirnoff: The Tanner! What are you, neither the light nor the dawn, already at work, and you do not answer the calls and are silent in the aska?
Frost: the encoders
Smirnoff: 0_0 Who are the encoders?
Frost: * had coders, all-handed code ruled
Smirnoff: Let’s go for coffee and drink, or you write in Albanian without sleep))
Frost is no. and later
Frost: Less
Frost: Later
Frost: Okay

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №50498
Forum on imports from China and customs problems:

Depending on how much you weigh, if 5-10 things, then nothing, and if 30 kg, then another matter.
If you tell them that you bought original things, then there must be checks, etc. To avoid this, tear away all the new labels, do not take packages, etc., then you can just say in case of something that clothes b / u - the opposite they will not be able to prove ) And if you say that you are washing with Laska and therefore things are so new, then in general all questions will disappear )))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №50497
Talk with a girl about games
D: And this toy has one advantage: it will go on your compass.
P: ><'
D: Sunny, you really have a weak computer.
Q: You’d rather say I have a small member.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №50496
XXX: The eyes are cluttered. Do you have a coffee machine?
YYY: We have a refrigerator and a coffee bank.
You are writing under Linux :)

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №50495
xxx: c the square is pulled as if someone has split up and thrown the corpse into the rubbish pipeline. And last week a neighbor came and asked me when I had last seen the neighbors on the right. The coincidence?

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №50494
I watched the American comedy “Tensions of the Twilight”. Special agents and all that.
So there is a moment when the computer screen of the main Russian bandy is shown. On the screen he had a table in Russian (!) with the malicious equipment he was going to purchase, including:
- motorcycles (this is a normal option);
- nuclear detonators (also logically - for the villain);
The house theater :)
The key set :)
The table for dinner :-)
and the ceiling ventilator :-))))
and the most masterpiece: steel foot shoes :-)))))))))))) five points!

[ + 80 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50493
The glass is half empty if it is empty, and half full if it is filled.
A couple of centuries and enough.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna