— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129499
From the Papanese publication in VK:
The best alarm is the kiss of a girlfriend.

Pfff, the best alarm is MOUTH UP!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129498
I am ready for everything in life.
Optimism is my line.
Always have a vodka bath.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129497
XXX is scary. You will read everything about dark matter and neutrinos, you will imagine yourself as a cluster of matter in matter and you will realize that you are nothing. A cloud of atoms, a combination of coincidences. Per aliens don’t see you at all. It is we have learned to distinguish one shell of atoms from the others and even give them names, and aliens may be looking through us, through the planet and see nothing, and the sun for them is a source of neutrino wind. Per aliens are made up of these most neutrinos and the size of a galaxy. Thirst takes that you are the same substance as stone. The wind will blow and you will divorce. Here they delight themselves in childhood with fairy tales, later with fiction, under old age with the Bible. They are looking for a crack in the matrix or at least a confirmation that you are not just a participant in the rubber cycle in nature and can react to magnets.
Yyy: You are more cautious with such comments in a country with a criminal article for suicide propaganda.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129496
How I see football: 22 millionaires will jump on the grass, try to catch the ball, beat each other on the occasion and without, cry if they accidentally got their foot on the ass.
I like it.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129495
And yet another:
Even more funny:

This is prescribed in the oath of Hippocrates and in the official instructions, since you do not know it.
Or do you want laws to be passed that obligate teachers to teach, sellers to sell, and fishermen to fish?

Oh my child. The Hippocratic oath is obsolete. The oath of a Russian doctor has no legal force. And in the official instructions is not written what to consider recovery and why it should be sought. Again, there is no such concept in the Russian legislation. Read on leisure in the Criminal Code, it is written that there is a robbery, that is a rape and how to qualify a conspiracy. And about the patient's recovery - no lines. Just about papers. If you have been cured, but the doctor has incorrectly filled out the card - the doctor can be punished with a ruble. If you are unfortunate, but the card is filled correctly - everything, you were defeated as it is supposed, there can be no claims, there is no reason for disruption. This is so.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129494
by 20602

Fee, are you a fool? Where did you find your paranoid brain in the original story? I think there was no word about it.
And go on, in vain. You, with a little weight, do not believe that you are incredibly proud of this - who is obviously, and who is silent - and you also think that everyone hates and envy you.
Let’s all joke, that’s God.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129493
It’s so funny with your medical shit.
Lord, do you know that according to Russian laws, the duty of the doctor does not include such a phenomenon as the recovery of the patient? It is not written anywhere. Regulations for filling papers. Stumped standards of treatment of average patients with average diagnoses are prescribed. Standards are prescribed in the hospital and in the hospital. It is prescribed "irresponsible performance of its duties".
And you can rub your healing, it is not interested in anyone.

If you have known doctors who treat, take care of them. There are very few, and they will be less and less.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129492
The Sister:

> and >
And many of you know who earns on their own apartment before marrying someone's dearest son? In the boys, the interest in pets arises sooner than their own housing and the ability to live without mommy's pets.
> and >

and? Suppose they live in a rental apartment or with her parents or even in a communal. How are you prepared to go home to tell him what your son’s wife should do?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129491
I ride a bus almost every day. I always sit and never give up to anyone. And whoever asks me to give up his seat will be reasonably sent for three letters.
Do you think I am a ham? X is there.

with UV. The bus driver.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129490
News: The Swedish company Lelo, which is considered “Apple in the world of pleasure”, has launched “condoms of the future”. This is by Tech Insider.
The company decided to introduce a product that is made of latex, but thanks to a structure similar to beekeeping, several times stronger than a traditional condom.

Chapter 1: And what? Application for multiple?
Commentary 2: Elon Musk repeatedly engaged

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129489
PS everything was more interesting: the mother-in-law without an invitation attracted me to visit my parents, such as guests to visit. And I sat there, reading a new book (Father from the printing brought)


Then the cultured message in a walking erotic is quite justified. Please accept apologies from the struggling.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129488
Pornography deprives children of childhood
And what else will you come up with to justify the propaganda of ignorance and lies to children?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129487
In the news:
Stoltenberg: Russian military inspections are too unpredictable

I should have told him that no one was waiting for them either.)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129486
Lying on the couch is not difficult to live by orders.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129485
Do you know why Switzerland is considered one of the most prosperous countries in the world?

I understood it today.
I talked to a Swiss friend for 20 years. I asked him who their president was, and in response... silence. A second after ten:
It seems to be a woman.

I watched on the Internet - Johann Nicholas Schneider-Amman.
A – A – Yes. I seem to have heard something about him.

Oh the horror!! The President in Switzerland is appointed for 1 (one!!!and year.

The savage shit! What can be stolen in one year?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129484
In every man, there is undoubtedly a iron rod and weak women do not bend it. There is only one thing remaining – to squeeze.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129483
From the electric truck article:

A: I wonder what they have as a battery. Tesla, for example, uses conventional 18650 finger batteries combined into huge cassettes.

Same as the 18650. Why should this tractor use something else?

WB: I should not, but I could. I am hoping for a breakthrough in the field of power supply. Electric vehicles are the engine of progress in this area.

gsg: must have a cassette of Tesla batteries... so that the segment can be extracted and inserted into the Tesla... in general, the standardization of auto batteries is needed

Its: It is even cooler if the whole body can be inserted into a truck, in a specially designed slot. :D

Even more cool, if the three future Model 6 will automatically team up a tractor, from 5 - a personal electric aircraft, and from 12 - an orbital shuttle :)
In order of flight of fantasy and dreams...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129482
I guessed :

News again wiped off: "Scientists: replacing the topols with other trees will save the city from puha". I also want to be a scientist.

That scientists were touched by officials who were touched by allergists, but the worker can not cut all the topol immediately and plant other trees - expensive! Find us the cheaper options, scientists! Therefore, scientists are spending government money on useless research only to convince a hard-legged chinush that cutting a topol is the cheapest option available. As a result, money from the city budget is spent on replacing trees plus research by scientists, or simply on research, because it is not enough to cut the topols.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129481
Call Lagutenko and clarify when the times cleaner will deliver.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129480
Do you want to compare our medicine with the US? In the country where they are treated. When my mother's friend assigned radium baths that provoked the tumor, and when trying to remove it, did not remove it, but cut it in half? Where was another acquaintance removing a benign tumor on the brain paralyzed her, and she remained a paralyzed disabled at 28 years old? Where my mother was treated for a month in the hospital for nothing, dropping antibiotics in such a volume that she is now fainting? Or how I was almost killed by an 8-year-old, injected with an antibiotic to which I am allergic, which was written right on the first sheet of the card? I have a lot of such examples!
I am currently working in the hospital as an economist. How much money do doctors “wash” money? How do pills deal with what they don’t do to patients? Or tell them about how they often acquire them from the balls – themselves not knowing what they really need? How do you buy batches for 5 p., provided they wholesale them for 20k? Or tell you how to make contracts for 100,000. Rupees for nonsense 50% of which go to the main doctors in the pocket?
Well, if you want to get expensive doctors like in the United States, try to treat people, not slander them. For now, we can only lie down and die.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna