— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129719
According to WHO:
The likelihood of a 15-year-old girl dying from a maternity-related cause is 1 in 4,900 in developed countries, compared to 1 in 180 in developing countries. In countries marked as unstable countries, this risk is 1 in 54.
#yes_what_benefit_from this_feminism

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129718
I'm not going to go to the army, I'm not going to go to the army, I'm going to go to the army.
You sleep with the military.
WOW: he will either define you in gay, or he will embrace you by great love)))
Yes, and so on the subject.
zzz: ah, and if it is "not so", then it is at the stage of
Zzzz: will send to the psychic, which is also an option
Qqq: and even better pick up from it in the process something incurable
Qqq: to be sure 😉

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129717
You are in vain so neglectful of the mammoth shit, from the point of view of archaeology - it is a very rare and extremely valuable material.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №129716
A long time ago, in a distant galaxy, when I was still studying in the universe, we had a group of two blacks, foreign students from Nigeria. One of them is a very unpleasant type and, in addition to everything else, the lover of playing a black card constantly complained that we don’t help him, we don’t communicate with him because he’s a Niger. Although with the second we were a guy, who was no less Niger, everyone communicated well and helped him both in the study and with the household part (to try to buy cheaper and better, cook, the whole group dropped him the winter jacket bought).
So that’s what I’m doing – maybe if you’re considered a fucker – it’s not because you’re a woman, you’re just a fucker.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129715
This trouble happened to me a few years ago. After a heavy Friday shower, I woke up in the middle of the June Saturday and went to the shower: I turned on the water, walked down, and washed my head. The algorithm is usual. A little shampoo got into my eyes and I had to close them for a while. What was my surprise when I opened them, I realized that I could see nothing. Absolutely no hell. I was shocked to wash my eyes, scrolling parallel in my head the thought that the manufacturer of the shampoo somewhere seriously crushed and thus deprived me of sight or it was all from yesterday’s drink, which could have turned out to be burnt. And as I’ve heard from burned alcohol, you can easily get blind or worse. All this resembled some nightmare dream in which you run, but you can’t escape, only in this version I stared carefully into the blackness, intensifying the whirlwind, but could not see anything. After standing up a little and a little accustomed to the thought of loss of vision, I decided that first and foremost we need to calm down, get out of the breath and then look for help. Not without difficulty, only on the spot, but I managed to get out of the wet bath. Then I opened the door and immediately hit the face of the bright daylight flooding the apartment. Everything was okay with me. Just the moment I closed my eyes for the shampoo, the house turned off electricity and the bathroom without windows and gaps came into complete darkness.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129714
Dear feminists and feminists! You are fighting with air. There is no such problem in the country. There are problems of the heroic organization of labor, the insecurity of all people.

Explain, if you have not yet plotted the screen: a long-haul driver in Russia is often (not always) a mechanical box, a killed car, a blowable body and so on, a long-haul driver in developed countries - everything can be the opposite.
A miner in our underdeveloped country is heavy physical labor, a stressful attitude of the management, a risk of life due to the blocking of gas detection systems, just a grave of health, a miner in a developed country - all the same, but vice versa + a psychologist for going down underground + equipping with a technique that replaces hellish physical work.
Even the taper / slicer / welding machine in us is associated with the raising of unliftable equipment. There are no free people, no loaders, no equipment and no equipment, and most importantly, there are no unions and no protection if he does not want to bury himself.

Spend your energy not where it is easier to lower it, but where it is more necessary - in that the work for ALL MEN in Russia is modern, safe, equipped, thoughtful - and, you see, women will go (and will take them) and miners, and manufacturing workers and tractors, if there are good tractors and their corresponding maintenance. And there, you see, and men will live a little longer, without killing themselves in such detrimental working conditions and will begin to live to their grandchildren on an equal basis with their grandmothers.
Peace to all! Look at the root of the problem.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129713
The feed:
The grasshoppers! Cut the grass!
The Cutters Brigade! The Bourbon!
The grasshoppers! The landscape cubism.
The grasshoppers! The abstractionism!

The feed:
A large perforator. It is concrete!
The damned neighbor. The eternal repair.
A large perforator. There is no complaint!
A large perforator. I am that neighbor!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129712
I came home and saw my son with painted eyes, in his wife’s boots and in her shirt. On his head was strangely bound her board cloth, and in his hands a gun. I was a little frightened by this appearance, and then the son also told us and his wife that he wanted to grow his hair so that he would have a haircut. At that time I felt very bad. He is only eight years old, and so is it. Where and what we missed in his education. And then he asked me and his wife, “Well, am I like Jack the Sparrow?” Fououououououh. I have never experienced such relief before.)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129711
Decolte - a trainer for the development of peripheral vision of men.

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129710
I come to the Russian Post - you need to send a letter (with important papers). After a long wait in line, I approach the box and say:
You need to send this letter in the fastest way.
To what a woman, looking at me, with an indignant face answers:
Young man, you have come to the mail.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129709
From the correspondence:
I am not selenium in chemistry.
You are not an olympic in Russian.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129708
Only in the first few weeks. In three or four months, the night of love is already "you that, tomorrow to work for me," in six months, twice a week - it is already "we just fucked." If you take a half-year break - it will be a honeymoon again, and then again, I am so passionate, so passionate, sometimes even twice a month.

Well, if you lie down drunk, stinking, unbarred, and still screaming just sucked, why be surprised?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129707
For and Against Feminism.
Hand in hand and sit down. struck in the corner

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129706
You are a fool, not a feminist.

I am a feminist. One on the words of a feminist was once very surprised when in response to the scarf she flew back. The rights are equal, but only men can be beaten.

Fantasy as well. I don’t believe your story even on youtuber. Yes, if you didn’t know, then men can’t be beaten as well, so you could calmly have a statement on her, but you’t do that, a feminist? By the way, men beat women more often than their brother. And if for you the first association with equality is a call to give in the mouth, then everything with your level of development is clear.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129705
A black, thick, strong and independent feminist — a vegan lesbian of Jewish origin, who professes Islam, has insulted everything that is happening.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129704
> and yes Do you want equal rights? Give them equal duties.
And there is no need to talk about the "birth", many are not going to give birth in principle. So you can solve this question very simply - you don't want to go to the army, give birth to 3 children.

Yes with pleasure! Better an army than 25 years of hell with children (this is if you are not lucky from the first time to be born a triple).
Just don’t forget to shut your gentle mouth when you think you’re going to grasp, “Baby, your business is to give birth!”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129703
H to M to D. The couple.
We walked around the city all night, putting out photos in the morning.
He has a cemetery for domestic animals and some ruins. It has dawn.
It is romance!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №129702
of equal rights
He writes the samurai.
behind the strapon.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129701
Gudez-z-z: There is love in the air. In the form of mosquitoes that melt!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129700
When I suddenly realized about feminism.
I was sitting in the car drinking beer, I went out to pour excuses. There the locals before "feared, well, and took up.
The woman in the car, beating silently, has already struck off her legs.
She says to her friend, where is her husband? As if he went out. What are the blisters in the bushes?

Well, it is enough to beat out of the trunk - once the move, immediately the second from the impulse. minus two. He let go, he jumped up, and on the grass shouted a foolish idiot.

Then I took out all her brains. And I think, thank you, my friend. would be silenced.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna