— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140013
XXX How is it?
Yyy: Yes, at work I closed access to the VK, I am now sitting on the HH

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №140012
"28 March 2017
In Russia, a massive invasion of ticks began before the deadline.

Take the snow carefully. There can jump out of there!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140011
From the discussion of the request to block the Flibusta bot in the telegram

ClearAirTurbulence: That is. If the books are copied in Xerox and sent by Russian mail, will they also ban it?
Lietto: I think books cannot be copied on xerox, especially to distribute
Zibx: Strange, I was normally copied.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №140010
somehow: some people came out for an uncoordinated action on the appeal of certain persons. What they demand is unclear. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2 people took part in the action, of which more than a thousand were detained.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140009
Theo: a familiar guy went to the Beauty and the Monster with two friends, then shoot at the background of the poster. I have #beautyandthebeasts.
I hope it won't come
Issue is :)))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №140008
Buy an apartment, and then like in Shastakov

You live in Moscow, work, rest, walk, sleep, eat - and all the time you feel that somewhere behind the Urals are hiding relatives. They feel like they live in Moscow. one one. In a 70 meter apartment. And you feel what they feel about that. Time is going. Property is expensive. And they do not endure. A practitioner comes to you. Some kind of triangle that remembers you when you were still weighing two kilos, and your parents, going to drink, threw you to the cat. Grandma brings home-woven half and a lot of archaic food. The home creme. Which breaks you into such a hustle that at work you take a vacation not to Turkey, as you wanted, but to sortry. When you go out, they are everywhere. The relatives. They even grow in boxes on the balcony. Three nephews, two bulls, shurin, swath, devre, teast, zyt, los, drink and rise! Aunt Olya with a monkey. Uncle Misha with a bald head and a curly ass. He walks around the apartment in your trousers and feeds everyone with the smell of his mouth. The unclear grandfather in the corner, never saw him, never moved, whether he is asleep, whether someone devout carries the powers with him.
And then you yourself become in the center of the apartment, drawing around yourself a small circle, raising your hand up with the passport opened on the page of the license, and saying, "In the Name of the Lord and the Law! Naughty! Get out of here!"
And all naked.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140007
Discussion of raising the tariffs of the Ukrtelecom because of which people are massively disconnected.

XXX I understand! This matrix destroys the wired phones so that it could not get out of it.)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140006
I had a scheduled medical examination today. Amused by the doctor otolaryngologist. After examining my nose, he concluded that my nose is very dry and there needs to be moisturized. The further dialogue:

What would you advise me doctor?

There is very good sr-vo Aquamar, nose spray, contains seawater, ideal for daily use, convenient to use, etc. and only 300 p.

I - and a simple salt solution of 30 p. for a bottle will not be suitable?

It will be 10 times cheaper!

Pause, my questioning look toward the doctor

In the sense, there is no seawater there...Iii.. However, (apparently decided to fully rehabilitate) buy just salt, but better sea, and give yourself the solution, the proportions I will write.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140005

XXX: Fucking Fuck with Fuck
Winnie is crazy?
XXX: All Together
The fire wall?
I had a zonealarm firewall.
Something has been updated in the window today or in this alarm
Shortly this firewall began to ask again for all the rules of the program.
I had a password to change the configuration of firewall password in cypress.
And when I try to run a cypress, the firewall blocks it and says add a rule, just enter a password for me.
The Fucks Password in the Kipas
Well, I think I’ll take that firewall, I’ll take it to hell.
And he said to me: Nihua you invented, give me the password.
I say, go, I will take you out of the safe regime.
He says: Well, let’s try it.
I tried, as if removed, all OK, but the firewall in the aftermath whispered straight into my heart
The network does not work!!! to
Neither Ezernet nor Wai Fa.
Reinstalling drivers does not help.
Removing the network doesn’t help.
Dancing with the drum to the ass.
But I’m a bitch and read on some of the forums that this evil firewall leaves behind a service that weighs and blocks the entire network.
Two teams were rescued.
netcfg -s n
netcfg -v -u cp_ndislwf
Thank you all, I am sleeping.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140004
Do not spoil coffee with cognac, drink it without coffee.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №140003
I am a seller of cosmetics and hygiene products. Now a buyer came in - a representative man with a gray "Lenin" beard, asked for a gel for the intimate hygiene of a woman, I recommended with a salmon extract. The buyer replied slightly confused:
No, I don’t need a salad! I have a beard from him... in blue color.
The mystery of the blue beards revealed))))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140002
Building stadiums for the Russian national team is like building a bedroom where you will have your wife in front of you.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140001
On the forum a picture hanged, heavily damaged by compression artifacts, and below it a comment:
O Lord, have you run on the shackles, right?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140000
xxx: people, how to add a text to the picture?

YYY: In any graphic editor.

zzz: you can dim and make a presentation slide, any texts and characters are inserted into the slide

www: and you can upload the image in Excel, format cells in the appropriate size, insert text, color cells in the desired color, make a print screen, insert in photoshop, cut, save as jpg, archive in rar and send by email... but why?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139999
Kill them with all the words

>> If a thin girl weighs 50 kg

A fat girl is 40 kilograms. Fifty is a giraffe.

35 and no more. Emergency to anorexize!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139998
(Discussions by Editor VI)
How to get out of this shit without being saved?
And then :q!
It’s not a smiley 😉

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139997
Spring Water Procedures

Probably, adequate people who have not encountered such a phenomenon, it is difficult to imagine that there are such "jokers". A few years ago, on a white day in March, we went on holiday with a five-year-old daughter for her birthday. Of course, they got caught up.
There was snow, there were rains everywhere. 300 meters we had to walk along a narrow two-lane street with an even narrower sidewalk pressed to the road. But the traffic there is quite rare, only the inhabitants of nearby houses walk and ride on this street, and I hoped, I would jump through, I would do it. But it was not there.
We were the only pedestrians there at the time. A car appeared, the driver, who was driving before it was not very fast, apparently envious of us, properly rushed and wrecked us with dirty water from the road as from the irrigation machine literally from head to foot. I hope someday someone will get rid of it and it. Let him laugh then, because it is so fun for him, probably.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139996
Computer engineers are the most greedy people!
YYY: In the sense?
A simple task: Vova has three apples, one of which he shared with Dima, how to know how many apples he has left?
YYY: Take one out of three.
xxx: And if Vova has three kilobytes of information and one of them he shared with Dima, how much is left?
YYY: Three is left.
How do you express it mathematically?
XXX is here! You see how these greedy bastards learned to share without harming themselves.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139995
xxxh: I here contextual advertising offers lots of plants made of environmentally friendly materials.
xxx: I quote, "Growing room with a child from a natural tree".
Scuco, I haven’t been called Buratina yet.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139994
and joule

My co-professor explained to his students that one joule is roughly equal to the work you need to do to drink a hundred grams of vodka standing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna