— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №83725
Oak E1

aaa: dog weighs 65 kg

BBB: 8-( not bad such a dog

ccc: she just licked you, and you’re already crazy and not tasty

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №83724
to this:

When I went to work, I thought I was very stress-resistant... a year later I thought about consulting a psychotherapist =( saport, such saport...

he he. I have been working in Sapporo for 10 years. I thought I would calm down. and Nirvana. After another mother's cry on the client went to a psychiatrist. He sent me to a psychologist, and the psychologist was so upset with me that I was expelled from the office. My Kung Fu was stronger. Soon, with such a reserve of anger, I will be able to kill people with my eyes.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №83723
What do you know about zero?
YYY: There was no such thing in Rome.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №83722
Recently in a spare parts store. I am standing with my father, a girl who is buying a towel for a car for the first time. I pick up a bottle, and Daddy walks behind his wallet. The further dialogue:

No need, I will pay myself. My own car!
Seller-woman, indulgence: Never prevent a man from taking care of you.
I, on the machine: It’s not a man, it’s a daddy!

She found nothing to object to.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №83721
Comments under the video of the Proton-m disaster in English:

In fact, everything went as planned. A year ago we launched 3 underwater Glonass satellites, now we launched 3 underground Glonass satellites. You, stupid Americans, just don’t understand all the genius of our future navigation system!

Have you found a short route to the other side of the planet?

Well yes. The rocket should jump out at you in Nashville on Independence Day.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №83720
I listen to all the industryals in the car. I am periodically scared. Something seems to have gone off :)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №83719
IT department of a large international company, meeting with a summary.
Chief: "We have achieved a lot in these six months. For example, Alexander has reached enlightenment" xD

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №83718
Don’t expect a bright future, please be happy with a bright tomorrow. Nick Blue

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №83717
Nizhnevartovsk, on the street +5, it rains, the sky is tightly stretched by clouds. The phrase heard in the store:
A third of the summer has already been overwintered.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №83716
After the adoption of the law on the protection of the feelings of believers in Russia, the earth has become flat, and rockets are now hitting the sky.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №83715
Sponsor of the military coup in Egypt - Krasnodar Territory Resorts?

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №83714
to this:
I thought about discrimination against disabled people. Why don’t we see any disabled among the TV hosts? Are they being oppressed? Don’t let them work like everyone else?
I want to see single-handed, strangle-eyed and downs among the leading state channels!

All the Dauphins went to members.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №83713
This is the foolish man and his like.

I counted here, I have a cat, I fell, a month at 3000 p viscas eats. Nobody wants a cat? =) is

So when will you all finally realize that the whiskey-fries-kitchette is not only harmful to the cat, but also expensive? There are horns, horns and tails, they are not full at all, so cats eat a lot. Check out the cat for normal food, the so-called "premium class" - and the cat will be healthier, and you will save - both on food and on urethritis medications. Normal foods are full and their cat needs only 60-80 grams per day. I have two cats eating a pack of 3 kg for 800 rubles a month, or even more. Ask in the animal shops of the city, bleat.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №83712
Morning News: On the island of Java, cannibals ate a.Net programmer

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №83711
Tatty: So, did you order my pass?
Anna: No, I did not give it.
Tatty: And why?
Anna: It turns out that we only get permission from 18!
What are you doing so badly at your job?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №83710
(Discussions about the unsuccessful launch of a missile in Baikonur)
He recalled the case when Ukrainian "rocketers" accidentally shot down a Israeli aircraft with passengers on board "...
WOW: then the Mascals swore up the full aircraft and shot down our peacefully flying missile!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №83709
The cause of the fall of the rocket "proton": poorly provided services for education provided by the RPC

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №83708
At work, I talk on the phone: he loves soft and gentle, and I love hard! This is what I should do?
I see the boss’s face. How did he explain that it was about processing photos? And, most importantly, how to remove this strange smile from his face? The cock is scary! O_O

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №83707
There are four main versions of the "Proton M" crash:
and gay;
U.S. adopted children
The blasphemers;
by Alexei Navalny.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №83706
to Reflections
>> xxx: How bad the feeling that the understanding with Yulia was better than with Lena...
YYY: That is normal.
Yyy: Julia was a colleague!! to
YYY: Lena, at best, is just the mother of your children.

mutual understanding is always better with the woman with whom you do not have a commodity-money relationship :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna