— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №50212
XXX: I had a couple of acquaintances, have met for several years.
xxx: she was already in the mood for the wedding, and he was not enthusiastic about it.
Well, they sit in the company once, and the conversation went on about who's life is going on.
xxx: she hinted to him, said "My girlfriends are all married!"
He looked at her so closely and grinned:
What are you, fool, not married?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №50211
The idiots are allowed here, right?
YYY: Well I am here.
xxx yes yes yes.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №50210
Some cats weigh more than the Ethiopian kindergarten group.

[ + 120 - ] Comment quote №50209
You’ve been on the internet for a long time, dear.
Q: Do you respect me?
xxx forgive me. was excited! Go to Nashville!
YYY: It is the same.

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50208
We work in such an interesting office building. Usually in the macdonalds and theaters in the varieties hangs a sheet, where the cleaners every 15-30 minutes are marked, and the pissuars and the floor shine! Our people decided to go further. They hung a leaflet on which the sanitary and the electrician are marked every day! And if suddenly it is over measure, it is not a problem, the main thing is that the bulbs burn...

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №50207
The capital will be 2.5 times larger
YYY: And they said that unregulated

[ + 78 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50206
Hi, did you hear that you bought a new car?
See also: UGU
HH: And what about you?
ууу: the transmission box is robotic, the brains are too many - fucking shorter=((
HH: Is that cool?
Wow, how to tell you. and. and. I knock on the floor, and it feels like she is thinking at this moment - whether to open the dryer, or if to swallow it. Now it usually opens the drizzle, but to get rid of the feeling that someday I will still be sent down and someday she will realize that the padding between the wheel and seat is meaningless and in general the whole existence of mankind is trivial and then, in the post-apocalyptic world, when my box will stand on the chest of human bodies on the backdrop of sunset and throw something like "zige" with its mutant hatchbacks, the whole army of its followers will roar to her after the total destruction of mankind.
XH: th th th th Not very much?
WOW: Yes

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №50205
and July:
wash me

The Roma:
Take it well)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №50204
From Google+:
"Ura, we have another Facebook!
Something strange happened. Blackjack remains on FB and the prostitutes in VK.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №50203
xxx: not specified
YYY: Is it so or is it broken? Or missed it?
XXX: Programming is not given money
XXX is a common mistake.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №50202
From a letter to ASK:
HH: I have understood it! I want Linux!! to
Maybe a lexus? Do you not confuse it? :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №50201
A woman is not a dog, she cannot be taught.
by konde13

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50200
A famous sailor told me. A couple of years ago, on a section from India to Suez, they were assigned two guards with calashes as a remedy against Somali pirates. The guards were bored and entertained shooting at beer banks. Shoot the crew. They explained that the ammunition is still written on the heroic reflection of the pirate attack. This abomination was closely watched by the crew's favorite, a young boarding chimpanzee by name.
by Abdula. The character of the "White Sun of the Desert" he reminded with his endurance and insatiability, qualities for monkeys are rare, for which he received his nickname. He liked the shooting. But closer to
Many other vessels appeared around the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the wreckage stopped. Abdul became bored, he demanded the continuation of the banquet and went to the machine himself. They decided to comfort him, wearing a helmet, hanging a machine on their chest and taking photos, and then showing him - Abdul was easily recognized in the photos. The machine was on the security, so there was nothing dangerous in such a shooting. It looked like a crew. With a quick move, Abdul smashed the prison and pressed on the shovel.
The Kalashnikov machine in the hands of a monkey, like any recruiter, is a terrible weapon. From horror he did not let him go until the whole horn had flown out into the air. Abdul was thrown on the deck and pulled on it with a tactical frequency of ten shots per second. It turned into a classic jet engine, until it turned its back into a rub. He continued to shoot in a seated position. In honor of the primate, all the bullets went to the sky. He wanted to beat him hard, but by the time he was finally caught, the situation changed a lot. Unlike the crew, which had little time to see in the position of the deck, from the surrounding Somali boats and boats this scene of the everyday life of the Russian ship was viewed magnificently. All of them, mostly, of course, civilians, moved away at a respectable distance, and a couple of boats generally disappeared from the horizon.

[ + 23 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50199
A word of five letters contains the letters p, z, d, a?
West is fucking.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №50198
Smiled news from the tape about beating two employees of the GIBDD, especially the moment "According to the inspectors, hearing the refusal, the man several times hit his head on the car cap..."

[ + 49 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50197
Bulgakov is fine, let’s try again, right? Suddenly they start to read!
A midlife superstar falls in love with a young ambitious clerk. Are his feelings sincere? What will the husband of the diva do, because this novel has already become the subject of gossip? You will learn about it from Somerset Moem’s novel Theatre!
The detective is drunk in the house of an oligarch friend. In his field of sight comes the beautiful Olga, who soon marries the governor. At her own wedding, Olga confesses to the investigator in love, and agrees to become his mistress. However, the oligarch also does not remain bypassed by the attention of a loving heroine. The jealous elderly husband, the sudden appearance of the wife of an oligarch... Who of them is involved in the murder of the heroine? Who killed the principal witness, because he was held in custody? Find answers to these questions in Chekhov’s novel “The Drama of Hunting”.
The son of the street preachers breaks his own way in life. Soon he manages to take the place of head of the shop in a factory, where almost only women work. Is it surprising that he soon enters into an intrigue with one of the girls, Robert? However, this connection soon begins to weigh him - a girl from the higher society appears on the horizon... Will the hero manage to get out of the love clinker, because Robert has that she is pregnant? What role will the camera, boat and newspaper note play in the disconnect? About this in Theodor Dreiser’s novel “American Tragedy”.

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50196
Nathalie (16:45:29 11/07/2011)
Irene, do you have a hobby?

Ivory (16:45:44 11/07/2011)
No is. I have two kids :)

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №50195
Every secret sooner or later becomes a drunk confession.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №50194
My friend works in technical support. Received strange respect from a customer: "Thank you for not being a robot."

[ + 71 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50193
Signs of Love:
* is
* is
Even when you’re having sex with someone else, you imagine it. :)

This is how a generation of fools grew up.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna