— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139833
I. OCreativists just started to believe that shit is content too. It also needs to be created. They have not yet realized the difference between exercise and discharge.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139832
Showing the story of training sappers in Syria. Our High Officer speaks:
There is a rule that sappers only make a mistake once. I want you to never break that.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139831
The gray wolf: not the sharma of the manda, but Mara Baghdasaryan!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139830
The mail came from the operator:

Hi to you.

I guess there’s a problem with the Diadoc system.
You will probably have the idea of how such a conclusion could come on its own.
And I will answer – twice I was filled with the desire to sign the documents – I tried so – but everything was against.
The insidious network was clever and inaccessible. And I fell into a battle nameless and unrealized.
In general, I did not fulfill my duty, I did not sign the documents.
In the infinite ocean of information, I swim alone and beg for help.
Help me

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139829
In my yard, children are constantly chasing rolls. From spring to autumn. At the entrance to the courtyard is a shlagbaum. The smallest, even in the autumn, rushed, sat down, and flew under it. This year, trying to do this trick, the forehead ran into the shlagbaum. He lies and laughs. has grown up).

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139828
XXX: The wire in your neighborhood unknown people pumped into the hood O_o WHO?! You don’t even have goops there.
YYY: But we have goths aggressive.
Yyy: There are not so many, but among them is a local section coach.
XXX: Aggressive and depressed?
YYY: Let me quote
yyy: "You will die all your life!"
yyy: "We will all die. But only after you."
YYY: and my favorite
yyy: "Life is a pain. Let me show you..."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139827
<TopSpin>: A copying idea: A hot water meter that starts to rotate only when the temperature of the water passing through it advises or exceeds the norm. © by
<TopSpin>: How tired of the cold hot..

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139826
If the theory of “six hands” still works, then theoretically Stas Mikhailov touched my eggs. The dirty pervert.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №139825
My grandfather was on the green six, not the ninth!
Cut the eyes!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139824
“I studied economist. And the only thing I learned from my teaching is the law of decreasing limit utility. Each next unit of goods consumed brings less satisfaction than the previous one. No matter when you use it, either immediately or gradually. Less and all, this is the law, nothing can be done. Therefore, I prefer to use it all in one stroke to immediately encounter the inevitable," I say this every time, eating a whole chocolate in one face.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139823
My grandfather is 88 years old. The construction engineer. There is already an enormous life experience behind his shoulders, and the intriguing mind has still remained sharp and hungry for news and strange things.

One day, we sit with him at the table. We ate lunch, we drank tea, we talked about the modern, unusual world: about phones without wires and televisions without thickness, about computers and the Internet... In these matters at the level of theorist he understands, yet an engineer. And then my grandfather asks me a seemingly simple question, “Here you’re a ‘web designer’, and what does that mean?” Ohoh, my brains have shaken. First I found out that he perceives the Internet as a "wire network" that connects computers, like phone lines, so that you can make calls on Skype and show videos. Then it was decided to expand the understanding a little and say that there is a kind of library in this network, in which you can find any information, you just need to ask and it will appear. Sometimes, this information is simple and small enough for it, and sometimes you need a whole book - which should be beautifully decorated, convenient and understandable:

These are the “books” – the internet pages I create! So decent, I thought.

That’s how they are, really, aren’t they?

Why not? There is! They can be printed on paper if needed, but they are all stored on the net.

and well. So you make non-existent books that are somewhere on the web, but if you don’t ask about them, you won’t know what they are?

It’s always there, you just have to know what you’re looking for.

Oh well okay. Do you have a normal job? My grandfather asked me.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139822
"Roscosmos announces an open recruitment to the squad of astronauts"

Who wanted to come down from the earth? Your chance

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139821
I was taken to the website of the USSR patent base, I read about the patent for the casting form:

The purpose of the invention is to reduce the metallic density of the shape by eliminating the intermediate elements of the pushing plate.

Stupor 5 seconds and only then the eyes got to "Fig. 1 presented form in a closed position..."

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139820
Soviet cartoons, says a cute girl in an electric car, is generally a horror that they were filmed. The queen gave birth in the night, not the son, not the daughter. The horrors shown to children

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139819
A: He’s still playing in Dota!
B: Can this be seen as a cheerleading?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №139818
I remember in the 11th grade we collected toys for the children's home. Our class had a preliminary conversation about the importance of action, about how poor children live alone without mom and dad, how they play with nothing, and we are so adults and noble and even let go of tears.

We collected the best we had at home. And I gave my helicopter on the radio control, it did not fly, but was driving, turning, making sounds and landing the landing from the places provided for this. We broke up with my uncle (mother's brother) can be said from the heart, but the children need more.

After taking classes in the first shift, everyone went home, and I returned to the algebra/geometry tutor and what I see in a couple of hours. A five-year-old grandson of my classroom is walking in the corridor with my helicopter, and there are a couple of better toys in the office. When asked, “Where do you get these toys?” the grandmother gave them. The face of the classroom bleached, rumbled something "why this normal toys from the children's home?" and all. Of course, children did not have toys.

This is the teaching nobility.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139817
by 10:06
and only on two courses (ios in 4k and 1k magi) were piled under ios
This Pest
with eternal problems with mice and keys)))
We took 20 minutes to find a spitz-re-positioned mouse, to reconnect, bla bla bla.
and carousel 😉
by 10:07
We have modest monoblocks from Dell.
and enough
by 10:09
It’s much better for WWE.)
by 10:14
And I studied in the political school for 9km - it doesn't blow very much out of the window and go)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139816
In our fourth grade school there was a very undisciplined but courageous boy. When we were studying in the second shift in the evening of the winter, waiting with fear for the dictatorship of the fourth lesson of Russian, he proposed: "Well, now the lights in the whole school will turn off, and we will go home! “Of course we agreed.

Then he pulled out three nails from his pocket, placed two of them in the rosette with a plate, and threw a third on them from the top. The lights went off and we were released home.

So I realized that electricity is a great force.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139815
“Sorry, dear guests, our table is not rich, without meat and fish, but we are vegetarians. Here are the cucumbers, here are the tomatoes,” such an innocent lie allowed the Rabinovich family to save a significant amount when celebrating Sarah’s birthday.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №139814
I work outside the city, I go to work always in the same inter-city bus, with the same driver, at the same time. A distinctive feature of the bus - it is bright yellow, so I am not afraid to miss it, and calmly, I listen to the music in the headphones at the stop, knowing that something yellow is about to flash. Well, today, as usual, I stand at the stop, listen to music... Suddenly, through the headphones, I hear a very loud car signal, I look, some bus stands, the door opens, and there my driver screams - "yellow broke... sit down, or you will be late to work!"

This is good morning :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna