— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50392
Something I’m starting to confuse... "Zamkadyši" on which side of the MCA are they living?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №50391
If money does not bring happiness, you are not spending it on it.

[ + 83 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50390
How to Become the Subject of a Woman's Desire (not mine)

Everyone knows, camaradas, the attitude of our ladies to foreigners. Going to any dating site with foreigners, on the same, I noticed as if other girls. On the streets, I find them very rarely – young, beautiful, sexy. In the photo, whether half-clothed or half-naked, you and the cancer and the shit, everything to see. Like never been married and no kids.
Respect the same humility and decency, honest, kind, sincere,
and gentle. It appears to be written from the dictionary, not from the mirror. And look there for foreigners, a parade of urds, 30 years older than the applicants.

But go to the Russian dating site type girls as if from another planet. I will be silent about appearance, about culture, about myself.
“everyone to the garden”, “I’ll cut off and I’ll be silent”, “Hello, as a business – to the blacklist”, “without a photo go on”, “not even look at the misery”, “sex on the
1-2 times past, 3-4 times to the same", "children fall", continue the list I don't think it is worth it!? to

Why one for one only the passport of the West everything, and the other to swallow the dust for bites? In 2 months learned the super-minimum of the vocabulary in the form of
700 words, a minimum set of disc grammar for 150 re and, trust me, I know English much better than 90% Russian bride. You just need to check out on any website with a decent set of our, obviously not for an English or American. A Swedish, a Danish, a Norwegian, a German will fit well. All you need is a little fantasy and a few photos from the trip. You won’t believe how you will become popular with your own people. Within 24 hours after registration, the sea of love is at your disposal. 27 years old and decent.
Reliable, serious is what makes you the object of attention, not the opposite.

After a week of light correspondence, I called and spoke in person, showing a passionate desire to see, an urgent trip to the chosen for the first time.
The acquaintance. You can’t imagine what wonders IP telephony and proxy servers do. You can get bored in parallel as much as you have time, strength and male health (at the moment I meet with the 3rd).
Reporting the arrival of the n-rail from Stockholm, soon I was pleasantly waiting for her with a dull smiling look at Sheremetyevo, a sign in the teeth of "Thomas" (like a neighbor's cat) and a chilly bouquet of roses. I was met by Hope, a young, slim brunette with a 3rd-size buffer in a stretching dress. He went with an empty cupboard on the wheels to the station, said goodbye and went home, allegedly
to the hotel. The perfect knowledge of English for a Swedish is not necessary, and Swedish, at the very end, you can be an emigrant. Speak clearly and with a strong accent.

From beginning to end you will be accompanied by shocking facts, so don’t be so surprised. After a walk in Moscow, I visited. for
10 years of nibbling, I didn't have a single tea poured with butter at the first meeting at home, and here nobody but a "chicken" on the bench humbly in the teeth of 5 salads, pigeons, chicken, borscht, in general, all the delights of Russian cuisine and don't believe - she poured me white. Then the aunt went to a friend with a night.

Do you think passing is unpleasant for women, and it hurts in the pop? I also thought so.
More than 2 times I was not enough, but these 2 times cost all 10 years of sexual life, I was deprived of my virginity for the second time, and the first time I was more passive than active.

It was great, she admitted.
Go ahead, I couldn’t stand it.

One bad thing - after the failure of Stirlic beaten, and beaten brutally.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №50389
What about the “scientific niche”?
and vacuum.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №50388
On the website of Confessions...

My boyfriend and I had almost the same dream tonight. He fought with my ex.
What could this mean?

1 comment: He lied

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №50387
She is fucking! I am hot!
He is: not me. It's not hot lol

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №50386
Oh yeah, to be silent! Several hundreds of insurance contracts have been declared invalid due to the absence of the telephones of the insured. The reason for the lack of telephone numbers in the details is that these people are deaf.

[ + 67 - ] [12 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50385
Reflecting on the 22nd anniversary:

Alexander Nevsky at the age of 22 already broke the Swedes... and I at the age of 22 only broke the car...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №50384
If you compare your body with a car, what kind of body, universal or..?? to
If I compare it to the car, I’m great!! to
I haven’t been a selfie for a long time, I have a girlfriend 😉

[ + 49 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50383
Talk to Potter! Stop! and then I will start the content of each series of Santa Barbara post!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №50382
The Vietnamese peasants considered it an honor to shoot down an American phantom, because for them it was a piece of metal. The Vietnamese were melting down planes into dishes. Only one wing of the phantom could make 5 pots, 7 dishes and plates for 12 Vietnamese persons. The Americans could not afford to supply Vietnamese peasants with such expensive dishes" :-D :-D

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №50381
I married her, even though I only knew her for a week. We like the same music, we even have the same thoughts.
At least get to know her closer. Suddenly married or gay, or confuse can come out. We also have thoughts that coincide with you and music too, but it doesn’t mean that it’s time to go to the shirt, and suddenly she’s there under a shirt of 30 cm and she’s black, and fuck the goose, and then you get married – here she’s going to get off on you by tied to the bed, wearing a mask of Donald Dacca on you and shouting: “I’m a driver of the U.N.O.O. and she’s going to kick you into all the gaps with a negative difference without the right to go up, smoking after this fairy talk and asking: don’t you put a cast plate with a track, and you’re talking thoughts...

[ + 67 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50380
xxx: why is the phrase "the beginning is placed" considered cultural, and the phrase "the end is placed" is no longer very?

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №50379
Larisa: I’m increasingly doubting the normality of this dog... she’s seen that I’m gathering raspberries and let’s eat it out of the bush.
I don’t think I should dig potatoes with her.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №50378
Advertising is evil. Especially in the cinema.
In the meantime, you’re going to eat all the popcorn. (

[ + 62 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50377
I starved a cat. I found a cat label. It turns out - 43th size ))) The child has become quite an adult.)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №50376
Georgique: Paralympic programming. Programmers in RPR, 1C and VBA are invited.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №50375
AD_EGO:...and his hands are really golden! Only here they rolled out in curved forms... And put them in the ass...

[ + 108 - ] Comment quote №50374
Today I saw a truly instructive example of ingenuity.

A boy and a girl in the car. The girl has a nickname "Radio Lighthouse". It doesn’t get stuck for a minute. Wrecked all the way. Tired of passion. The guy says:
“Nastia, you’re a smart girl, multiply 315 by 12.
Of course I am smart...
Pause and Blessed Silence. It multiplied five minutes until it came to be separated. I was offended. The silence continued...

and Grazhdanin.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №50373
SK: At first you tried to say something, but you were deceived by the tongue.
Noir is...
SK: You got upset and left, then came back and tried to stick... but the rest failed you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna