— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129819
The virus will not return.
YYY: How do you know?
He went away and burned all the bridges.
What about vanilla?
XXX: North and South.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129818
I do not understand anything. People recount movies, anecdotes, stories that have already become a well-known scandal 20 years ago and claim that it happened to them. Often the phrases are the same.
Just post passages, you can even indicate where, there will be more meaning.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129817
Choosing the Right Husband
// is
There was a girl who lived and lived, and at the institute she became a docent - he made her a diploma and assigned her a postgraduate degree to a professor.... who became her second husband and made her a candidate of sciences....
The third husband was an elderly academic - she became a professor and a cafeteria in her native institute.
I don’t think you need to tell that her fourth husband is a lecturer from her department, ten years younger than her?
So the potachuches once know about choosing the right husband. Just at every moment of life "right" is different))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129816
Advertising, as always, does not agree with everything, although it shows: it is good to have a house in the village, but only necessarily with a grandmother working there.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №129815
One day, three of his children came to Master Van, and each wanted the Yellow:

“Daddy,” the older son said to him, filling with paint. “I didn’t know how to tell you this for a long time, but I like men more than women. I love Sun Ahua. Of course, you want your firstborn to continue your race and become the heir of your teaching, but... forgive me, I don’t need it... I just want to live my life with Sun.

The father, embarrassed, turned to the Master his middle son. I must confess to you that I am a pacifist, I hate weapons, meat and suffering. You tried to raise me up as a warrior, a victor and a defender, who would be known throughout the world, but I don’t need it... Let’s take our pig into the house, I’ll play with him, sew his clothes and become a vegetarian!

and Daddy! The only daughter of Master Van. I am young, smart and beautiful. And I don’t want to babysit with my children and serve my husband. I want to enjoy life, develop myself and build a career. I’ll go to the city and be a childfrey. I promise to come to you every week!

Master Wang was already ready to speak to his children, but suddenly in his head came a question: "Is it worth banning them something, teaching them to live and decide for them? Let them do what they want, the main thing is to be happy. I am not a savage, but a tolerant modern man.”

“Well, my children,” he said tiredly, “live as you want.

It has been about ten years.

The children lived as they wanted. Van’s eldest son died of AIDS after numerous illnesses. The second practically lived in a pig farm, philosophizing that our world is a landfill of dirt, garbage and dirt. My daughter became rich and successful. But her young lover, copying her signature, left the girl without money in her pocket. Then she returned to her dad and under the mantra “All the Frogs, All the Frogs” took on self-improvement books.

Mr. Van was terrified and thought, “What will I do when I get old? I have no grandchildren or grandchildren.”

With that thought, he went to his neighbor. He was sitting in a tabernacle with a cup of fragrance tea.

How are you, neighbor? He asked Van. Is it okay? As the children?

— Well, the elder recently began to decipher the epitaphs on the old tombs. He was so fascinated by this! It also brings him good money. And I married the daughter of the judge - I look at them and can't be happy! The middle went to serve in the imperial cavalry, headed the "long hundred". My daughter gave birth to my fifth grandson.

is surprising! Van said with enthusiasm. But didn’t your kids want strange things 10 years ago? In youth, everyone is hot and stupid.

The neighbor Zhang gave his consent.

How did you teach them to live? What is your secret of education?

“I just told them that if they don’t stop waving the fool, I’ll hit them with a shot.

After this, the doctrine of personal freedom in Heaven began to be forgotten – instead, the teaching of the Enlightening Lopata flourished. Let Nirvana come with you!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №129814
ISIS has taken responsibility for the performance of Russian football players at EURO 2016.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129813
[13:35:29] <nuclightw> The sender generates several photon pairs, after which one photon from each pair he deposits for himself, and the second sends to the recipient.
[13:35:34] <nuclightw> send me a photon box
[13:36:41] <Dubrovsky> nuclightw, last just shipped from stock
[13:36:54] <Dubrovsky> we sit in total darkness
[13:38:59] <cebka25519> vacuum polarize, dog
[13:39:26] <cebka25519> or relic radiation hunting

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129812
I climb the stairs of the underground passage, slowly and slowly the old man with a rod descends to meet me, the others who descend carefully bypass him, almost not noticing.
And here the grandmother goes down the track, and also with a stick, but crawling like a goat, the old woman went around, turned around, looked at him strictly, sparked something, just didn't show him the tongue and jumped on.
I look, I have, I have some mysterious and interesting life at retirement.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №129811
Previously, a humanitarian was one who wrote poems and knew the language.
Now is the one who forgot the multiplication table.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129810
"A chain of fateful events with alcoholic beginnings"- you are a genius! I will quote you!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129809
Commentary on Dialogue:
"xxx: Visually the screw from the screw differs only by the head. The screw is under the screw, the screw is under the key.
xxx: So what is the right name for that fuck with a six-sided head and holes under the cross screw?! O_O
YYY: It’s simple, if you twist it into a body with a screw, it’s a screw, and if you twist a gauge on it, it’s a screw.
xxx: and if I don’t do anything with him, is he just rolling on my table?"
yyy: it's the shit of the shredder - until you harden it you won't know=)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129808
No, the people are just looking deeper: destroy the United States in the embryo, and no one will pay Hitler...

This is all you need to know about modern education.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129807
Aaaah!! to

20658, I agree with you. But "repair rotor" - who prevents you from calling an electrician? How much can you think that a man in the house is a free sanitary worker, an electrician, a carpenter, etc.? to

Who told you that the woman in the house is a free cook, a cleaner, a dishwasher, a cleaner, a babysitter??? What prevents calling a housewife?? to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129806
freelance + contract etc.

Just always take 50% advance payment – disciplines both parties.
But! This is also not a panacea - one customer made a booklet for 4 years, and exactly four years. As he thought, he was confused himself.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129805
The working chain:
XH: Is there anything that can be done so that the bill goes faster?
It takes me at least 15 minutes. While it passes, I forget why I started it.
You can take Gingko biloba.
XXX: It won’t go faster
You’ll remember why you launched it.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129804
I have a very bad but very honest friend who took four cakes on the counter and ate three on the way to the box. For five minutes he quarreled with the seller why he gave her one cake but demanded payment for four. It was also bad - almost to the police the case did not come.

Absolutely Serious (Cinema Almanac) Story with Cake Film No. 2
1961 year

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129803
C of Habra:
XXX: Give away outdated servers
YYY: I will take 6 pieces. Heat the bedroom in the winter.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129802
Do you want to sleep today?
Go to bed yesterday.
And you are sitting at three at night again.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129801
<backs> you are there footballers sticks, or they seem to be everything.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129800
“In the police department, in his list of services, in the county of ‘Promotion in Service’, were entered the following words full of tragicism: ‘Eaten by their own dogs.’”
I. by Gashek

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna